Act II

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"Chapter 18 - Luke's POV"

"Hey, man. You sure you're alright?"

Calum Hood decided to pay his friend a visit right after the museum invitation because apparently, Luke didn't speak the whole ride back home and it was unusual for him not to get in the banters like they always do. It was a bit him to keep his mum, though, but when they were all alone, away from everyone else, Luke was as cheerful as Petunia. Maybe even more.

But Luke merely brushed him off when he took a seat by the couch right in front of a big television watching sports. Downing alone a bottle of vodka while Cal stood there having second thoughts on leaving him alone. "I'm alright, dude. It's okay. I'll call if I need anything."


"Deadass." Calum felt slightly confident that he'll get through whatever it is that's bothering him.

On the other hand, Luke kept drinking shots after shots. He hadn't even noticed he'd already reached the half of it and still felt nothing while stuck changing channels on the television until he ended up with some old cartoon and decided to stick with it all the while still drinking his ass off.

He couldn't admit to himself why he was drinking but then again, there it is, knocking at the back of his head. The words he said to her on the museum. The words that came out of his mouth without any warnings at all. "I wish we never met." It sent chills up on his body once more that he had to take another shot. And two more for goodluck. Before remembering how her eyes looked like right after he said those words.

And there was that tiny bit of a voice that says—he wanted to regret it. But then, the anger almost always slipped through instantly and right then, he knew it was the right thing to say. Luke knew it was better to keep her at a distance for both of their own good. He was trying to keep himself altogether. The least thing they could both do now is give each other some space.

Even if her actual job was to get close to them every damn time.

Luke downed two more glasses before he went up to find himself something to eat. He was scanning through the hotel menu when four loud knocks pulled him away from the thought of steaks and he went over to the door to see who it was—when to his surprise.

SINCE DAY ONE ― luke hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now