Chapter 37

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[Hayden's P.O.V]

After that awful announcement, we were now escorted out in the yard. It wasn't that bad. It had a well-built basketball court, a good desirable amount of bleachers, and of course, who could forget the iron pile. As soon as we were in, everyone else dispersed into their respective places.

The jacked and buff guys immediately took over the iron pile, quickly placing the heaviest plates in the bar. The hoopers, who are mostly the dark-skinned folks, rushed into the court and started their game of ball. Those who aren't part of a gang or are just plain lonely, merely roamed around aimlessly in the yard. Some would hang around the storage area. which is a small shack where the equipment are placed.

Other than the divisions in here, I noticed another set of divisions. The first is the ones that admired and praised me for killing off the Outcasts. I recognized them when I heard them talking about me and their not-so-sneaky glances at me with a look of awe. The second were the ones who feared me for my murderous actions. It wasn't that hard to spot them, since they're the ones who immediately avoided me and won't even look at me in the eye.

The last one, which is probably the most important, is the ones who hated and despise me. I could sense the dirty looks they've been giving me all day. But that will make my job easier. If they hated me, then they must be in league or at least respected Alvin. And since Drago and Alvin worked together, I bet Khan will be one of these people. I just have to find a way to talk to him.

But right now, my mind is a little distracted. Specifically because of a certain red-haired man who resembles a bear and is actually bigger than the man named Bear. I already knew he was going to be here. I heard about it from a long time ago. Apparently, someone found out he was abusing me and he was filed for child abuse. But that happened when I went missing. I never knew who found out about it but at the same time, it didn't matter.

Ever since I found out about him, I monitored his movements and transfers, which was because of his terrifying and large form. But this was the last transfer I heard he was placed so when that goon from last time told me about Khan, I was both glad and angry. Glad because it would make my job easier that I knew someone from the inside. Angry because the gods wanted to punish me once again for my sins. But it doesn't matter now.

I began walking towards the middle of the yard. I need to find my... father so I could get some info in this prison. I need every single story, background, and detail so that I could get what I want and make a quick escape. If my...  he won't help me, I'll just go the people who admired me. If not, maybe I could throw some Night Fury pizzazz and force the info out of them. But I hope it won't come to that.

After a clean scan around the yard, I finally found him. He was sitting alone in the bleachers with his head down. Hmm, I guess we do have something in common.

With my target in sight, I started heading towards him. Some of the convicts saw me and where I was headed and then gasp. Maybe they thought I was going to beat him up so I could take control of the entire prison. Though that sounds fun, I have no time for that.

As if he felt my presence coming, he lifted his head and after seeing me, a look of horror and fear crossed his face.

Well, at least I know now which side he belongs...

I have to admit that when I saw him look at me like that, I felt a sharp stake plunge my heart. Even if he wasn't a father to me, he still is, by blood. And to see a person who I share the same blood with, look at me as if I was a monster, a demon, or to his words, a devil spawn, I couldn't help but feel crushed. Past thoughts and feelings began rushing inside me, all at once. Both my tattoos in my chest seemed to burn a searing pain into my skin as if to remind me of what I am. But I forced all of those feelings down once again.

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