Chapter 28

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Prepare yourselves, my fellow httyd fans. This will be the end of the first... uhh arc? I guess. I only have two arcs so whatever. But just to remind you, I'm ending this arc with a bang.

[Normal P.O.V]

Night Fury ran down the stairs as quickly as possible. The sounds of the explosions underneath him made the entire building shake, nearly throwing him off. He just made a horrible mistake.


Night Fury stood in front of a fallen Drago, his sword aimed at his throat. When he pressed the detonator, it caused a chain reaction of explosions that nearly demolished the lower part of the building. The building began to shake, distracting Drago long enough for Night Fury to grab his bullhook and impale it in Drago's stomach.

Drago fell down to his knees, blood trickling down his lips. His ragged breath reverberated across the room.

"Any last words, Bludvist?"

Drago merely chuckled. "You... h- have no idea what you have just done."

Night Fury raised an eyebrow at the man, a frown forming on his face. "What do you mean?"

His eyes wandered to his desk, before returning to Night Fury. With a smug smile, he replied, "Why... should I... tell you? I have no-"

With one swing of his sword, passing through Drago's neck, permanently cutting off his way of oxygen and blood, Drago's lopped off head fell to the ground with a disgusting squish. A silent but gruesome kill.

With emotionless eyes, he walked calmly to Drago's desk. Bursts of fire and gas were exploding beneath him but unfazed, he reached Drago's desk. There was nothing but a small compartment- which contained a lighter, a knife, and a razor-a lamp, an old parchment scroll, and a flat-screen computer.

Night Fury picked up the scroll, opening it, then read it:

Drago, where is the package? I only asked you to take care of it for a few days. I know it's yours, but you entrusted it with me. I better have it in next month or the deal's off


Night Fury frowned at the name. He heard about him before, but what's even worse is that he's collaborating with Drago. But they could worry about that later. For now, Night Fury is more concerned about the package they were talking about. If it's so valuable that Drago is hiding it from Grimmel, then they must have it.

Night Fury then switched his attention to the computer, which is just a bunch of cameras of each floor. Floor cameras' one to eight were already gone due to the bombs. Then his eyes wandered to a specific room-Floor 11. It was the same strange room that had no functional purpose.

So far, the room was untouched. The bed was still there and there were no signs of entry. But what caught Night Fury's eye was the bed. The sheets were messed up, and the pillows had crinkles in it, a sign that someone had just lay on it.

Then, Night Fury's eyes widened, as realization dawned on him. The sheets. The bed. The strange empty room. The package. Everything fell to its places like pieces to a puzzle.

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