Chapter22-'Our' book

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Elana's P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and I realize I'm in the room alone which scares me now. "Carl!" I yell and I hear foot steps run up stairs then the doors swing open. "Hey it's okay! It's okay. I'm here." Carl says and sits down in the bed next to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday." Carl says as I hide my face in his shirt. "Please don't talk about it." I say and Carl nods. I kiss his lips and he kisses me back. He places his hands on my hips and I smile into the kiss. Carl moves forward and I do to. There was a knock on the door and Carl pulled away. "Hold up a second!" He yells and goes back to kissing me. He pushes me down onto the bed and kisses me harder. I giggled and ran my hands through his hair. There was anther knock and Carl pulled away. He got up and went towards the door. "Yeah?" He asks "Come outside and eat." Lori says and Carl nods. He grabs my hand and brings me outside. I see Shane and I turn around. "i cant. I cant. I can't." I repeat and Carl grabs my arm. "He's gonna leave watch." Carl says and grabs us a plate. As we sit down nothing happens. "Guys I have to tell you something." Glenn says "There is walkers in the barn." Glenn sighs and looks at us. Shane stands up and goes see the barn and so does everyone else but me. Carl turns towards me "Ella?" He asks and points towards the barn. "Carl you know I can't be next to him. What he did " I say and Carl cuts me off. "Okay. Then we stay here." Carl says and sits down under a tree "Come see babe." Carl says and I smile. I sit down on his lap as Carl places his hands on my waist. "So guess what tomorrow is." Carl says and I look at him. "Our one month anniversary." Carl says and I smile. "It is" I say, "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Carl asks and I look at him. "I want us to be alone. Together." I say. "That sounds perfect we can stay in our room all day tomorrow." Carl says and I smile. "Perfect." I say.Carl kisses my lips with a sigh. He pulls away "You make all my worries go away by just looking at me. Imagine what you do to me when I kiss you." Carl says as I leave little kisses on his cheek to his jawline. "Promise even though you say your leaving you won't actually ever leave." I whisper and Carl looks at me "Only if you promise too." Carl whispers. "I promise." I say and he nods "I promise" he say and I smile. I get off of Carls lap. I lay down in the tall grass and Carl leans over. He hovers over me then brushes his lips against mine. "Well hi!" I say with giggle and Carl smiles. "I have a question." I say. "And what would that be?" Carl asks "Did you ever like someone before me?" I ask and Carl shrugs "I had a tiny crush on this girl names Jessica Mecarthy.She was pretty with long blonde hair these beautiful blue eyes and she had cute dimples." Carl says and I frown. I had none of those things but the dimples but I doubt they were cute."So Im the total opposite of what you want in a girl." I say and Carl shake his head,"No she was a stuck up brat and you aren't. She was this girl who hated everyone and you aren't. All she had was the looks. You are ten times prettier and the nicest person I have ever meet.You have the looks and the personality I love" Carl says and I smile. "You do too." I say "Oh thank goodness! I got worried you didn't love me anymore." Carl says and I kiss his lips. "I will never stop loving you" I say and Carl smiles."If you do keep this in mine. I'll kidnap you and keep you all to myself." Carl whispers the last part to me "And then you'll be my personal slave." Carl says and I smile "Your personal slave?" I ask and he nods. "Okay I think I rather love you." I say and Carl laughs. "Forever" He says and pauses"And Ever." I say and he smiles. "so who did you like before we started dating?" Carl asks and I shrug. "No one really just this one guy but he was a jerk too but he said he liked me. I never went out with him though because like I said he was a jerk." I say. Carl nods in response. "Im glad you didn't." Carl says and I smile. "Im glad I didn't to baby." I say then kiss him. "So glad." I say agin. "Nanny!" I hear Madie say. I push Carl off of me and sit up. "Ow!"Carl says and I put a finger over my lips. I remove my finger and smile. "Hey Madie!" I say. "Nanny what happened yesterday?" Madie asks and I bite my bottom lip. "Nanny is gonna tell you when your older." Carl says and I nod. "Yeah I'll tell you then" I say and Madie nods. "Is it okay if I go see Oreo with Beth?" Madie asks "Yeah of course." I say and Madie nods. She walks away "Why did you push me off like that?" Carl asks "I don't want my little baby thinking it's okay for her boyfriend to get on top of her when she's older!" I say and Carl laughs. "It's not funny! Her mom did that stuff in front of her all the time! Her and her one night stands would almost have sex I front of her until they would go into the room!" I say and Carl stops laughing. "Oh well that's no funny anymore." Carl says with a frown. "We don't even know who Jack-Jacks father is." I frown. "I'm sorry babe." Carl says and puts a hand on my thigh. "It's fine." I sigh. "She's a horrible influence." I say as I lay back into Carl's chest. "Well let's be Madie's good influences." Carl says and I smile then frown. "I miss Sophia." I whisper and Carl frowns to. "Babe we all miss her." Carl whispers as tears brim my eyes. "No don't cry! Your gonna make me cry." Carl says and puts a hand on my cheek. "I love you." I say and Carl smiles "I love you more then you know it." Carl says and I smile. "Okay?" He asks and I giggle "Okay." I say "Maybe okay will be our forever." Carl says and I giggle "We should read that book together agin." I say and Carl nods "We should." he says and stands up, he makes me stand up with him too. "Lets go do that now!" Carl says and drags me to our room. He plops himself down on the bed as I get what Carl now calls and I quote 'our' book. I open it and lay down next to him. "Ready?" I ask and he nods. I smile as I start to read 'our' book called The Fault In Our Stars. We read the rest of that day until we fell asleep not even caring about the walkers in the barn. Actually we had totally forgotten about that.

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