The End

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Well, guys, it's finally finished! This story is finally finished! 12.10.19 - 03.06.20. At first I thought I'll have time to spare for this book when I'm about to start schooling again. What the f*ck was I thinking. Welp, lesson learned, never start a story when you're about to start school.
Anyways, I would like to thank you guys very much for taking the time to read this story. Even though I never replied to your comments, trust me when I say this, I'm very happy when🥰☺🥰💖 when I see a positive or funny comment about the story. You guys had boosted my confidence in making this story more enjoyable... I hope. But one thing I'd like to apologize is how I write my sentences. It seems like I have a lot to learn about writing beautiful sentences with new words to describe that specific scenario. For now, it's all just simple words and I hope it's okay. 💙💚 I'll improve someday if I do come back to writing. But compared to my first story, I can say I have improved so much in the second and this book. 😅😂
I think I'll take a break from Wattpad for a while. God knows when I'll return but I will and when the time comes, maybe I'll be writing a different ship, could be DC or anime.
I couldn't thank you guys enough for the love and support of this story.
Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I love you guys and stay safe... please, stay safe... for now, the world is unpredictable and anything could change overnight.
Love Cyrus ☺💖

Love Cyrus ☺💖

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