When You Meet- Zane

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Your name is (Y/N)
Your last name is (L/N).
IMPORTANT: Zane is not a nindroid, it just seems weird with some of these scenarios.

Your POV

I sat in the library working on a science project for my after-school science club. I had just pulled three books from the shelf when I bumped into someone, falling backwards and my books falling on the floor.

I stood up and saw a boy about my age with bleach blonde hair that stood straight up. He was wearing a white hoodie and light jeans. I smiled at him and began to collect my books, he helped me stack them on the table.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"I'm Zane."

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

I brushed my clothes off and set the three books on a nearby table. "Excuse me." I said, walking away into the restroom. 

I found myself in front of the mirror, smoothing out my H/C hair. I flicked my arm back and pulled it in front of me, checking my watch. I still have some time.

I walked back to the table I set the books on, expecting to see Zane. He wasn't  there so I suspected he went on his own once more, he was in the library for a reason.

I picked up the books and walked to the table I was working at, a few feet away. I set them on my table to begin the production of my science project.

I began to glue on facts and research about hydrogen peroxide and its affects. There was no way I was finishing this today. I sighed to myself and opened up a book, reading some interesting facts about the chemicals. I sat down in the chair and began typing on my laptop, paraphrasing the paragraphs.

I was lost in thought with my school work until someone lightly tapped on my shoulder. I continued typing until I finished the sentence, then looking up. "Zane, hello again." I acknowledged. I stood up, pushing the chair in behind me. 

"Hi Y/N, I just wanted to say it was nice to meet you too, but I didn't get the chance because of my brothers."

I chuckled and nodded, "No worries, siblings can be like that."

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