Welcome to Atlantis

Start from the beginning

            The view took my breath -- the water out of me -- because I've never seen the city before

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            The view took my breath -- the water out of me -- because I've never seen the city before. I never knew how high tech and futuristic it is. It looks like an actual city on land but even better.
            There's vehicle powered by salt waters, buildings, and apartments made out of sea materials, light sources provided by creatures and magic and so many more.
            "Welcome to Atlantis." She said. "Now, let's get you into the palace."
            "Where exactly is Atlantis located?" I ask. "Was it necessary for us to pass through the dark zone to get to Atlantis?"
            "That's one of the ways." She said. "The dark zone is like what the humans call, a back door."
            "The main entrance is located on the East side of the Indian Ocean."
            "If only we knew that before entering the dark zone." I thought to myself.
            While swimming, I've attracted the attention of the people. Aside from regular sea creatures, I'm the only siren around here.
            From the looks on their face, some seemed scared, some are on guard, some are excited, and some are just normal.
            "Why are they looking at me?" I ask Mera.
            "It's been years since we've had sirens visiting our place." She said. "The last was Zayka and he left a bad first impression for the people to remember because he terrorized a lot of innocent Atlantians." 
            "What made him do that?" I ask.
            "He and his family went for a vacation to the surface, they were supposed to return after one week but one month passed and no one has heard from them." She said. "One day, he came back, injured badly, he called everyone out to witness his siren transformation. Right after his transformation, he was fully healed and he started attacking the people, their accommodations, seniors and children, and many more."
            "Blood covered the waters for a while but thanks to the kingdoms guard, they chased him out of Atlantis."
            "Who knew one being could cause so much damage." I said. "Especially towards a kingdom with powers of their own."
            "Zayka is born in the kingdoms' strongest royal blood. When he became a siren, he used his song as his main weapon... along with his powers to slaughter the innocent." She said. "Till today, no one knows why he went from an innocent Prince to a ferocious Siren."
            I don't know what to say.
            Apparently, no one knows the reason for Zayka's transformation and changes in his behavior. No one knows the reason why he became who is he is because he lost his family and only lover... Aqua Jewel.
            Was it my fault?
            The LOA and mother caused this to happen which affected not only the Depth Family but also Zayka, and the people of Atlantis. One clan caused many deaths of another.
            It's scary how everything has a connection whether it involves you or not. Consequences go to the innocent even when they did nothing.
            As we kept swimming, I started contemplating if I should let her know the real reason as to why Zayka changed... or should I just let her find out the truth someday.
            No, I can't say anything now. If I do, I might just become their enemy.
            Maybe when they catch Zayka someday, perhaps he will tell them... and hopefully, I'll be human again by then.
            When she took her hand back, it brought me back to my senses. I looked up to see that we've arrived in front of the gates of the palace.
            The gate wasn't guarded by guards or anyone like a normal palace would. Instead, the gate has a key structure to which only magic could open.
            I turn to see Mera using her powers to open the gate.
            The gate opened after a while. She cooled down her powers and held her hand out towards me. I reach her hand as we enter.
            We entered the throne room. Like many palaces, there's the throne for the king and queen, fancy decors, royal guards surrounding each exit and entrance, and so on.
            "Neat," I said while gazing around the throne room.
            "You think so?" She chuckles.
            "My Queen!" A guard caught my attention. "Zayka's returned! Protect the Queen!"
            I thought maybe Zayka was in the room so I looked around only to find all the guards approaching us... or me. Only then I realized that the guards thought I was Zayka.
            "Stand down!" Mera covered me with an arm. The guards lowered down their spears and stood straight just a few tails in front of us. "He's not Zayka Depth!"
            "Who is he then?" A guard asks.
            "That is none of your concern." She said. "All you need to know is that he is a friend, not a foe."
            "No harm is to come upon him. Understand?"
            "Yes, my queen." All the guards said at ones just before returning to their original position.
            "Thank you." She lightly bowed her head. "Alert me at ones if the King returns. We will be in the Artifact Hall."
            "Understood, my Queen." A black guard said.
            Mera started swimming towards higher grounds to which I followed her. She led us to a passageway where a huge door sits at the end.
            "Ready to see your memories of Zayka?" She asks.

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