Chapter14-bad day

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Elana's P.O.V.

"Come on wake up El." I hear Daryl say and I groan. "Wheres Carl?" I ask and Daryl chuckles "Behind you holding your waist like someone is gonna steal you from him." Daryl says and then I open my eyes. I realize he was right. Carl had a tight grip on my waist and my back was against his stomach and I was sitting on his lap. I turn around and kissed The tip of Carl's nose "Wake up sleeping beauty." I say and Carl shakes his head and shoves his face inside my shoulder. "But I wanna lay here with you." Carl yawns and I smile. "Well we can't. Maybe when we get back on the road we can get in the back back and lay down." I say and Carl nods then opens his eyes. I smile and he presses his lips to my forehead leaving a long kiss there. "I love you." Carl says and I smile. "I know." I say and Carl frowns "Why are you frowning?" I ask and quickly kiss Carl's lips. "Thought I wasn't gonna say I love you too?" I ask and Carl shrugs "Thats exactly why your frowning." I say with a smile. I press our foreheads together and brush our lips together feeling that spark I felt the first time we kissed and every other time we kissed. "I love you too." I say and Carl smiles. "Get up!" I hear Shane yell harshly and bang on the car window. I jump and hide my face in Carl's chest. "Im sorry did he scare you?" Carl asks and rubs my back. "A little." I say and Carl sits up with me. "I hate him." Carl hisses "I don't want you hating him because of me." I say and Carl looks at me. "If someone doesn't like my babygirl I don't like them because there stupid for not liking you!" Carl says then grabs my hands "You are a beautiful,smart, funny, kind, loving, girl who everyone likes but Shane and the reason why is because he's jealous." Carl says and I raise an eyebrow "Jealous?" I ask and Carl nods "He's jealous he doesn't have a relationship like we do with my mom and he knows he can't be mean to me or my dad will kill him so he's being mean to you but trust me my dad is still gonna kill him for being mean to you." Carl says and I nod. We get out of the car and I see a highway with cars all down it. "Why did we stop?" I ask as Carl wraps his arms around my waist from behind. "The RV broke down." Shane says and glares at me. Carl starts to leave little kisses on my cheek all the way down to my jawline. "Carl stop!" I giggle and Carl kisses me on my cheek one last time. "Yeah no one wants to see you make out with Elana." Shane says "What am I saying no one wants to see Elana period." Shane mumbles and I frown. I pull out of Carl's grip and walk away from Shane and Carl on the verge of tears. "Elana wait!" Carl says "Whats your problem? Leave her alone! I love her and if you want me to still like you I suggest you leave her alone! She is a wonderful girl that I love! So leave her alone!" I hear Carl yell at Shane as I start to cry "Woah whats wrong?" I hear Rick ask. "Elana sweetie Whats wrong?" I hear Lori ask and run over to me. "Shane keeps calling me horrible things a-and it h-hurts!" I say and cry harder. Lori hugs me "It's okay." she says then gets up. She walks over to Shane. "You leave that little girl alone!She has done nothing wrong! She makes Carl happy and is a good girl! You talk to her or even look at her I will kick your ass!She has enough shit in her life! She doesn't need any more!" I hear Lori hiss at Shane. "C-Carl can you come s-see?" I ask and Carl runs to my side. "Hey babygirl." Carl says and kisses my forehead."W-Why does he hate me?" I ask as Carl wipes my tears away with the pad of thumb. "Why are you doing this?" I here Rick asks and look at him. "She isn't right for him! He doesn't need a annoying depressed girl keeping him down because if he does he will die!" Shane says and I look at Carl. "So you want us to be over with?" I ask and Shane looks at me "Yes! Like I said he doesn't need a annoying depressed girl keeping him down!" Shane says and I look at Carl. "If he wants to break up with me he can tell me." I say and Carl looks at me. "Never." he says and I smile. "Then I guess that's it. He isn't gonna break up with me and I'm not gonna kill him." I say and Carl looks into my eyes "No you won''ll just want to make me want to live." Carl says and I smile. I put my head on Carl's shoulder and he hugs my waist. "When Carl dies it won't be my fault!" Shane says "I don't believe he's gonna die from a innocent girl who loves him." Rick says then walks away."If