When You're In The Hospital- Cole

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R/G/N is Random Girl Name

I sat up in the hospital bed, my foot elevated in straps with a large white, bulky cast wrapped around it. I had just woken up from a surgery where the doctors hoped to 'help' my case. It turns out that not only did I break the same bone as before, but it moved out of place and only a surgery could repair it. I was in an immense amount of pain and I really just wanted to chop my foot off and be done with it. 

 Cole was seated next to me, his father across the room and BF/N standing near the window with her arms folded across her chest. I was exhausted, bags forming under my eyes. We were all anxious about what the doctor would say and when I could start dancing again. My fingers were drumming against my thigh and Cole had to place his hand on mine to calm me down. 

There was a slight knock on the door and I sat up straighter, watching a woman in a white lab coat enter the room with a smile. "You're awake, how are you feeling?" she asked, placing her clip board onto the table. I shrugged, "I, uh, I could be better," I admitted. She let out a light chuckle and stood by the edge of the bed. 

Mr. B held out his hand, "Lou Brookstone," he introduced. "Dr. R/G/N," she replied. She had already met BF/N and Cole so now was the report on my foot. "So, the surgery went well," she told me. My eyes brightened and I glanced at Cole who gave my hand a tight squeeze. "So I can dance again?" I wondered.

She bit her lip, "The surgery was successful, and in eight weeks you should be able to walk again. But I'm afraid, you might never be able to dance again," she carefully said. It felt like all my breath was taken away from me and tears pooled in my eyes, but I fought to keep them in. "B-but the surgery was successful," BF/N stuttered, not completely understanding. 

"Yes, but your friends' foot will never completely heal. Y/N, I apologize, but after eight weeks, you will have to undergo weeks of physical therapy to even have the strength for your foot to be able to walk normally. Your foot is too damaged to heal."

"Is it possible for her to dance again? If she takes it easy and stops when she feels pain?" Cole asked.

"Yes, I suppose. But the chances aren't likely."

"She just got a scholarship into a prestigious dance academy, and she leaves in eight weeks. What are the chances she could attend the school?" Mr. B asked. The doctor sighed and picked up her clipboard, flipping through pages and files.

"I don't think that's possible. You could call the university and ask if they can allow her to train as an instructor under the scholarship. I can make a few calls if you like. And if you decide to make the risky decision to dance again, I would suggest waiting at least ten weeks before even attempting. And if you feel any pain, wait at least two days before dancing again."

"So, I can dance again?" I blurted. She shook her head, "It's really not recommended, and I can't tell you to try because then your foot could break and you may never be able to walk again. I am truly sorry," she concluded, stepping out of the room. 

Tears rushed down my face and I hid my face in my hands, pressing my left knee against my chest. "She said you may be able to dance again, it's not a no," Cole tried to assure me, placing a hand on my knee. "Cole, I'm done! She said I was done!" I cried out.

"You will just have to work a little harder, everything is going to be okay," Mr. B said, then looking at his watch. "I have to go, Y/N, but I will be back, and you're going to be fine. This isn't the end of your dance career. You can be an instructor, open that studio, teach others," he said, then kissing me lightly on the forehead before exiting the room. "I'm going to call the college, and you're gonna' be great! Seriously, you'll get back out there," she told me, then leaving as well.

"Cole, I-I think I'm done. I think this is it. What if I never dance again? What if I'm just an instructor the rest of my life?"

"Look at me, Y/N. Even if you don't dance now, you will someday. I know that someday you'll be on that stage in more competitions. I know you'll be a teacher at your own studio, teaching kids your coreography and dancing with them. This is a part of you, babe. And it's not going away because you broke your foot, okay? You're going to get through this."

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