>Chapter 33<

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Chapter dedicated to larry_s28913 because I love you♥️


I see the students getting out of the class and scattering in the hallways. So, once I'm sure that there won't be any student in, I walk inside the class. Hearing the sound of the door, Mr. Parker looks up.

"Yes, William? Can I help you?" He raises his eyebrow at me.

I nod and walk closer to him, "Yes actually, you can.. by staying away from my boyfriend." I spit bitterly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He simply states and starts looking through the papers on the desk.

I ball my fist and clench my jaw before walking up to his desk and slamming my fist on it, to which he doesn't even flinch or blink; just looks up at me with a blank expression.

"Listen, you little piece of shit! I don't care if you lack the professionalism and I don't care if you're here just to be whoring around. You can go fuck the entire school and let them fuck you back, just stay away from my Harry." I say in a low, threatening voice but he doesn't look threatened at all.

"You're definitely not doing what he wants you to do Louis." He says in a disappointed tone. Who the fuck does he think he is?!

"Of course I'm doing what he wants me to do. He wants me to keep him safe, he wants me to love him, he wants me to stay faithful and honest with him, he wants me to stay by h-" I cut off my ramble as I realize he just called me Louis and not William.

"Who are you?" I sneer.

"So you love him?" He asks, ignoring my question right away.

"I do." I nod curtly at him as he smirks.

"And you're gonna be faithful to him?"

"Obviously." I roll my eyes at him.

"And you're gonna keep him safe, huh?" He asks with a funny tone as if trying to tease me.

"Definitely. Now tell me who the fuck you are." I hiss at him.

"You don't need to know that. What you need to know is that you won't be able to keep your promises to him." He smirks as the bell rings and students start to walk in. "Sayonara!" He calls out as I stomp out of the room.

The day goes by quite annoying after that, everything kerps pissing me off. I don't know who this Parker dude is, where he came from or what he wants, but one thing is for sure, that he's not a teacher.

What if Mark sent him to check on me?

Or to hurt my Harry?

What if-

My thoughts get interrupted when a body collides with mine and my butt hits the ground with a thud. I look up to a wide eyed Niall who had a worried expression on his face.

"You okay Willie?" He asks and stretches his hand for me to take and I do.

I get up and dust my butt before saying "I'm fine Ni, hope I didn't hurt you." in a slow and shy voice.

"Willie, you're silly. You fell over, how would I get hurt?" He laughs.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Now, do you know where Haz might be?" I ask, hoping to find my boy.

"Well, I don't know. Probably he's already home, trying to find his 'perfect' outfit." He shrugs, making quotations for the word 'perfect'.

"Outfit for what?" I ask, totally confused.

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