>Chapter 64<

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Chapter definition to Fsjcxduifwgh ♥️

"You're not going, Lee." Louis states and Leilani looks up at her Dad with tears in her eyes, ready to spill any moment.

"But I wanna." She says, the corners of her mouth turned down and Louis sighs.

Since Harry and Louis had made up after the younger one had promised not to leave, which was four days ago, now the couple were back to normal. Though Louis has been very busy with work and Aden's case for these past few days, he'd always come home late at night only to find Harry wide awake, waiting for him on the couch. As for their sex life, it has been on peak after their make up sex that night after the fair. Seeing Louis come home late and tired at night, Harry makes sure to reward the guy for his hard work by some morning sex and delicious breakfast before Louis has to leave for work again. 

Currently, Louis is sitting with Harry and Leilani on the girl's bed in her bedroom, trying to convince her not to go with Harry as the boy is about to leave to pick his parents and friends up from the airport. Yeah, today is the day that both the boys have been dreading to face. So the plan was that, Harry is gonna leave for the airport as Lynn and Lyra come at the couple's apartment to accompany Louis. The twins are going to be Louis' support when Harry brings his parents home, in case Anne and Desmond react negatively. As for Gemma, Louis hasn't heard from her since the day she had stormed out.

"Lou, I don't think that there will be any problem if she comes.." Harry says, not being able to see the girl so sad.

"No, Haz! What if she blurts out something wrong? Then what? Your parents will be suspicious already!" Louis says. "Then they are gonna think we've planned this all and I've manipulated you or something. Then they're gonna take me to jail, take Lee away from me, take you away from me. Then I'm never going to see you guys and rot behind those bars until I di-" He shuts up when Harry plants a kiss on his lips.

"Shut up for God's sake, babe. It'll be alright, we'll be alright. You've got way too many negative thoughts in your mind, we got to do something about it." Harry chuckles. "And about Lanny coming with me, don't worry about it. Even if she blurts out something, I'm pretty sure it won't be as big as the stuff you've blurted in the past. She's a smart kid." He says and smiles at Leilani who leans into his arms seeing he is on her side.

"Well, I'm pretty smart too, Mister. Thank you very much. I don't make any slip ups." Louis rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh really now?" Harry raises his eyes. "Because as far as I remember, you've made hell lot of slip ups when I didn't know that Louis and William were the same person. You even blurt out about your sisters once and you weren't very subtle about your actions and reactions either. You gotta admit you're pretty dumb." Harry points out, rolling his eyes as Louis cringes at the memories.

"Well, Honey, that doesn't make you any smarter either." Louis says, sassily. "Because if it did, then you would've caught on those slip ups and would've known the truth way sooner." He smirks. "Guess I'm not the only dumb one in the room, huh?"

"Oh well! We're pretty dumb." Harry cringes in realisation.

"So.." Leilani speaks up from between the two. "Does that makes me the smartest of the three of us?" She asks with a grin.

Harry narrows his eyes at the floor before looking up at Louis with a bewildered expression, only to find his boyfriend already looking at him with the same expression.

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