>Chapter 15<

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As Louis and I walk out of the janitors closet, we are met with a janitor. And judging by the terrified look on his face, he may have heard our conversation.

"Hello, Sir." Louis greets, putting on his William act by bringing a softness and shyness to his voice. "How may I help you?" Louis smiles and trust me, it's the kind of smile smile that a creepy man uses while saying 'I have candies, get in the van.'

"Oh no, no, dear. I was just about to open the door when you yanked it open and scared me." The man let out a nervous chuckle.

Oh! And here I thought he overheard us. I smile and sigh in relief.

The man brushes past Louis and is about to walk in the closet when Louis turns around to face the man's back. He holds the man's shoulder with one hand and covers his mouth with the other. The man's eyes goes wide (and mine as well because what the hell is he doing?!) And he screams in Louis' palm, struggling in his tight grip.

I've realized one thing while working with Louis for years. And that is, never judge this man's strength by his little body.

"Eavesdropping is a bad manner, darling!" Louis says in the man's ear slowly before gripping the man's jaw and twisting his head so harshly that I could literally hear his neck breaking.

The man stills with mouth and eyes wide open. Oh, well...he did not still, he died.

"What the hell, Louis! He said he did not hear us! Why would you kill him, Louis, you idiot!" I whisper yell because well, we are still in school.

"He heard us." He simply replies, letting the man fall to the ground. "Check him over."

I do as told as it is my job. Whenever Louis kills, I have to check over the dead body, in case I find anything important or something we'd like to keep with us.

"He has nothing but his phone." I say as I pull out the phone in his pocket. I go wide eyed as I check the phone. "It's on voice recording since last fifteen minutes." I inform Louis.

"Told you he was lying." He smirks and starts walking away.

"I should've taken Psychology as well. Then I could've been able to read people like you do." I pout.

"Leave those tough guy things to me and you keep looking pretty, Princess." He grins. Bastard.

"So you're a tough guy?" I laugh and he glares at me.

"You doubt that after watching me break his neck?" He asks walking towards the school exit.

"Where are you going?" I ask, confused.

"Not in a mood to stay here anymore, but you stay and act normal." He says before exiting the door.



When I walk out of the class with Niall, Liam and Ashton, the first thing we hear is the sound some girls screaming in the hallway.

We all follow the voices and halt near the janitors' closet. Andrew, one of the janitors, is lying dead on the floor. There is no blood or anything, but his wide eyes and opened mouth looks horrifying and gives it away that he is dead.

"Move aside! Move aside! Don't touch him!" The Principal comes running over, shooing the students away from the body. He looks terrified himself as he pulls out his phone and starts dialling, probably calling the ambulance. In that moment, what surprises me is that Zayn appears walking towards the scene behind the Principal, following him, though he doesn't looks panicked like the Principal. He and William hadn't attended the class they had with us and I thought they had probably left early. But apparently not since Zayn is still in school, though Will is no where to be seen.

Zayn walks over to where I am stood and stands beside me, watching the scene. "Hey, Harry!" He says, a little above whisper, not wanting anyone else to hear.

"Where were you for the last class? And where is William? I thought you guys left early or something, but you're here. Why didn't you attend the class?" I raise an eyebrow, questioningly.

"William wasn't feeling very well, so he went home and well.. I helped him to get out of the school. I called him a cab and was talking to Joseph about him going home when we heard yellings." He explains.

"Who's Joseph?" I ask, confused.

"Your Principal!" He snorts.

"You call him by his first name!?" I ask, shocked and he just shrugs. No one calls the teachers by their first name, let alone the principal. That is like the basic rule everyone knows.

"Someone killed him, Sir." Ms. White states. "He was totally fine in the morning, someone chocked him to death." She says, wiping her tears.

"I don't think so. He had heart problems. Maybe he got a cardiac arrest." The Principal says.

"No. I have a feeling that it's a murder. I want to check the footage of that CCTV camera." She says, pointing at the camera at the end of the hallway.

"Shit.." I hear Zayn mutter under his breath, perks of standing so close to him. I wonder why is it a bother to him.

The principal looks at Zayn for a moment before saying, "Actually, the camera is not working, dear." He looks at Zayn again and Zayn nods which goes unnoticed by everyone but me. Strange.

"Come on, everyone! Go to your classes! We are here to take care of the situation." A janitor says as some paramedics come rushing in and everyone starts shuffling to their classes.

Before going, I glance at Zayn who is mouthing "good job" to the Principal while smirking at him, making me narrow my eyes at the raven haired boy.

There is something about Zayn that I don't know and I think I have something in my memory, I feel like there's something I'm missing out on or overlooking, but I can't put my finger on it. But well, whatever it is, I'll find it out.

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