Chapter25-Im Done

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Elana's P.O.V.

"I'm scared for her mom! I can't turn my back with out her trying to kill herself!" I hear Carl cry as I go to walk out of the bathroom. "Carl she has been hurt so badly! She needs you! You give up on this girl and i will make sure you regret it!" Lori hisses. "Mom I could never leave her Im just scared that she'll leave me!I can't live with out her! She's my Bestfriend!" Carl says and I open the bathroom door. Lori leaves,I stayed silent and fell onto the bed. Carl sits down next to me and grabs my arm softly. He starts to kiss my cuts. "Are you sad?" I ask quietly. "I miss her just as much as you." Carl says as he starts to kiss my cuts on the other arm. "Its all my fault." I say and Carl hugs me "No it was no ones fault." Carl says and I wrap my arms around him. "I love you" he says and I nod. "Really? All I get is a nod?" Carl asks. "I love you too." I say quietly. "Why do you keep on talking so quietly?" Carl asks and i shake my head. "I don't feel good." I whisper. "We are gonna bury Sophia.... come with us." Carl says and I nod. I went out side and saw Daryl had Sophia's lifeless body in his arms. "Wait." I say and walk up to him.I smile "Your in a better place princess.... I swear I'll be with you sooner then you know" I say and play with the ends of Sophia's hair. "I miss you so much I love you too you are the best little sister anyone could ever have!" I say and place a small kiss on her forehead. "Your my little guardian angle now baby sis, and I know your gonna keep me safe." I say and start to cry. "Why did I have to be stuck with mom? She is so fucking unstable she can't help me! Madie young and doesn't understand! I just want to go! I wanna go with Sophia!" I yell and grab Daryl's arm "Please just let me go with Sophia!" I cry and look at everyone "One less problem you have to worry about!" I say and Carl grabs me arms "No!"
He says "You don't have to worry about a crazy girl who always wants to kill herself! Please just kill me!" I cry. "Elana I said no!" Carl yells. "Your just gonna throw me out like a piece of trash soon! Just get rid of me!" I cry "Carl please!Im suffering!Just do it!" I yell and then feel a sharp pain in my stomach. "Oh my god!" I hear Carl say as I just stand there in utter shock. My boyfriend just stabbed me in the stomach.A tear rolled down my cheek from the pain.I fell to the ground and Carl grabbed me."What did you do?!" Daryl yells "I.... I wasn't thinking!" Carl cries as he pulls a bloody pocket knife out of my stomach and places his hands on my wound. "No baby! No I.... I didn't mean to." Carl says as tears fall from his face. I feel tears well up in my eyes because it hurt. "C-Carl it hurts j-just sh-shoot me. Pl-Please." I beg and Carl shakes his head "No baby your gonna make it it's okay don't leave me please!" Carl begs. He puts me in his lap and everything starts to get blurry. Everyone was around in now yelling at Carl. I smiled as I close my eyes. "It's over with just l-let me go." I say as the pain worsens. "No! Maggie Daddy do something!" I hear Beth yell. Rick picked me up and Lori grabs Carl. The last thing I remember was Carl crying and screaming my name and saying he didn't mean too. My eyes open and I'm Im a bright white room. " Sophia!" I say as my beautiful little sister walks into the room she hugs me and I hug her back. "Carl is going crazy." She whispers and I pull away "What?" I ask. "Voices were telling him to do it. They said you wouldn't suffer anymore and he didn't want you to suffer." Sophia says and I start to cry. "Im dead?" I ask and Sophia shakes her head. "Almost but that mad Hershel he's fixing you, but it's your choice. You have to back though!Daryl, momma, Lori, Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Beth, Hershel everyone they're all crying." Sophia says. "Madie..... she doesn't know yet." Sophia says. "Please don't make me go back! Please I miss you so much!" I cry and Sophia starts to cry. "I know I miss you too but you have to! He needs you Elana he is breaking!" Sophia says and "I can't! It's too hard!" I say. "Madie needs you Elana! Beth, Maggie! They're your sisters now! They think of you as one and need you so much! They are trying their best! You stay for them! You stay for them and Madie! Lori and Rick! Momma and Daryl! T-Dog and Andrea! Dale and Glenn! Shane and Hershel! Everyone!" Sophia yells. "You don't give up! Ever!" She yells "I love you." she says and hugs me. "I love you too." I whisper "But I'm not leaving." I say.

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