When You Get Hurt- Cole

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Third Person POV

Y/N had been dancing extra long hours throughout the duration of this week because Mr. B had admitted her into a last minute competition about three hours out of the City. But she was ready. The dance was on a more difficult level than she was used to, it was more into an acro style even aside her preference. Cole and Mr. B sat in the second row of the audience, and to the left of the judges so they had a clear view of Y/N.

With pursed lips, Y/N waltzed onto the wooden stage, her outfit consisting of hidden black compression shorts underneath her silk drape skirt and flashy silver crop top. Cole and Mr. B began to cheer, along with Y/N's hundreds of fans inside the building. Y/N was well known and well loved.

The applause died down and Y/N lowered into starting position, her hands gracefully bowed in front of her and her head looking to the side. The music began softly, a beautiful melody prancing in the air.

Y/N moved swiftly, her body gracing around the stage with soft movements. Her leaps planted consecutively on the stage, one after another, each being perfect and flawless.

But Cole watched his girlfriend with anything but ease. He focused on her eyes when she looked to the judges after each turn. He saw a pain vibrantly disguised so that no one would notice. Mr. B saw it, too.

Every time Y/N landed, her foot felt like it was shattering further and further.

Spinning on her heel, Y/N spun out of the turn, lifting her legs with power and switching the legs in the leap itself. Coming down on her right foot. With a snap, she let out a small cry and crumpled to the ground, holding her ankle in her hands. Everyone in the audience gasped and Cole and his father exchanged looks.

While Y/N was rocking back and forth in pain, a backstage crew member ran over and crouched by her side. "Are you alright?" he wondered. She shook her head and whimpered. "I need an ice pack!" the man shouted, directing his glance over to behind his shoulder.

Cole and his father stood up just as two men came out and carried the frail girl backstage. The audience was left in murmurs and confusion while Y/N was lying on her back, an ice pack pressed to her foot.

The ambulance was on its way, everyone frantic and running around. Cole and Mr. B sprinted through the back door, sliding to Y/N's side. "Hey, hey, you're fine. Okay, you're going to be fine," Cole assured her, a hand brushing through her hair. She cried out and shook her head, "What if I never dance again?" she asked.

"You will, and you're going to be heed before college. Don't think about that now," Mr. B told his dancer as she closed her eyes to clench away the pain.

What if she never dances again?

Ninjago; If I Was Your GirlfriendМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя