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Elana's P.O.V.

Im currently in a car with a pissed and extremely sorry Carl, slightly angry Rick, and Michonne. So let me explain. We are going to Carl's town first off. Second off Carl and I got into a little disagreement this morning when he found out I went kill some walkers with Glenn.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You could've died!" Carl yells at me as he drags me into the prison. "Carl stop! I was with Glenn I'm fine!" I tell Carl as I try to pull away from his extremely tight grasp on my wrist. "Carl stop!" I yell but his grip only gets tighter as he brings me into our cell. "Your so stupid Elana! You could've gotten killed or even worse bitten! Then what Elana? Huh?" Carl yells at me as he pushes me into our cell. I stumble forward and hit the ground with a thud. "Carl she was with me! She was safe so stop!" Glenn yells at Carl. "No you don't understand so you need to get out and mind your own goddamn business!" Carl yells at Glenn. Glenn looks at me as I sit up with tears in my eyes because Carl was scaring me a little. "Just.....just go Glenn." I nod. Glenn hesitatingly nods then leaves. Carl had his fist balled up tightly, his face red with anger as he chewed his bottom lip and he had tears in his eyes. "You can't fucking go out there and do that shit Elana! I just lost my mom if something would've happened to you what the hell would I have done?" Carl yells at me. I just sat there not saying a thing as i stared at the floor. Carl kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my face harshly with one hand "Are you even fucking listening?" Carl yells at me. Thats when I broke down because Carl reminded me of someone. That one person I hated with a goddamn passion. My father. I started sobbing "Don't you dare ever fucking go out and do that with out me again! Do you hear me?" Carl yells I shake my head as I slowly back away from him. "Im sorry for yelling but I had too. Im just worried." Carl says as he pushed my face out of his hands. I quickly ran onto the bed and hid under the covers as I sobbed harder. "Elana what are you doing?" Carl asks as he rips the blanket that was over me off. I started crying more "Please don't hurt me! Im sorry! Please! Please don't hit me!" I beg out of habit. When Dad would come into my room mad i would beg him not to hurt me so it sorta just came out when ever Carl made me think of that horrible man. "What.....what?" Carl asks hurt. I shake my head "Im....I'm sorry." I apologize. "Oh god...." he says as he looks at me on the floor. "Im...I'm sorry Elana I.... I never meant....meant to be like your Dad." He starts crying. "I wasn't gonna hurt you angel. I could never..." Carl pulls at his hair "You dumbass!" He yells at himself then bangs his fist on the cell wall.He didnt have intentions of making me think of my dad, and he was scared he would lose me. I mean with him just losing his mom I couldn't blame him for being scared of losing me. I couldn't blame him for any of this. He was scared so I guess just forgive and comfort him like always. "C-Carl stop you didn't m-mean-" Carl cuts me off "I made you think I was gonna hurt you Elana!" I grab Carl's hand and he yanks it away "I cant I'm sorry." Carl runs out of our cell as Rick walks in "Carl what the hell did you do this time!" Rick yells as he sees me crying still. "You are horrible Carl Grimes I swear!" Rick yells. Carl walks back into the cell "You don't think I fucking know that already!" Carl yells at Rick. "Im such a fucking screw up!" Carl yells in tears

And that was our morning before we left. Carl and Rick had a fight and of course I tried explaining to Rick about how it wasn't Carl's fault, he just wanted me safe but Rick didn't let. So now Rick is slightly angry at Carl for what he did and Carl is pissed at Rick, and sorry towards me. He wont even let me touch him, he wont talk to me unless it's to give me instructions, and I just really don't like how he wont talk to me. I look at Carl as he stares at his hands. I move my hand to grab Carl's and he flinches then pulls his hand away. "Carl please" I whisper to Carl. He looks at me with sad eyes then shakes his head quickly. "Baby its not your fault you didn't mean to make me think of my Dad." I whisper to Carl as I go to move his hair out of his face. He pulls away from me. I frown "I-I love you." I tell Carl. He nods as Michonne passes some guy who was yelling for help. I frown "No helping him?" I ask. "These people don't understand your whole helping people who we dont know thing anymore. Don't even try." Carl grumbles. I look at him with a smile "So now your gonna talk to me?" I ask with a slight hint of hope in my voice. Carl shook his head and I sighed.My smile turned into a frown "When we get to your town, Im gonna ask your Dad if we can go see your house. Maybe we can get some of your old things, bring it to the prison, maybe we can also just hang out in your room." I suggest. "Just me and you." I continue. Carl shrugs which earns a sigh from me again. "Can you at least say I love you back? You didn't even tell me it back when I told you I loved you, Carl. That hurts." Carl looks at me for a moment "I love you." he whispers then looks back at the window. I shake my head "Yeah, I...I can tell" He said I love you to please me but he didn't mean it so it wasn't actually pleasing to me. I cross my arms over my chest and look out my window. Silence filled the car as we continue to drive. I feel Carl lightly touch my leg with his finger tips then pull away quickly. I look at Carl "Yeah pumpkin?" I ask hoping he'll talk even though I know he probably wont. Carl just shakes his head. I frown "Thats what I thought you would do." I sigh. "It's not your fault." I tell Carl. Carl looks at his hands "You thought I was gonna hurt you like your Dad would." Carl shakes his head "Elana, I made you see me as the monster your dad was." Carl places his head in his hands. "Im a monster but not that kind of a monster Elana. I would never lay a hand on you." I move closer to Carl "I know you wouldn't Carl." I press my lips against Carl's temple as I move his hair out of his face. Carl tense up and goes to push me away but stops as I place a hand on his arm. I whisper to him "Don't shut me out." My finger tips run up and down Carl's arms "I need you, and you need me." Carl looks at me "We need each other in order to not go insane, and you know that." I tell him. Carl furrows his eyebrows "Insane?" Carl asks confused at why i used that word. "Your voices, my crazy depression. It only happens when we don't have each other. Us not being together or us disappointing each other or us not being their for each other makes us go insane." I explain in a whisper so Rick and Michonne wouldn't hear. "You have a point" Carl says. I smile "I do." I kiss Carl's lips quickly "Your not insane." Carl shakes his head "I am. Im a demon, your an angel. Im insane, your.... sane but sad." Carl explains. I grab Carl's hand in mine "So lets say you are a demon, and I am an angel. Together were both heroes. It's not suppose to work that way but for some reason it does. I mean look at what we've done for everyone so far especially you. You always help the group and your their sorta go to person if they need a leader like Rick, and you help me so much with Madie." I tell Carl as the car starts to slow down. "I like that." Carl smiles a little. "Like what?" I ask. "How you think together were heroes. It's cute you think that way." Carl tells me. I smile and kiss Carl's cheek "I love you." I say. Carl smiles "I love you too babygirl." I smile and get this happy feeling since he was talking to me again. "Okay lets go. Be careful, don't leave my sight." Rick instructs. "Yeah we know" Carl says rudely. "Come on Carl." We get out of the car and I look at the little old run down town that Carl use to call his home. There was debris and trash all over the green grass. Carl comes up next to me "Your home babe." I tell him. Carl shakes his head "This isn't home anymore, we have no home." Carl says. I frown "Oh..." Carl grabs my hand into his "Lets go." Carl walks with me next. "First, we go to the station i use to work at. Look for guns and ammo there." Rick explains. Rick started to lead us to the station. It was really quite and peaceful actually in the town. "Angel I have a question." Carl pulls me back from Michonne and Rick a little. "Yeah Pumpkin?" I ask. "You know how you said when we get to the house we could uh....w-we could be by ourselves in like my room or something?" Carl asks me. I nod in response as we continue to walk. "Well can we still do that? Please Elana I wanna lay down and cuddle you right now but I can't exactly do that because were here" Carl pouts. "Aww baby!" I gush as I place a hand on his arm "Of course we can Carl. I promise ill try to get your Dad to let it be just you and I." Carl smiles "That sounds good." he nods as Rick walks into a building we walked up to. "This is where my Dad use to work, he was the sheriff." Carl explains. "Mmm a sheriff. Was lil Carl gonna follow in his Daddy's footsteps one day?" I ask playfully as we stop at the entrance. Rick and Michonne had already gone in and told us to take watch."I was when I was little." Carl tells me honestly. I smirk "What ya gonna do if I steal something sheriff?" I ask Carl playfully. He smiles and grabs my wrist lightly. Carl pulls me towards him "Im gonna have to cuff you, pretty lady." Carl smirks as I gasp "Oh no! That sounds horrible.Sheriff please don't do that!" I slip my wrist out of Carl's hands "Well pretty lady maybe if you give me a kiss I can make an exception because you just stole my heart." Carl puckers up his lips. "A kiss for a stolen heart? Okay Sheriff. One kiss coming right up." I giggle. I press my lips against Carl's then pull away thinking the kiss was done, but Carl didn't think so. My lips crashed back on Carl's as he pulled me back while muttering an "The Sheriff isn't done with you." I smile as Carl places his hands on my waist. I wrap my arms around Carl's neck. Rick and Michonne walked outside empty handed. Carl pulls away. I lay my head on his chest "Wheres the