"I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. I should've called you. I lost my phone so I couldn't pick up your calls. I'm sorry Finny." I mumbled softly.

"I was scared and I was alone. You promised me you would never leave me like that. What have you done to yourself! It's worse." Fin trembled.

"I'm so sorry. It will never happen again." I apologized though seeing him hurt pierced my heart.

"You're my brother, you're broken and I hate you for what you've done to yourself no matter how fragile the situation was and you're my brother, you're hurt and I love you also for trying this hard always so I have to forgive you." Fin said hugging me back. It was the best thing happened to me in all these madness.

"Well I forgive you but I know ma will not. Answer her too." Fin chuckled. His smile lighten up my morning though he wasn't wrong here."She might kill you when she'll be back after knowing the amount you've taken from so-called your account."

"About that.. I will handle it." I replied.

"So unlike you I don't have a written self vacation , I have to go to school." Fin groaned.

"Alright you go get ready and I will make you breakfast." I was definitely feeling better. He ran into his room and I walked into kitchen.

While I was preparing breakfast, Erick came downstairs. Yawning as widely as possible for him.

"You kinda have giant mouth, have you ever noticed?" I greeted him.

"Shut up! Good morning" he was extremely drowsy which even made me envious of him.

"Good morning." I replied tossing eggs.

"You really didn't sleep did you? Damn Theo!" Erick exclaimed.

"You really don't understand insomnia can really be a 'thing' which is unfortunately a serious issue." I mentioned the fact.

"Yea mate, I know. I'm concerned." He said then tiredly rest his head on eating counter.

"So how do you think you're going to get your phone back?" he asked after little snoring.

"I was wondering if that guy Jackson might help." I replied as I offered him a cup of black coffee and made same one for me too. Simultaneously I made the plates of omelette and toast for all of us.

"Why on earth he would help? Like I agree he helped Bailey and George escape but after defeating him you brought him hard time. He might now want revenge." Erick said sipping coffee.

"He will help. He might still be in trouble because I got papers. They must already tormenting him terribly. I'll offer him the papers in exchange of my phone." I said all I had in mind.

"Are you out of your mind!" Erick nearly screamed.

"Yep he is. As you can see his face. Whenever he was bound to take any decision he locks his mind away." Fin entered sitting beside Erick. Erick burst in laughter joined by Fin.

"Yea yea like being friends with you Erick. That is one of them" I curved my lips and faking a smile.

"That's so mean!" Erick gasped.

"Burn!" Fin teased and I passed him his breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, Erick went to take shower and Fin was leaving for school.

"The time I am out of home don't do anything stupid again. It's a humble request." Fin said.

"I won't." I smiled as he walked towards Bailey's house. Where he Jamie and Harry hopped in their school bus and left for school. Bailey was standing at their main door looking stable by far. All I could do to smile at him and he smiled back.

Then an idea came into my mind, what if I ask George in order to get Jackson's contact. Or George could set up a meeting instead. Obviously he was darn pissed at Jackson and not in any bloody condition he was gonna talk to him, but I had no other option. I should at least try it out.

Around ten in the morning, Erick missed the school again and was sitting with me in living room. I already told him about how are we gonna ask Jackson for my phone and through who? Erick seemed convinced by far. These papers were key to my wildly hidden and locked part of past. My mind was drifting away and I needed answers.

We didn't have George's contact information so Erick decided to take the papers and Xerox them whereas I decided to go to the Bailey's residence.

I was standing outside his door. Feeling kind of weird and awkward after everything that just happened last day. I knock about three times when Mrs. Atwell opened the door and a mild smile ran across her face as she invited me in.

"How are you Theo?" She politely asked. Though she could see through me and through my scars.

"I'm fine. Doing good." I replied, taking a look around. "How's Bailey where is he?"

"Uh, he's in his room, I guess he's fine." The smile came off of her face as she lead me the way to Bailey's room, across the stairs. I didn't know at that moment if she knows about how Bailey got his injuries but it was pretty obvious he didn't tell her a thing or she wouldn't be this polite.

"Bailey, Theo's here." She knocked at his room and unlocked the door.

"I'll leave you two." She left. Bailey didn't say anything when she was here. Bailey sit uncomfortably on a bean bag and I sat on the near chair. He was still pretty bruised and he had a thick bandage like plaster around his torso that was visible through his tank top. No doubts why Mrs. Atwell was perturbed by his torn up condition. It seemed like he and George went straight to doctor after the fight. Perfect decision though.

"How are you now?" I asked after an awkward silence.

"I've been better." He quietly replied.

"So George how is he doing?" I hesitantly asked.

"He's fine, I wanted to thank you for what you've done for both of us." He chimed passing a smile.

"Ah that.. it's fine." I chuckled little nervously.

"Umm.. hey Bailey, I needed a favour, kind of." It was so weird walking in here just for my need.

"Yea, anything?" He said, shifting his position a little. Then I told him sufficient information for him to agree to contact Jackson.

"To be honest, I don't really know him much rather than he was George's best friend and then stabbed him in the back. I don't know if he'll turn out to be much of a help here. That video was wild, I would help you in anyway you want but contacting Jackson is like shooting broken arrows in the dark." He explained a small part of who Jackson was and it could probably be a dead end.

"Can you ask George to give his contact info or even better just tell him to meet up and bring my fucking phone with him." I was now a bit restless. This restlessness is reason for my reckless behaviour.

"Lemme call him, we'll see." He dialled George's number. He picked after few rings.

"Hey, Bai what's up!" George sounded relieved and quite cheerful unlike the yesterday version of him.

"Hey!" He said, "Georgie Theo is here wanna talk to ya." He added.

"George, how are you?" I asked in formality.

"Good, you?"

"Fine, hey I needed a favour from you. Could you be perhaps help me out here?" I straight way jumped to the basic matter.

"Yea, sure anything." He replied sort of like Bailey but I didn't know how was he gonna react about contacting Jackson.

"I need you to talk to Jackson or if you have any info to which I can contact him. It's really really necessary. It's damn important or I wouldn't ever ask you this." I finally asked him. And he went complete silent after that. I kind of knew it must infuriated him.


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