"What do you mean by that, Astrid?" He asked.

He watched as said girl widened her eyes and blushed. She turned her head away to hide it, but it was too late. Hayden tried to hide the smirk on his face but ended up kissing her on the lips for a chaste moment, which only made her blush burn more.

"What is it? You can tell me." He said to her with a comforting smile.

"I- uhh... It's just that... do you really think we can make this work?" She replied with an almost hopeful look in her eyes.

Hayden's heart melted at that look. He wanted to say it will, and that everything would be okay. But he honestly doesn't know. Their lives are entirely different now. Everyday, their lives will be at risk, a chance of death. Will they both be strong enough to if one of them gets caught in it?

He breathed out a sigh, "I don't know the right answer for it. But I'm willing to try..."

That wasn't the answer that Astrid was looking for, but it was the one she needed. Even she herself didn't know the answer, but she's glad they thought the same. A wide smile graced her lips as her hand rose to clasp over Hayden's.

"And I'll try as well..." She said.

Hayden smiled back, "Good. I guess this will be a challenging mission."

Astrid scoffed with chuckle, "I guess it is."

"Anyway, let me go to the bathroom first. I've been holding one for a while now."

She breathed out a laugh, "Way to ruin the moment, Hayden."

"If you were in my spot, you'll do the same." Hayden snorted.

"True, true..."

He was about to run off and go to the 'restroom', when Astrid called him out again;

"Hayden, I have one last question."

He hummed, turning around to look at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Will you be willing... to spend the rest of your life with me?" She asked warily. Her heartbeat began to quicken again when he saw Hayden's emotionless expression.

"That sounds like a proposal, Mi'lady." He replied tonelessly.

Astrid had to swallow a gulp as she replied with a shaky voice, "Wh- what if it is?" She cursed herself for sounding like a love-sick maiden.

A moment passed and the same expression was still plastered on Hayden's face. Astrid thought that she messed up, and she was about to deny her own words when suddenly, in a flash, Hayden marched forward with heavy steps, grabbed the back of her head, and puller her into a passionate kiss.

Her knees immediately felt weak, daring to buckle. Luckily, his hand snaked around her waist and pulled her upward. Her hand rose to his hair, and tugged him forward as she returned the kiss with equal force. Astrid felt like it was her first kiss all over again.

They were like two sides of a magnet—a natural force between them that kept them attached. With her eyes closed, Astrid found herself lost in space and time, soaring through staggering heights. Her mind went blank. Jolts of electricity shot from her lips into her toes. Her stomach flip-flopped, her bones turned to jelly, and a feeling of lightness spread in her chest, running through every nerve and fiber like a tidal wave.

When Hayden broke the kiss, she was in a daze. He pressed his forehead against hers, panting. The couple broke into a grin as they tried to catch their breaths.

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