guns?" I ask confused as Carl wraps his arms around my waist. "One bullet. They had one bullet." Michonne says. Carl lets his arms leave my waist as he steps closer to his Dad "One bullet! Dad we came here for ammo and guns! One bullet isn't gonna cut it what so ever if we have to go to war with this guy!" Carl shout. Rick looks at me "You don't think I don't fucking know that Carl!" Rick shouts back. Carl shakes his head at his father "Look theres a few stores that I know have hidden guns. I signed the papers for them I know where they are. Just follow me." Rick starts to walk and we follow him. All the stores soon came into sight but so did all these traps. Like they had cages with rats and pigeons in them and around the cages their were spikes so the walker would go to the rats or pigeons and then get stuck, or killed on the spike. "Watch." Carl tells me as we walk and I almost trip over some rope that was strung up at our ankles. "What does it trigger?" I ask as I step over the rope "I don't know but I don't wanna find out and you surly wont." Carl grabs my arm. He guides me away from the rope and towards Rick and Michonne. "Okay be careful-" Rick starts and then gets cut off by someone yelling "Put your hands up and show me your guns!" Some person from on top of one of the buildings yells. The person had a riffle in their hands and their entire body covered so you couldn't even tell who it was or what they looked like. I look at Carl "Just put your hands up with your gun." Carl whispers to me. I do as told and so does everyone else. The person had their riffle aimed at us with their finger on the trigger. "Carl.." I whimper a little scared. "It's okay baby. Its gonna be okay." Carl tells me as he moves his hand to grab mine the person aims the riffle at Carl "Im not gonna do anything!" Carl says. "Put your weapons down and leave" The person says. "Rick we need those guns and that riffle." Michonne whispers to Rick. "I know." Rick whispers. "Carl take Elana back to the car safely when I say run. I want y'all to both stay in the car." Rick says. "What? Im not leaving you!" Carl argues "Carl, Elana." Rick says. "I....I can help." Carl shakes his head "No. Im not taking the chance of you getting hurt." Carl tells me "But Carl-" "No buts Elana. Your not getting hurt!" I roll my eyes with a nod at Carl. "Ready?" Rick asks with his gun in his hand. "Run." he says and starts to shoot at the person. Carl grabs my hand and quickly pulls me behind a truck "Run to the car. If a walker comes you know what you have to do." Carl instructs me "No! Carl you cant leave! Your Dad said go to the car!" I grab onto Carl's shirt as i hear gun shoots ring through the air "Elana I have to help them!" Carl stresses. "Then im staying." i tell Carl simply. He sighs "You stay behind this truck and you don't move. You hear me?" Carl asks. I nod and place my hands on his cheeks. I pull his lips onto mine then pull away "I love you." Carl nods "I love you too angel." Carl runs out into the firing of the guns that was going on. I didn't like the idea of him wanting to go out and do this but I had to let him. He is gonna start doing dangerous things like this and I'm gonna have to let him. "Carl!" I hear Rick shout as the gun shoots stop. My heart stops with those gun shoots. I stand up and run out from behind the truck to see the person lying on the ground and Carl pointing him gun at the person on the ground. My mouth falls open as my hand flies to my mouth also. I was shocked. Carl shot someone. He had to but still. Carl looks at me and places the gun in his holster. "I...I had to shoot him Elana. He was going towards Dad!" Carl tells me as he runs up to me. "Pl-Please don't be afraid." Carl takes my hands into his shaky ones. "Im not afraid I'm just....shocked." I say honestly. "Did...did you kill him?" I croak scared to know the answer. "No Carl didn't kill him." Rick tells me. Carl's hands were still shaking as he looked at me with worried eyes. "Carl whats wrong?" I ask. "Im just scared your gonna get scared of me and all." Carl tells me truthfully. I frown "Carl im not gonna leave you." I tell him. "You get more and more concerned and scared about me everyday. I can see it Elana." I bite my bottom lip. That was true. Ever since Lori's death I've grown more concerned and scared with Carl. I could never admit to that though, that would break his heart to know. It breaks mine honestly. "Look lets talk about this when we get to the prison." I say. "My gosh." Rick says. "I know this man. He is the one who helped me in the beginning. This is Morgan." Rick explains. "We need to get him inside. Michonne and I will check the inside of his home while you two stay and watch him." Rick says. "Morgan isn't hurt or any thing because he had armor so don't worry about him." I nod as Rick and Michonne walk away. Carl's trembling hands took put his gun and aimed it at Morgan "Carl he's passed out you don't have to aim a gun at him just watch him." I say. Carl puts the gun down slowly "If he wakes up-" "Carl you shouldn't have the gun pointed at him even when he wakes up!
