When You Meet- Lloyd

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(Y/N) is your name
(H/C) means hair color
EBF/N means friend's name 
IMPORTANT: EBF/N will be changed to Ex-Best Friend later on, which is why it's EBF/N. Kay'? Coolio.

Your POV

I was playing volleyball with my best friend, Ally. We had a tournament in New Ninjago City in an hour. As of now we were serving the ball back and fourth, trying to pass time. "Come on girls, get ready to leave." the coach called out, looking at EBF/N and I.

I nodded and shoved the ball into my backpack, rushing into the bathroom to change. I pulled on my white jersey and black spandex shorts. I then pulled my H/C hair into a long ponytail and fishtail braided the back. I pulled a Nike headband onto the top of my hair, seeing I was satisfied, I tied my volleyball shoes and ran out of the bathroom. I slung my bag over my shoulder and jogged out of the facility, running to the bus stop where the other girls were loading on.

I climbed on, sitting close to the front. EBF/N sat in the third row on the left side of the bus so I slid in next to her. I plugged my head phones into my phone and started my music as I waited for the forty minute bus ride to come to an end.

On the way to the tournament I imagined my serves and passes to the beat of the song. My family was a big musical family so it kind of runs through my blood.

Forty minutes later I was interrupted by someone shaking my shoulder, I turned my head to see EBF/N pointing out the window, signifying we were here.

I pulled out my earbuds and stuffed them in my bag, powering my phone all the way down. I climbed out of the bus and ignored all stares and whistles.

I walked straight into the building and set my stuff on a chair. I pulled out my water and relocated it to my outside pocket. I try not to focus on everyone around me, it makes me nervous. 

As I was sitting on the bleachers, one boy drew my attention in the crowd. It was odd for me to look around at the people but I was feeling confident today. The boy looked a little older than me, but strangely familiar. Sitting next to him was a boy in a green sweatshirt. On his left was a boy in a blue sweatshirt and then there was a boy in red and white on the other sides. The boy in black still had my focus.

I was snapped out of my wonders when EBF/N pinched my arm. "Ow!" I groaned.

"Sorry, you weren't paying attention. We have to get ready."

I walked over to my chair and waited for the referee to speak. "New Ninjago Club against Ninjago Elite. Serving from Ninjago Elite, we have Y/N Brookstone. You may serve on my whistle."

I walked onto my court, the other five girls joining me. The other team looked ready, all eyes on the ball.

I concentrated all my energy on the ball and threw it in the air,  I lunged back and jumped smacking the ball about sixty miles per hour to the other side. When I saw the ball was over, I ran to my position and started to get myself ready for the ball.

The ball came over and I bumped the ball up straight up while my other teammate set it. I stepped back and jumped up, smacking the ball in the center, slamming in to the ground on the other side of the court.

The other team looked at each other in shock, probably thinking, 'A girl that small can do that?'

My team ran to the center of the court, all celebrating our point. "Elite!" We all reached our hands in the center and lifted them high to the count of three. We did this every time we won a point.

In volleyball, you need twenty five points to win a match, then you move to match two. If the other team wins match two when you won match one, you play a match three. But if you win both matches, then you win the game. You get points when the other team misses the ball or serves it out.

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