>Chapter 45<

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Chapter dedications to wtfcares ♥️


Beeps. I hear really annoying beeps.

And cries. Someone's soft cries.

Some whisperings that sounds way too far, like I'm underwater and people are talking above. It starts getting clear as moments pass by and I hear a voice, a squeez at my hand and the beeping noise gets clear. I start gaining my sense of smell and the first thing that fills my nostrils is medicine. A lot of them. Hospital.

"Please wake up, baby. Please wake up." Someone cries and I feel a hand on my cheek.


I try my hardest to tell her that I'm fine, but something's stopping me. I can't see her. I try to open my eyes, but they feel heavy, way too heavy, so I just clench my fist in frustration.

"Harry! Oh my god, Hazza! Yes baby, open your eyes. You can do it! C'mon!" I hear mom, a bit louder and clearer this time.

With much efforts, I push my eyelids up, but shut them back as a sharp ray of light peers my eyesight.

"C'mon, Haz, you can do it. Wake up, you cunt!" I hear that thick Irish accent encourage.

With a sharp intake of breath, I try to open my eyes again, but this time, I pause for a moment as the light flashes, instead of shutting them back. As my eyes adapt to the brightness, I open them fully.

The first thing I see is the pair of beautiful, blue eyes looking back in mine. The red rimmed eyes now wet as tears flow down his cheeks.

"Fucking cunt! I thought you died or something!" Niall cries more and hugs me in an awkward position consisting of me laying in bed and he bending down to hug me like that.

"I'm fine, leprechaun! But won't be for too long if you keep suffocating me like that." I joke and he abruptly pulls back.

"I'm so sorry! Do you need the oxygen mask? Should I call the doctor? I'm really sorry, I just got overwhelmed. I-" He says frantically as more tears run down his cheeks.

"Ni, baby, I'm fine. I was just joking." I explain, not understanding his behavior.

"It's not funny!" He glares. "Considering this is your third day in here -everyone else who were effected by the smoke were okay the very next day- because apparently, your asthmatic lungs couldn't bear that excessive amount of smoke. It was too much for your health. So yes, it's not funny." He heaves as more tears leak out of his eyes.

I look around the room and.. Oh well, why didn't I see the others in the room yet? There's my mom, in one of her signature flower printed tops, standing at the end of the bed, along with dad at her side, both crying. On one of the chairs in the corner of the room, sits Liam, silently observing the scene with puffy eyes. Luke and Ashton on the floor- because there is only one chair in the room- looking up at me with tiny smiles. Behind them sits Eleanor who looks completely sleep deprived, along with Ed who doesn't look any better. Wow! This room is crowded. Are these people even allowed in here? I want to laugh, but I don't... Because he is not here. Where's he? Did he get arrested? Is he in the hospital too? Why didn't he come? Why isn't he here? Why-

"We're really glad that you're awake... Finally." Ed says as El, Luke and Ash nod in agreement. I force a smile at them and look at my mom.

"Where is he?" I ask and Niall's breath hitches.

"I'll get everyone something to eat." He says and leaves the room in a hurry.

"I'll help him bring the food." Ed says at the same time as Luke, who says, "I'll go too." They both get up and Ashton follows Luke while Eleanor follows the boys and within seconds, the four of them are out of the room too.

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