>Chapter 47<

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Chapter dedication to harrywyd- check out her book 'Falling' it's really good ♥


"I love you, sweets." He says.

"Don't." I whisper weakly.

"I wasn't supposed to love you, but I did and I don't regret it a single bit." He smiles wide at me.

"Please don't" I whisper again.

"My heart is like a motionless stone in my chest, but I feel it beat when you're around, feel it race when you look at me and feel it skip a beat when you smile."

"Don't do it." I say, on verge of crying.

"I'm standing at a point where I can't imagine a future without you running around after my kids to chase and feed them." He lets out a breathy chuckle.

"Don't do that to me, Louis." I cry, but he doesn't stop. He never does.

"I can't promise you the best future, Harry, 'cause I know I'm a fuck up, but I can hope for one with you." He kneels down and takes out the little box from his pocket.

"No, no, no. Please don't. I can't do this again." I cry harder.

"I'm not proposing, but promising that one day I will." He beams, making me want to scream that he broke that promise already, but I can't.

"I promise, I will always love you no matter what and if I ever say anything otherwise, you should know something's up."

"No. Shut up." I whisper.

"I promise to always protect you, even if I have to fight the whole world for that."

"Just shut up.. please." I plead.

"I promise that no one other than you would be allowed to chase after my kids." He smiles beautifully at me.

"Stop with all your lies. Just shut up!" I cry, anger building up in me.

"I promise, that from now on, not only my heart but my mind, my soul, my body, my life and my future belongs to you.. if you'd like to have it that is."

"STOP IT, LOUIS!" I scream and he looks at me, startled, before he starts choking. The ring falls out of his hand as he falls to the ground, holding his neck, trying to breathe.

"Louis!" I cry and run towards him, but I move far from him. Everything around us starts burning and I run faster, in order to get to him, but the distance just increases between us. I cry, yelling for him, but all I see is the scenario of Louis fallen unconscious in the middle of a burning place moving away from me. Far away until it all turns black.

I gasp for air as I sit up in my bed. I start crying when I realize what happened. Once again, it all came back to me. The more I try to forget it, the more it haunts me. I bring my hand up to my face and caress the ring on my ring finger as I clutch Louis' green hoodie that I'm wearing, crying my heart out into the fabric.


"I don't really understand the problem here. I just want to move, what's the big deal?" I ask, throwing my hands in the air as I argue with my mom.

"It is a big deal, Harry. You don't just want to move, you want to leave the country. Why on earth do you want to do that?" She asks as she gets up of the couch from beside my dad, who observes the scene from the sidelines, and walks towards me, at the doorway to the kitchen.

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