If he tries to make a move thats when you pull that gun up." Carl frowned "O-okay." he says just agreeing with what i say. I sigh as Carl steps up to speak "What if he quickly attacks us whenever he first wakes up? Or he tries to run off? Thats why I pulled the gun our because he could do all of that." Carl explains himself. I nod "He could but what are the chances? He is knocked out." I say as Michonne and Rick walk out. Rick and Michonne pick up Morgan "Lets go." Rick says. Carl places his hand on the small of my back "Come on." he sighs. We go inside of Morgan's house which was filled with traps at the entrance. "This man is insane." I breath. "No this man is smart." Carl corrects me. I shake my head "Insane." I whisper as I look at the bloody ax Morgan had hanging up for when the next time someone steps on the wire he had that connected to the ax so it would let go and put a ax right through that persons skull. Sad what this world has come too. "Elana get your ass over here and start packing." Carl yells from the other room. I run into the room where everyone else had went and see a bunch of guns and ammo and just every weapon you could think of. "Woah." I smile as I grab a bag and start packing. "Were staying till he wakes up." Rick says. I stop packing the ammo "Why?" Michonne asks. "I knew him. I wanna see if he remembers me." Rick says. We nod as we stop packing. I decided to go look around a little and found this big map of the town. I smile "Lets find Carl's house!" I say as i see everyone name on their house. "Carl come see! I found a map of the town. Come help me find your house baby!" I yell as I look for Rick's name since it was Rick's house. "Right.." I pause as my smile turns into a frown" here." I continue as Carl runs into the room with a smile on his face. "This is so cool!" Carl says. I look at him "Maybe we should go get a crib for Judith. Their is a store just a block away we can go see." i say quickly as I try to push Carl away from the map so he wouldn't be disappointed. "What? No way! Not till I find the house on here." Carl says. "Carl stop!" I say as he brings he brings his finger yo to the map and tries to find his neighborhood. "Carl stop please!" I beg. "What is wrong with me trying to-" Carl stops as he sees those big bold letters i didn't want him to see. On the drawing on Carl's house in big bold letters it read 'RICK'S HOUSE, BURNED.' Which meant exactly what it said. Rick's house burned and was no longer there. Carl frowns "Its.....its gone." Carl whispers. I place mg hand on his back "My childhood memories, clothes, prize possessions, things in general. Its all.....gone." I rub my hand up and down Carl's back."Im sorry. I know that was the main reason you came-" i say but stop as I hear Rick walk into the room. "What did y'all find?" Rick ask. Carl sighs "Its a map of our town Dad, and our house it was uh..burned." Carl nods. Rick shifts all his weight to his left leg "Is that why you wanted to come? To see the house?To be able to go back home one last time?" Rick asks. Carl glances at his Dad then back to the map. "No. i just wanted to come." He lies. "Liar." I whisper. Carl looks at me "Stop." he whispers back to me. I roll my eyes "Were gonna go to the baby store thats about a block down and get Judith a crib." I tell Rick. "Alone? No" Rick shakes his head. "Why not? Its just down the block and we can take care of our selves!" Carl points out. Michonne looks at us "A crib? You two cant carry a crib by yourself! Carl your to weak to carry a big thing like that and frankly Elana is too and shes too small." Michonne points at us "Ill go with you and help you get the crib." Michonne suggest. "Yeah then she can watch us Rick and you wont have to worry!" I smile. Rick nods "She goes with y'all, then y'all can go." Rick says. "Deal" I say quickly as I Carl's mouth open to say something. "Elana we don't need anyone to come with us." Carl growls. "Do you want to go or not Carl?" I ask. Carl stayed quiet "Thats what I thought. Now come on we only have so much time before