anyone dies it'll be me." I say and look at Shane "Come on Shane! Just kill me now! You know you'll try doing it later! Fuck you all most made me kill myself at the C.D.C. why not give it anther try!" I yelled and walked up to him. He had his knife out and open. I point the tip to my stomach "One jab and you'll never have to worry about me agin." I say "You could forget about me, all of you can." I say and Shane grips the pocket knife. Carl yanked me back "Come on Shane! I rather you kill me now then me have to suffer because you hate me!" I yell as Carl picks me up. "Let me go jackass!" I yell as Carl pulls me away. "I said let me go!" I yell and get out if Carl's grip. I see everyone starring at me and I shake my head. "I told you I wasn't good for you Carl but you still waned to be with me. Now look at the mess your in!"I yell "You hate Shane because of me! Im bringing you down and you can't even fucking see it!Im gonna get you killed Carl!Fuck!" I yell "Elana watch your language!" my mom says and I shake my head. I turn around and walk down the row of cars. "I'm a god damn mess! Just kill me now please!" I yell and turn around to see a broken looking Carl. He runs up to me and hugs me. "Get off!"I yell and push him away. I start to cry and shake my head. "I don't want you to get killed please just leave me alone!" I say and kiss his lips. "I love you." I say and see tears stream down my face."But I'm gonna get you killed!" I cry "Stop saying your gonna kill me because you won't!" Carl yells. "I told you I would fix you and I will. Ill help you get better I promise just please don't listen to what everyone else has to say. Just listen to me princess.I promise I will always be there for you." Carl says and I sniffle. "Your my babygirl and you always will be.Your mine now and I promise to protect you and never leave you.If you say your broken I will fix you." Carl says he and starts to lean in to kiss me. He stops and our lips brush together "I love you." he says and hen kisses me. I kiss him back and Carl smiles into the kiss. He pulls away and presses our forehead together. "I make everything so dramatic." I say and Carl chuckles "It makes life interesting." Carl says and I smile. Carl calmed down and we started to look through some cars for stuff. I sorta just walked.I feel someone grab my arm and smile. "Hey babe." I say thinking it was Carl and turn around to see a walker.I scream as I try pulling away from the walker. "Let me go! Carl!Carl!" I yell and Carl looks at me then runs over to me. "Dad!" Carl yells and grabs onto my waist as the walkers teeth get closer and closer to my arm. "Dad!" Carl yells agin "Elana!" i hear my mom scream.I scream agin then a bullet flies through the walkers head. The walker falls to the floor and Carl hugs me. "Its okay. Did he bite you? Scratch you anything?" Carl asks "No." I say and hug him back. He kisses my forehead and leans his head on my shoulder. My mama runs over to me and I pull away from my mama. "Are you okay? No bites, scratches anything?" She asks quickly as everyone runs over to me. "Im fine." I say and then see a heard of walkers. "Get down!" Rick whisper/hisses. Me,Carl, and Sophia get under a car. I was in the middle. Carl had his hand over my mouth to make sure I kept quite.the walkers passed by the car and I pulled Sophia closer to me. We didn't see any more walkers so Sophia got out from underneath the car. i hear Sophia yell and see a walker. Sophia starts to run towards the woods as I get out from underneath the car. "Sophia run around the walker!"I yell as Rick chases after her. She goes into the woods and I starts to panic. "What if she's hurt? I can't lose her Carl!" I say and face him. "She won't get hurt and you wont lose her. Okay babygirl?"Carl says and I nod. Carl kisses my forehead and I sigh. I sit I the trunk of a car and start to mess with my hands. "Elana." Carl says and places his hands on the side of my thighs. I don't answer I just wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead. "How bout I ask my mom if we can go lay down in the car?" Carl asks and I nod. I hop off the car trunk and Carl asks Lori If we could lay down in the car. She said yes and we go lay down. I was laying besides Carl and closed my eyes "I hope she's okay." I say softly and feel Carl's soft lips presses against mine. He pulls away "I promise she will." Carl says and I nod then slowly drift to sleep.Today was a really bad day.

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