When It's His Birthday - Kai

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I sighed, standing in front of the large double doors that led to the monastery. There was an eerie silence looming outside the doors the wind was thick, making me feel even more nervous and anxious about being there. But finally, I worked up the courage to knock lightly on the door and stepped back to wait for someone to open the door.

A moment later, the door peeled open and Cole stood in front of me with his eyes wide. "Hey! What are you doing here? Is Kai expecting you?" I slowly nodded in response to his question, then taking a quick step back as he stepped forward to check the front door area, seemingly searching for someone or something. Cole noticed my hesitation and gave me a soft and very sorry smile. I guess Kai told him I wasn't doing so great.

"Well, uh, this is awkward," Cole sheepishly said while opening the door farther and allowing me to enter the quiet monastery. "Kai is actually out right now," he added. I frowned, my once happy demeanor quickly diminishing to a dark sadness inside of me. "He and Lloyd are running errands for Sensei. I'm surprised he didn't call you if he expected you here," he said while entering the game room with me following at a safe distance behind. I stopped at the entryway of the room and observed Jay, Nya, Zane, and now Cole all relaxed on the couch with a video game playing on the television. I assumed all their girlfriends were busy on this dull Saturday.

"I turned my phone off," I said softly. Nya turned around and smiled, "Come sit with me, Y/N!"

I softly smiled at the invitation and sat down uncomfortably on the couch in between Jay and Nya. I scooted closer to Nya and she gave me a nudge with a big smile. "Here for Kai's birthday?" she asked. I nodded, "I was supposed to take him for lunch since he's having friends over tonight but now I don't know. Maybe I should just head home and try to make a therapy appointment," I muttered. Jay smiled, "Kai should be back in ten minutes. He and Lloyd left an hour ago and it doesn't take any longer than that to get Sensei's tea," he chuckled. "Jay is right," Zane spoke up, his fingers quickly pressing buttons on his remote to try and defeat Nya's avatar. "Kai and Lloyd are returning shortly."

I nodded and relaxed a little on the couch. I was still uncomfortable without Kai here. I felt as if I was intruding though I knew I wasn't. I wanted my boyfriend next to me. I felt all my doubts and anxiety ticks rising to the surface. I felt awful. I wanted to go home. "Are you coming tonight? I mean I assume since you're already here but I wasn't sure," Cole asked, joining the game as Jay tossed him his remote. I shrugged and picked at the cuticles surrounding my skin, "Parties aren't really my thing. I think I would just dampen the light so I'll probably go home before it starts," I said, my voice a soft whisper.

"I know," Nya grinned, glancing at me. "I mean Kai doesn't tell us much about it because it isn't our business but I know you're still not okay from what happened and no one is expecting you to be. But if you're up for it, Kai would love having you here tonight. And if it gets too overwhelming, I'll personally fly you home, or I'll bail on the party with you and we can hang out in my room. Believe me, Y/N, I get it," she told me while placing a soft hand over top mine to stop me from picking at my fingers. I stared at her hand and she smiled before letting go and bringing her attention back to the game. "Any one of us would bring you home, Y/N. You are important to all of us," Zane added while pressing a button and defeating everyone in one swoop.

Jay slung an arm over my shoulder and patted my head, "Yeah, kid, you're one of us now," he said in a goofy accent. I smiled and a giggle left my mouth to which Jay beamed proudly at. "Hey oh! What did I just walk in on? Making a move on my girl, Jay? I've got J/G/N's number," a new voice warned. I smiled and whipped around on the couch to see Kai and Lloyd waltzing in. Lloyd had a bag of candy in his hands and he smirked at Jay's eyes rolling. "Just making sure your girlfriend is comfortable and okay over here while you're out bailing on your plans with her, man. What a great boyfriend you are," he scoffed while turning back around. I stood up and walked over to Kai who wrapped his arms around me and pecked me on the lips. "Did you not get my texts? How did you get here? I was going to pick you up," he frowned.

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