>Chapter 28<

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Chapter dedication to Directionergleeks♥️


"Maybe I don't know how it feels like to be lied by your own boyfriend who you trust and care for. Maybe you can tell me about it, Lou?"

I freeze on my spot at Harry's words and he sits on a stool at the dining table. He then looks up at my frozen frame and speaks again.

"C'mon, Louis, answer me. Or maybe I already know how it feels like?" He tilt his head sharply as he gives me a death glare.


This can't be happening!

He wasn't supposed to find out!

Not like this!

"I'm sorry..." Is all I could chock out as tears flow down my cheeks freely.


One of the most dangerous person of England is bawling his eyes out like a baby.

What a show!

Don't forget to get some popcorns!

"I have questions." He states bluntly.

"I have answers." I say and he nods.

"Take those glasses and lenses out and sit down here." He says, motioning from the dining table.

I surprisingly manage to move and take a seat on the stool across from Harry. I remove the glasses and place them on the table followed by the contacts as Harry watches my every move while I transform from William to Louis.

Once done, I sit straight (ironic considering I'm gay) and look up at Harry, who stares at me intensely for a while before speaking.


"Haz, I'm sorr-" I was cut off by his harsh tone.

"WHY?" He hisses.

"Because Mark told me so." I look down.

"Told you what?"

"Told me to keep an eye on you."

"Why so?"

"I don't know, to be honest."

"Honest.. " He laughs bitterly. "Why William?"

"Because Louis wouldn't have been allowed to be a student at your school. And everyone knew who I am, so you would've been alarmed."

"What was your exact plan?"

"To become your friend as William so I could stay more around you and update Mark about you."

"Why meet me as Louis then?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Because I knew you liked Louis-"

"So to take advantage of my little crush?" His eyes widens as he suddenly yells.

"No, no, nO! I just.. I don't know, maybe, I just wanted to be myself around you and know you more as Louis, but still do the task given by Mark." I explain, or attempt to explain.

He looks down, probably thinking for the next question. After a while, he looks up.

"What information have you given to Mark till now?" He asks.

Feels like I'm getting interrogated by Officer Styles.

"Only about the timings of when you are alone at home, about your patents desperately searching for proofs against me, about the friends you mostly hang out with and about you being home alone for a week." I say and his eyes widen in fear.

"About the times that I'm alone?! What if he hurts me, you asshole?!" He yells angrily at me.

"He won't! I wouldn't let him, bab-"

"Shut up." He snarls. "Zayn was a part of a plan? He knew?"

"Z is my crime partner and my best friend. He was here just to accompany me. He has nothing to do with the plan, but he knew about it."

"Why did he kill the school janitor?" He raises an eyebrow.

"He did not."

"Yes, he did! I know he did." He raises his voice again and I shrunk in my seat.

"He did not. I did it." I say a little above whisper. "He heard me and Zayn talking at school, in the janitor closet. I'm sorry, but I had to. He recorded our conversation."

"What were you searching for in my parents bedroom yesterday?" He asks, making my heart drop.

"I-I was- Gemma's missing case file." I answer looking down.

"What does it has to do with all this shit?.. Wait! Your dad kidnapped her, didn't he?" He glares through the tears that build up in his eyes.

"I think I found her." I state and his eyes widen.

"Wha-" He break downs, chocking on his own tears.

I get up from the stool instantly and run to his side, kneeling in front of him.

"Baby. Shh... it's okay." I cup his face. "Hey! Hey! Look at me." He looks up. "You should be happy that you'll meet her again. Why are you crying?" I coo, kissing his forehead.

"How do you know it's her?" He asks looking at me hopefully.

"I just know, Haz. And you'll know it too, okay? Soon." I say and he nods, but then something flashes in his eyes. Look of realisation.

"You're going out of your way to find her, why?" He asks, innocently.

"For you." I bump our noses together.

"For me?" I nod, smiling.

"I know most of the things that came out of my shitty mouth were just shitty lies, but Hazza, my baby, my dimples, everything that we shared, every hug, every kiss, every cuddle, every moment, even the nicknames mean so much to me. I promise there wasn't a single percent of lie in those moments, they were as pure and beautiful as Heaven." I touch is his forehead with my own.

"Heaven?" He sniffles and I nod, bumping our noses together in the process.


"No lies?" I shake my head no.

"No lies." I say and take a deep breath. "I wasn't planning the moment to happen like this, but.." I peck his lips, lovingly. "I love you, Harry. I'm so, so, so in love with you." I peck his lips again and his eyes widen.

"Y-you L-lo-love me?" He asks, bewildered.

"Yes, Harry, I love you. And I understand if you don't love me, if you don't trust me anymore. I don't deserve your love or your trust anyway. All I've ever done is lie to you. You wouldn't believe me now. Obvi-"

He cuts my ramble off by attaching his lips to mine and kissing me softly. We share a sweet, loving and innocent kiss with no tongue involved. I can taste his tears in between our mouths, but that doesn't make our moment any less beautiful.

"I love you. So much." He announces as we pull back. "And your mouth is not shitty." And to prove his point, he takes my bottom lip between his teeth and pulls it, parting my mouth open. Darting his tongue from between of my lips, he licks the inside of my mouth. "A little minty maybe." He mumbles against my mouth as we start making out like that.

"So.." I say once we pull apart.

"No more lies?" He asks with wide, hopefull eyes and I peck his lips again.

"No more lies."



Help me I'm single😥

Anyway..thoughts on this chapter?

Will Louis keep his promise of no more lies?

Don't forget to vote and comment.


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