"Jeon Jungkook," Seokjin repeated, "and age?"


"I can't believe Taehyung hired you as a help," Seokjin scoffed, "I mean look at you, what kind of person looks like you and just cleans houses and babysits kids?"

Jungkook frowned and slowly shook his head from side to side, not catching on. He's been complimented on his looks, sure, but what exactly was Seokjin trying to say? He watched the older man type something on his phone before reaching into his pocket and handing Jungkook a card.

"As an owner of a label, I like to look for new people that'll make my company look good, a soloist and a girl group have already debuted under my company but I don't have many models, I'm little surprised but also happy that Taehyung didn't jump on this opportunity. You look good, simple as that, I'd like you to try it out."

Jungkook's heart stopped and his eyes bulged out of his head. He stared at the black and gold card on Seokjin's hand before looking back up at the older male to see if he was legit.

"I can't...I don't model," Jungkook shook his head before pulling the hamper up, "b-but thanks for the offer, that's cool."

'I just rejected the Kim Seokjin, Jimin is totally going to kick my ass'


"So what's your favourite food, Taeji?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh, oh! Mine is spasnetti!" Yunah said, raising her hand and leaning over the bar and accidentally bumping Hanbin. She turned and poked his arm, "hey, sorry."

"Spaghetti, but anyway this is for Taeji today."

Taeji looked up at him from her homework and shrugged, "just make spaghetti."

"You don't like spaghetti, you made it quite known the other day," Jungkook said pointedly.

Taeji looked back up at him and said, "you're interrupting my learning."

Jungkook sighed and refrained from throwing his arms up in frustration. "Okay fine, Yunah choose something instead of spaghetti."

Yunah hummed before looking at Hanbin, "what's your favourite food?"


Her eyes widened and she looked at Jungkook. "I want tacos! Can you and Hanbin eat with us tonight?"

Jungkook shook his head, "we'll eat when we go home."

"I-I want t-tacos—"

"Can you just not talk?" Taeji snapped.

"Hey, don't talk to my son," Jungkook said, "he can talk if he wants to, don't act like that."

"Well, he's in my house!" Taeji shouted.

"It's not your house, it's your father's, now apologize to him."

Taeji crossed her arms and shook her head. Yunah looked at her with a pout and reached over to move her older sister's hair out of her face.

"Taeji, you has to apowogize if Kookie says so," she said sweetly, "just say you sowwy."

"No," Taeji said, pushing the five year old away before looking at Jungkook, "I'm not apologizing for something that's true, he shouldn't talk."

Jungkook pursed his lips and stared down at the girl who was glaring up at him.

"How would you feel if someone made fun of Yunah?" Jungkook asked, watching her expression fall blank, "it wouldn't feel too good, especially if it was something she can't help. How would you feel if you were being made fun of for the way you looked, walked, or talked?"

Taeji stayed quiet and Jungkook gave her one last glance and said,


He didn't say another word as he began to fry the meat for tacos. He had told Hanbin they'd buy tacos from Taco Bell when they leave and Hanbin seemed okay with that as he didn't want to eat there with Taeji anyway. He fried what he would assume would be enough for Taehyung, Taeji, and Yunah before heating up the tortillas and the taco shells.

It was already seven by the time he made Taeji and Yunah a plate and had them seated at the table. Taehyung had come down then, greeting his two daughters, and nodding at Jungkook who was telling Hanbin to put his shoes on while he packed his books into his bag.

"Daddy, Taeji got in twouble!" Yunah said, "she was being mean to Binnie."

Taehyung frowned at her before looking at Jungkook for clarification. Jungkook shook his head and waved.

"No, it's okay," he said, "I just told her she needs to think twice about what she says."

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as he walked towards the counter to make his own food but Jungkook stopped him,

"I already made your plate, Yunah helped me." Yunah smiled and nodded.

"I told him you don't like tomatoes or the sour cweam."

Taehyung nodded and thanked him before asking, "what happened?"

"Hanbin has a speech impediment," Jungkook explains, "he can't help when he stutters and he does it a lot, she made an unnecessary comment about his speech and has been doing so for a while now, I finally told her it's time to stop."

They both looked at her but she was glaring down at her food. Taehyung sighed.


She released a short scream, taking Jungkook by surprise. Hanbin covered his years and cringed, flinching as the seven-year-old kicked the table and flipped her plate. It landed on the floor and shattered but she didn't care as she stood up and stomped towards the stairs.

Jungkook quickly got over his shock and gently pushed Hanbin away so he could walk forward. "I'll get that, I shouldn't have even mentioned anything."

"No, no," Taehyung waved, "it's okay, I'll get later — Yunah be careful, don't step on the glass."

"No, I'll get it," Jungkook insisted but Taehyung waved him off again and shook his head before saying, "no need, I'm down here, aren't I? I'm not a handicap, go on now, it's past your time, you get off at seven."

Jungkook frowned. 'One minute he's nice and another minute he's pushy and rude?'

Not wanting to argue, the younger male turned around with his hands on Hanbin's back. He was almost out of the kitchen when Taehyung stopped him again.

"Did Seokjin talk to you today?"

"Uh...yes? Why?"

"I should be asking you the same thing."


He was once again waved off by the nonchalant man. "Good night, see you tomorrow."

'What is wrong with him...? It seems better with him not around'


Word Count: 1714

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