We have to leave." I tell Carl and Michonne. She nods as she stands up "Lead the way you two." Carl grabs my hand "Trust me we will" He whispers then pulls me downstairs then outside with him. "When I say run you run do you hear me?" Carl asks me quietly. "What? No! We are not running off!" I growl. "I have to do something Elana!" Carl growls at me "If you don't fucking help ill go by myself!" He spits at me. Carl looked mad at me for not wanting to go along with the plan "Fine but you tell Michonne to follow you don't run away from her." I tell him. Carl shakes his head as we hear a walker come "I just wanna help you, know." Michonne says. I smile at her "Yeah I know and thank you for that. Can you help by killing the walker with your sword thing please? Don't really think we should be using our guns if we don't have too." Michonne nods "Of course Elana." she says. She goes up to the walker and stabs it "Run." Is all I hear Carl say before I'm being dragged by my arm. "Carl stop!" I yell shocked at his actions. "Come on we cant run away!" I tell him as we stop running. Michonne soon runs after us "What the hell was that?" She asks. Carl doesn't say anything "Well?" I ask him "Theres something I need to get that isn't in the baby store, but I need to be the one to get it." Carl explains. Michonne shrugs "Thats fine. Next time just tell me instead of running off." Carl nods then brings us to this cafe. "Elana you stay out here and watch while I go with Carl" Michonne tells me. "Um....hell no!" Carl shakes his head "She isn't staying out here by herself!" I shrug "Why not?" I ask. "Because i said so." Carl replies in a attitude. "Fucking go before I get pissed at your ass!" I growl at him. Carl furrows his eyebrows at me "Fine just be careful. Stay on guar-" Carl says and I cut him off like he does Rick."Yeah Carl I know." I pull out my gun and firmly grasp it in my hand. "Come on Carl she's a big girl shes got this." Michonne tells Carl. They checked to see if they could get through the front doors but they couldn't, way to many walkers, so what they decided to do was use two of Morgans rats to distract the walkers. The rats were in cages and Carl and Michonne found some skateboards so with those two things they were able to put the caged rats on the skateboards then slide it into the door causing a distraction to the walkers. I waited patiently outside hoping everything was going good in their. It wasn't long till Michonne and Carl came bursting out the front door quickly. Michonne shut it close "No! No I have to go back in there!" Carl yells. "Wheres the picture?" Michonne aske as she looks at Carl's hands "I dropped it by the table on the way out! I have to go back in their and get it!" What picture could he have wanted so badly from here? "Carl it's filled with walkers. Baby our best bet is to leave." I say as all the walkers start banging on the door. "No! It's the last one left we have to get it!" Carl yells. "Carl calm down. Look at least tell me...what was the picture even of?" I ask. "Its a picture of me, Dad, and Mom that I want Judith to have." Carl explains. Thats why it meant so much to him. It had his mom in it. "Look you stay here ill see what I can do." Michonne tells Carl. "No!
