>Chapter 53<

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Chapter dedications to all the new readers ♥

Harry and Louis enter the living room after their talk in the bedroom to see Leilani getting tickled by Gemma and Lynn hitting Lyra's face with a cushion while the girl sits with her arms crossed with an 'I'm so done with this' look on her face. Harry giggles at the sight and that makes everyone stop what they're doing and look at him, making him blush.

"Oops!" He laughs. "Sorry to ruin your moment, but we got to order dinner... my treat!" He says and everyone cheers.

"Pizza?" Leilani asks and Harry walks over to pick her up and sets her on his hip.

"Anything you wish for, boo." He kisses her cheek, making her blush at the attention.

"I thought, I was your boo?" Louis crosses his arms and sits on the couch, next to Lyra as Harry walks in to the kitchen.

"The key word is 'was'. I'm in love with someone else now." He says and places Lanny on the counter before kissing her head. He walks to the living room while tying his hair up in a bun on the way and getting the phone before dialing the pizza parlor as he walks back into the kitchen.

Louis just shakes his head with a smile while scrolling through Netflix, trying to decide on a film.

Harry stands against the counter beside Lanny as he places the order of pepperoni pizzas. Lanny reaches her hand up to poke at his bun and giggles to herself as Harry turns to her and smiles softly.

"Alright. Thank you." He ends the call and fully turns to the adorable girl next to him. "You like that?" He asks, touching his bun and Leilani nods.

"Yup! Your hair is so pretty, Papa. Can you tie my hair into a bun too?" She asks and Harry grins at her as he nods.

"I'd love to, dumpling. Your hair is quite pretty too.. it's texture is a lot like Daddy's." He smiles and then something clicks inside his head as he takes a step back to look at the girl from head to toe. His eyes widens as he opens his mouth. "Louehh!?" He yells and hears as Louis trips, trying to get up of the couch as he notices the urgency in his boyfriend's voice.

"What? What happened? Are you both okay?" He asks as he stumbles into the kitchen to see Harry's shocked and Lee's confused faces.

"She looks like us.." Harry says, pointing at the girl and Louis lets out a laugh.

"I know right? She looks like our love child." He says, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and placing his chin on his shoulder. Harry nods and then smiles wide.

"Can you both kiss now?" Leilani asks and Harry giggles before turning and pecking Louis' lips, keeping it short and clean for the sake of the little girl's innocence. Little Leilani squeaks and blushes, making both the boys coo at her.

When the pizzas arrive, everyone is piled up on the living room floor, watching Frozen. Gemma is at one foot of the couch, Lynn cuddled up to her and Lyra at the other foot of the couch. Louis is in the middle with his chin over Harry's head, who's sitting between the older man's legs with his arms wrapped around Leilani, who settled herself on her Papa's lap. And Gemma may or may not have sneakily taken some pictures of the three cuddled up like a cute little family.

Lyra brings in the pizzas, paying the cash Harry had given her. Everyone moves from their cuddled positions so no one makes a mess as they enjoy the movie and pizza. Leilani moves to sit a little near the TV as the adults engage themselves in chatting with each other.

"So what was it like to live without Louis?" Gemma asks, taking a bite of the slice of pizza.

"A nightmare really.. I felt like I just lost everything in just one moment. Mom and dad were being very strong for me though. And I think the twins helped me a lot through it.. they're lovely." Harry smiles at the thought of the girls.

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