Your First Date/Kiss- Zane

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Your name is (Y/N)
Your last name is (L/N).
Your best friends name is BF/N
Your moms name is (M/N)

Zane invited me to a picnic in the park under the sunset this evening. I can't stop smiling for an odd reason.BF/N just left my home after getting me ready for my first date.

My H/C hair is nicely brushed down my shoulders and my mascara was thickly applied with eye shadow. I am wearing a simple white dress with black accents at the hem. Since we will be in the park I am wearing white sneakers and my simple white band I always wear around my wrist.

The doorbell rang at a sudden and I hopped downstairs to answer the door.

"Hey Zane. Mother? Zane is here."  I smiled at him.

My mother rounded the corner to meet the ninja of ice. She stuck her hand out and Zane shook it nicely. "I'm M/N, Y/N's mom. Very nice to meet you."

"I'm Zane, ninja of ice. Nice to meet you as well."

"Alright, well you two have fun."

"Bye mother. Love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

I closed the door and followed Zane to our destination. He walked into the peaceful park and through a grove of oak trees. In a clearing of trees, a large pond was sitting alone. But in front of the pond was a white blanket with a small brown picnic basket.

"It's beautiful, Zane."

"It is nothing compared to you." Zane said with slightly red cheeks.

I smiled warmly and sat on the blanket. Zane sat by my side as we shared potato salad and watched the beautiful sunset. The pink night reflected on the water and the fish were swimming around wondering why their crystal water was turned pink. It was very amusing.

"Your mother is a nice person." Zane pointed out.

"Oh yes. Very."

"Isn't the sky amazing?" he asked.

"It's really pretty."

Zane turned his head to face mine and I stared into his blue eyes. We leaned our heads closer. Instinct, I think.

BF/N always talks about kissing her boyfriend. But I have never kissed.

Zane and I both leaned in. Our lips connected and an inside spark flowed between us but we didn't part. We were under the stars.

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