I have to do this myself!" Carl shouts. "Look boy, i told your father I would help y'all so thats what I'm going to do. I don't care if you don't like it or not. Im helping. Now watch with your little girlfriend." Michonne says sternly. Carl looks at her for a while then nods "Yeah." Carl leaned against the brick building as Michonne went to the back of it. Guess theres a back door. Carl starred me down as I walked back and forth across the small cafe yard. It was so quiet over here. I really liked it. "Hey come see I don't want you going far." I hear Carl call put from behind me as ai turn around. "You worry to much. Im still on the cafés ground Carl. Im freaking barley twenty feet away from you." I point out. Carl frowns "Please just do what I say?" Carl asks politely. "It has manners." I gasp playfully as I walk towards him. Carl looked at the ground with a frown still "Not funny? Well I tired." I sigh. Carl looks at me "Do you think it would be best if.....for your safety and Madie's if..." Carl pauses then shook his head "Never mind, never mind." Carl says quickly as Michonne walks out of the building with the picture. Carl takes it from her with a big smile. I look at the picture and smile. They all looked so .....happy. "Aww baby, look how happy y'all all are." I hug Carl's waist from behind as he still stares at the photo "Yeah. We were happy." Carl frowns "Were" he sighs. I pout "Don't do that. That was happy moment Carl" Carl nods "Lets go get that crib now." I nod. We all walked to the babystore and it was clear of walkers thankfully. "Carl lets get her this one! It has pretty pink flowers all over it."I say as I rub over to the play pin we decide to get instead of a crib. Play pins are just easier so i suggested we get that instead. "What ever you think we should get her babe we can." Carl says as he walks up to the play pin "It looks good. Now lets get her a few little things like formula, diapers, and some toys." Carl tells me. I nod "Ill get the formula." I say "Ill get the toys." Michonne nods "I guess that leaves me
To get the diapers." Carl says. I smile "Sure does." I say then run to the formula. After we got everything we need we carried it back to where Morgan's place was. Rick was outside with Morgan "Was just about to go looking for y'all." Rick says. "Well were here." Michone smiles lightly at Rick. Morgan was fixing one of his traps "Leta go put those in the car then go." Rick instructs us. Once we got everything in the car Rick wanted to leave quickly for some reason. "Um...Morgan." Carl stops "Carl lets go." Rick growls. "Im sorry for shooting you." Carl apologizes. "Dont ever be sorry boy." Morgan tells Carl as he looks at him."I had to. You know that right?" Carl asks. Morgan nods and I grab Carl's hand "Come on, we gotta go." I tell Carl softly. He nods and follows me into the car. I sat in the middle so I could be close to Carl. Michonne started the car once Rick got in and we took off. "Im sorry we couldn't go see your house like we planned." I tell Carl as I play with his hands. Carl shrugs "Not that worried about it anymore." He tells me. I nod as Carl brings my hand up to his lips. He leaves little kisses over my knuckles. I smile as I watch him. "Your so confusing." I sigh as I shake my head. "Mmm how so Angel?" Carl asks as he pulls my hand into his lap. "One minute your happy, then mad, then lovey dovey, then pissed or annoyed, then scared, the right back to being lovey dovey." I explain. "I mean I guess im sorta the same way but still your confusing sometimes." I shake my head as Carl nods. "That is true, I don't know why but my emotions change really quickly at any time and everything aggravates me easily, or ill get angry easily over stupid things like this morning." Carl admits. I shake my head "This morning you had every right to be mad. Carl your scared your gonna lose someone again. I would be too if I just list someone as important as you did. I should've told you, Im sorry I didn't." Carl shakes his head. "How are you holding up about Jack-Jack?" Carl asks. I tense up "I uh...." i pause "I don't know." i shake my head. "He was just a baby Carl. A baby! She killed her own baby, then she expected me to give her Madie! I cant do that Carl." Carl nods. "Promise me something." I tell Carl. "Anything angel." Carl squeezes my hand that he was holding. "Promise me you'll help me not let Allie get to Maide no matter what?" I ask Carl. Carl nods "Of course. I promise Allie wont ever touch Madie ever again" Carl promises. I nod as he kisses my lips. I pull away as the car slows down "Carl get that bag." Rick says. Carl lets go of my hand "What bag?" Carl asks as he opens his door. The guy who needed our helps bag was lying on the ground with a blood trail next to the bag. Carl quickly grabs the bag then shuts the door when he sees I saw the blood. "kay." Carl says. I sit up to see blood smeared onto the road. Michonne drove off again. "We killed someone." My voice cracks as my eyes start to water "We just let someone die. Die in such a horrible way" I shake my head. "Elana stop-" "No one should have to die like that Carl! We could've helped! We could've but we didn't! His death is our fault!" I tell Carl. He sighs and looks out the window. It was getting dark and I was getting tired. I yawn as I still think about that man. It upset me that we could've saved him but of course we didn't. We practically killed that man. "Come see" Carl whispers to me. He picks me up and places me to where I was sitting on his lap side ways. My legs were laying across the backseat as I sat in Carl's lap. Head leaning on his chest as I clutched onto his shirt. "We killed that man Carl." I whisper. Carl shakes his head "We had nothing to do with that man. Its not our fault." he reassured me. "Get some sleep. Ill wake you up when we get to the prison angel." Carl kisses my temple and wipes my eyes from the tears I had in them. I nod and close my eyes as Carl pulls me close to him."Night Elana." Carl whispers to me then i feel asleep.

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