Your First Date/First Kiss- Lloyd

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(Y/N) is your name
(H/C) means hair color
BF/N is best friend

School- the time of day where I am too shy and focused on volleyball to socially interact. My death place.

I hate school. I don't talk to anyone but BF/N, and the only thing we talk about is volleyball. So there's really nothing for us to do at school.

I mean, my grades were decent. I wasn't a straight A student, but they were "acceptable" for me to play. I finished my useless homework an hour ago. My phone was charging at 97% and I was reviewing my new volleyball schedule. I'm involved.

My phone started ringing softly and I closed my folder softly and tossed it on my bed. I unplugged the charger from the wall and picked up the phone.


"Oh, hey Y/N, it's Lloyd."

"Hey greenie. What's up?" I asked with a grin.

"Do you want to see a movie tonight?"

"What movie and what time?"

"Uh- Starfarer and forty-five minutes."

I glanced to the clock that read 7:30. I have time. It's only Thursday.

"Sure. Sounds fun."

"Really? I mean, Cole didn't think you would be into that stuff."

"As long as I'm with you I think I'll enjoy it." I told him with my cheeks red.

I heard Lloyd chuckle and imagined him smiling.  "I'll be there in twenty minutes, dress casual."

"See you soon."

I squealed into my pillow and kicked my feet on the mattress.

I was wearing a green long sleeve volleyball shirt that said MINE on the back. With my light blue skinny jeans and black combat boots to match. In volleyball, you're not allowed to wear ANY jewelry. But I always wear my silver anklet and I tuck it into my socks. I've never taken it off, my mom gave it to me before she passed away.

I threw my hair into a quick ponytail with my H/C hair and quickly fixed my makeup from earlier today.

"Hey Y/N?" My aunt called from downstairs.

I shoved my green phone into my back pocket and hopped childishly downstairs to the living room where my aunt was sitting. My dad was with her.

"Hey... dad?"

"Can we talk to you, it will only take ten minutes." he asked.

I nodded and sat in a chair in front of him.

"Your aunt and I were discussing your future. And, well, we were wondering if you would be better fit living with me until college?"

"But-- school ends in six months. And--"

"You would still attend Fairmont, and volleyball wouldn't change. But we feel it would be better for you and your brother." Aunt Kelly said.

"I-- I don't know."

"You don't have to decide today. But by the end of this week." my father told me.

"I- is something going on?"

"No, this is completely for you." she said.

"Alright. But I hope you won't be upset when I make up my mind." I said to the two adults.

They shook their heads and I stood up shaking.

What's going on? I love it here...

Ding. Ding. Ding.

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