When You're All Better

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I sighed and looked at the large stack of textbooks on my desk. Collapsing on Kai's lap I pouted, "Why are teachers so mean?"

Kai chuckled and ran a hand through my hair, "I wouldn't know, how much they give you?" he asked, looking at the books. "Six days worth, at least. I was in the hospital and now they're like, 'oh, well you're better now, here's everything you missed'," I sighed, standing up on the hardwood floor. I slipped into my slippers and walked around the apartment, "Hey, easy there. Take it simple," Kai told me, following behind me, "What will it take for you to stop worrying about me?" I questioned.

He shrugged and walked over to me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips, "I'll always worry about you."


I laid down in the grass, admiring the white clouds above me, "So what did they say? What was the answer?" Jay asked, holding my hand tight, "Some acid relfex, which doesn't make sense because I didn't drink anything the day before," I sighed.

"There's never an answer to Ninjago, it's all a puzzle, and we're the pieces," he told me, "You're the piece that matches up to me," he added. I smiled and turned my head, "Aw, Jay," I smiled.

"It's true, Y/N. I've never been so sure in my life."


"Just let it be," Cole sang, jumping around the studio. I laughed and focused back to my laptop, filling in the open spaces for my dance form to a far away competition. "Have some fun," Cole whined, plopping down on the couch next to me, "I missed a week of dance, I have things to do," I answered, not taking my eye off the screen.

Cole sighed and closed my computer, placing it on the coffee table. I looked up and Cole pushed me down onto my back, hovering over my by his arms. "Come on," he pouted. I didn't answer and that gave him the answer he needed as he pressed his lips to mine, as I caught the rhythm with my mouth quickly.


"No!" I laughed, dodging Zane's hands as he tried to tag me. I darted around him and smiled, seeing him flustered. I turned around to begin running but my boyfriend's hands landed on my hips and he hugged me from behind. 

I chuckled and turned my head, seeing him with a smile on his face, "Tag, you're it," he told me. I nodded and narrowed my eyebrows, "Game on."


I ran into the living room, keeping a fast pace. Cole looked up from his remote and shook his head, "No running, are you crazy?" he scolded, "You live with ninja, running is the least of your worries," I scoffed.

"Yes, but you are the most of my worries, you heard that doctor, no physical activity, three weeks," he told me. "But I have a volleyball tournament in three days!" I complained.

"Don't test me, I don't want to call an ambulance because you stopped breathing, that was serious,"

"I know, but-"

"We treat what we can here, I have never had to call the hospital, and I won't be doing it again, lay off the P.E," he warned.

I groaned and walked back out of the room as Lloyd came out of the hallway, he caught my lip and kissed me roughly, "Running again?" he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips. "How hard is it to hide a body?" I questioned.

Ninjago; If I Was Your GirlfriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon