When You're Safe - Zane & Lloyd

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It had been hours since the girls returned and showered and were fed. They hadn't said many words, only stared off into space or snuggled close to their loved ones. Z/G/N had already called her mother who was extremely worried and she clarified that she would return tomorrow but would spend the night with Zane so he could make sure she was safe. Cole had talked to his dad and Aunt for L/G/N since she was in no place to be talking at the moment. Everyone was curious and worried. They wanted to know what happened but knew the girls would need time to process what happened. 

Currently, the ninja and the two girls were sitting in the game room. L/G/N was curled in to the corner, sitting next to her brother who had his feet kicked onto the coffee table. Lloyd was in a beanbag next to the couch, trying to stay close to his girlfriend in case she needed anything. Zane was next to his girlfriend on the opposite side of the couch and Kai and Jay were sitting next to the television. Everyone's focus shifted constantly around the room, focusing on the two girls for long moments. It wasn't until Z/G/N put her phone down that anyone said a word. "Is your mother still texting you?" Zane asked his girlfriend, to which she slowly nodded. "Question after question. She's worried."

"That's pretty understandable," Kai told her. She nodded, staring at the phone that she placed on the coffee table. She looked at L/G/N who was staring at the ground with a lost look in her eyes. She constantly replayed the scenes in her head. What he did to her. What he said. What he wanted. 

"What happened in there?" Jay asked, Z/G/N's eyes meeting his with a certain hopelessness in them. "You don't have to," Zane assured her, his hand laying on hers. "It's alright. You all deserve to know," she said softly with a slight smile. Zane nodded to her, to which she took a deep breath. "He shoved me in this room and for a day I was alone. He didn't give me any food or water, he didn't say a word. But then L/G/N was thrown in." 

The girl next to her brother flinched. She heard every word. Everything inside of her begged to scream, to cry out and make Z/G/N stop. She wanted to take something and throw it as far as she could, she wanted to close her eyes and wake up in a different world. She wanted to be in her bed, curled into a ball, and escape. She wanted it to stop. The voices in her head. The images. The memories.

"We sat there for a while. He didn't do anything. I was taken by a girl, m-maybe a man, I don't know. But she was taken by a man. Did you get them?"

Cole shook his head, "Unfortunately not," he said lowly. "We will, but we haven't."

Z/G/N nodded. "Well, it went on like that for a day. I remember falling asleep, L/G/N said she would wake me if anything changed. She was so angry and determined. I didn't want to go to sleep because she bruised her ribs and had a cut on her hand but she told me to rest, so I did. The next thing I know, there was this awful noise. It was so loud. It was like a siren blasting in the room." She paused and stared at L/G/N who remained silent. She was more tense now, her arms wrapped completely around her knees and her chin resting upon them. Cole looked at his sister and took the blanket from behind him and laid it upon her shoulders. She flinched, but then welcomed the warmth and he patted it down, making sure she was warm so her trembling could falter.

"It was worse than a siren. We covered our ears and clenched our teeth, begging for it to stop. We screamed for so long," she whimpered, wiping a tear from her eye as she continued on. Zane's hand tightened around hers and she welcomed the comfort. "When it stopped, he came on this intercom and asked us questions. But when we didn't answer, he moved on to greater measures."

"What kind of... measures?" Kai asked carefully, trying to test the water before he jumped right in. "He dropped the temperature of the room so we were freezing. Our blankets didn't do anything to help. It was so cold," she answered. She looked down, "Like ice," she whispered.

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