"What?!" Shatter roared in frustration at the twins. It was pretty rare to see him mad but the very thought of him being angry was inferior to the actual thing. But Racquel and Tristan simply shrugged, as if he wasn't the boss of Drakos.

"Come on, those hands were pretty sweet!" Racquel retorted. "They shoot acid for Thor's sake!"

"Yeah! Don't worry, they're safely hidden in my room." Tristan grinned from ear-to-ear, earning him a scowl from Racquel.

"Hey! I thought it was in my room!"

"No, butthead. My room is more... exquisite!"

"Do you even know what that mean?"

"Does it mean better than your ugly dirty room?"

That's when Shatter had enough, "Alright, that's enough!" He declared in a thunderous voice.

Heather, who was unfazed from Shatter's outburst, narrowed her eyes at the large man. "So why didn't you help us sooner."

Shatter let out another sigh, "If you must know... that girl isn't the only mole in Drakos. She was accompanied by three more who were able to sneak in Drakos." He explained.

"But, wouldn't you have noticed a couple new and suspicious guys?" Eret questioned.

"We would have except, they weren't exactly new nor suspicious. Well, according to out records. It says there that they recently came from an undercover mission that lasted for a few years and had just returned. They were able to hack and tamper our records. But then, all of a sudden, what they placed in our records suddenly disappeared and we were able to find them."

"Ahh..." Finn mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "That might have been my doing..." At the group's questioning look, he continued. "The virus I used to hack in Drakos might have erased every trace of past tamperings because... I can explain!" He immediately said once he saw Shatter's face contort into a terrifying scowl. "We had to it so we could figure out who the mole is!"

Shatter, for the umpteenth time, sighed. "Even though I don't approve of it, I certainly can commend you for trying to help. And that virus of yours might have helped us in some way so thank you."

"By the way, how did you figure Kai was... Artemis?" Shawn asked Tristan, who was busy trying to turn his dreads into a beard.

"Well, we might have tried to prank Kai one time by changing bathroom signs. Then, when Shawn you said that alarms goes off when you step to the wrong restroom, that just clicked in me that when he walked in, no alarms went off." Tristan replied with a shrug.

The rest simply stared indecorously at him, absolutely gobsmacked and flabbergasted at his weirdly-sophisticated answer. Everyone knew that the twins are the most dumbest organisms in the planet and hearing Tristan speak big-boy stuff, it nearly brought a tear in their eyes.

Shatter let out a hearty laugh that shook the entire infirmary, and then clapped the lanky man in the back, nearly causing him to fall down on his face. "Good job, Mr. Thorston! Not only are you a demolition's expert, but you are quite the genius." He exclaimed.

Racquel crossed her arms and huffed, "Great, now I'm the only stupid one in the family." She grumbled.

Tristan grinned at her, "Nuh uh, you and cousin Gruffnut are!" He teased before letting out a wild guffaw.

But before they could start a fight, someone burst in through the infirmary doors. His tar-black hair fell down his panicking eyes, which were now devoid of eyebags. Cutthroat rushed briskly towards Shatter, and bowed so low that his head might hit the ground.

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