When You're Still Missing - Zane & Lloyd

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It was night when L/G/N had finally reached whatever building she was being held in. Her captor had covered her face with a black pillowcase and bound her hands and she struggled every bit of the way. She was in a car, the trunk, and drove for twenty minutes somewhere. She was lugged upstairs, her mask was ripped off, her bounds were cut, and she was thrown into a bedroom with the door locked. When she was tossed in, she raced back to the door and struggled to open it but she knew it wouldn't work. So instead, she slammed a hand against the wood and let out a sob, slumping her back against the door. "What are you doing here?" a voice asked, making L/G/N look up and stare ahead at a girl hiding in the corner near the bed. L/G/N's eyes widened when she saw it was Z/G/N. "Well, it's not like I want to be here," she sighed. "Are you okay?"

Z/G/N nodded. "He asked me some questions about Zane and the others and when I didn't answer he left. Next thing I know, you're here."

"You haven't had any food or water?"

She shook her head, "I'm assuming we get nothing if we don't give him the answers he wants."

L/G/N closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wood, "Don't tell him anything."

"Zane would want us to."

"That's not the reason. If we tell him everything he wants to know, do you think he'll just let us go? He'll kill us. We have a better chance of living if we just hold out."

Z/G/N nodded, "How did you get here?"

L/G/N opened her eyes and watched the girl pick at her fingers. "I was at the monastery. Fought like hell but it didn't help. The guys were looking for you so I lost out pretty quick."

"I was trying to be a good samaritan and held the back door open for a girl who I thought was an employee. Next thing I know, I'm in the trunk of a car."

"A girl? I was taken by a guy."

Z/G/N shrugged, "Maybe someone else is here and has to help. I don't know. I'm not in the habit right now of thinking of strangers when it hurt me in the end."

L/G/N chuckled and played with a strand of her hair, "I was just trying to make a sandwich. And look where I am now."

Z/G/N smiled and fell silent, not knowing what else to say, but L/G/N broke the silence. "Did - " she stopped herself and wondered if she really wanted to ask her question. "Did he do anything to you?" Zane's girlfriend looked up with scared eyes and her lip quivered, "What do you mean? What did he do to you?"

Lloyd's girlfriend shook her head and wiped away the tears falling from her eyes, "I don't want to say," she whimpered. Z/G/N scooted over to the strong girl and a tear fell from her own eye in sadness for her. This was something she would never get over. "Maybe it's because my brother and boyfriend are ninja and it's a power thing, I don't know," she cried. 

"But I will not tell him anything!" she screamed, pounding on the door behind her in anger. Z/G/N cried out softly and fell back against the door, "I just want to go home."

L/G/N cradled into a ball and hid her head, feeling vulnerable and violated, "I want my brother."

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