Chapter 3-Advice

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Elana's P.O.V.

"Elana wake up." I hear a soft voice say. I groan and hear someone chuckle "Come on it's not that bad to wake up!" I hear the voice say agin and I open my eyes to see Carl smiling down at me.

"Whatcha smilein bout?" I ask and Carl shakes his head.

"Nothing." He says and I sit up.

"Sure." I say sarcastically. "So what we doing today?" I ask Carl and he shrugs

"Glenn,Merle,Daryl and a few others went on a run, mom and Amy went get something In the woods,Sophia is still sleeping so is your mom and Dad, I have no clue where Shane is, Dale is at the RV fixing it with Jim..... so I guess it's just me and you for a while." Carl says and I nod.

"That sounds nice." I say and smile. "So I have some questions to ask you." Carl says and I nod.

"Kay." I say and Carl bites his lip "Your a girl so I'm hoping you'll know the answer to this." Carl says and I nod.

"If a guy likes a girl..... how should the guy tell the girl?" Carl asks nervously and I can't help but have some hope that he likes me.

I smile and bite my lip "Well the boy should just be him self and tell her how he feels and how much he likes her." I say and Carl nods

"What if the guy wants to ask her out?" Carl asks and pauses for a moment "But he wants to ask her out in a sorta romantic way." Carl says and I smile

"He should sit down with her somewhere pretty like the lake pretty or some where outside, grab her hands and look straight into her eyes then just tell her. Thats all I would want,nothing fancy." I say and Carl nods.

"What if that guys scared to tell her?" Carl says and I sigh "Carl you shouldn't be scared to tell a girl you like her! Your a wonderful guy I'm sure the girl would say she felt the same way! Don't be nervous to tell who ever this girl is. You should just say it, it will always be a little nerve racking at first but after you get it off of your chest it'll be fine." I say and Carl nods.

"Do you think I will have a chance with this girl?" Carl asks and I nod.

"I do. Your a sweet,nice, wonderful, caring, funny, talented and just all of those wonderful things Carl! You totally have a chance. Not to mention your cute!" I say then playfully punch Carl's arm and Carl blushes.

"You really think that?" Carl asks and smiles.

"Of course I do!" I say and Carl nods "Im gonna do it!" Carl says and I smile

"She'll say yes I know she will and if she doesn't, don't worry ill smack some since into her." I say and Carl laughs.

"I really hope your right about her saying yes, Because if she doesn't I probably would make our relationship weird." Carl says and I smile.

I really hope I'm the girl he wants to ask out but I doubt it. "Hey I'm gonna go to my tent know. Wake Sophia." I say and Carl nods.

"Yeah you do that I need to think about something." Carl says and I nod. I walk out of Carl's tent and too me and Sophia's to see Sophia awake.

"Well there you are! Where were you last night?" Sophia asks as I walk into our tent.

"I accidentally feel asleep in Carl's tent." I say and Sophia smiles.

"Accidentally? Me no think so!" Sophia says and I laugh.

"It was an accident Sophia!" I say and smile.

"Im going get some sun." Sophia says and I nod "Im coming." I say and we walk outside. We sit down in the dirt and I start to draw hearts, smiley faces, peace signs, really anything I could draw in the dirt.

"What's up?" Carl asks and sits down next to me in the dirt.

"Nothing much. Drawing in the dirt while Sophia gets the tan she desperately needs." I say and Sophia throws some pebbles at me.

"What? I'm the one who has the tan skin and your the one who has the ghost white skin!" I say and Carl laughs.

"Whatever." Sophia says and rolls her eyes then goes see mama.Lori and Shane come back and Shane teaches Carl how to tie some type of knot. T-Dog comes on to the radio and says there in a little but if trouble

"We have to go help them." I hear Amy say to Dale as he fixes the RV with Jim.

"We stay here. We are not risking the rest of the group!" Shane says and Amy shakes her head.

"But Andrea she needs help!Were just gonna leave her there? She volunteered to go and help us and were just gonna leave her?" Amy asks Shane as Carl sits down next to me.

"She knows that she could've died from going on the run.She knew the risk she was taking." Shane says and Amy shakes her head furiously

"You son-of-a-bitch Thats my sister out there!" Amy yells and storms off. Lori runs after her and Shane just shakes his head.

"I would do the same thing if it was Sophia. I would make you let me go." I say and Shane glares at me.

"No one asked for your opinion Elana!" Shane yells and Carl stands up.

"Don't yell at her! I would do the same thing for Elana and Sophia because there my best friends and I don't want them hurt!" Carl says and I smile.

Shane just rolls his eyes then walks away. "Thank you Carl,but you didn't have to do that. Know he's mad at you." I say and Carl sits back down.

"I don't care. You were just saying that that's what you would do. You were showing you cared for your sister just like Amy. He had no right to yell at you." Carl says and I hug him.

"Thank you." I say and Carl hugs me back "Anything for you." He says and my smile gets bigger. We pull away and a loud clamp of thunder rings through my ears.

I jump up and Carl smiles "Someone scared?" Carl asks and I nod

"Uh....yeah. Thunder storms aren't my favorite." I say then chuckle lightly "Well trust me nothing's gonna happen, because I won't let anything happen." Carl says and I smile

. "You seriously have to stop being so sweet. Your gonna kill me." I say and we laugh. "Come on let's go in the RV it's about to rain and I don't feel like going in the tent." Carl says and I nod.

We go into the RV and Carl sits down on the couch. I sit down next to him and put my legs over his. Anther loud clap of thunder rings agin and I jump.

Carl chuckles and puts a hand on my leg "It's okay." He says with a smile. I nod and lay down on the couch laying my head on Carl's lap. "Do you still think we will find my dad?" Carl asks

"Yeah I do." I say and Carl sighs.

"I don't think my mom wants to even look." Carl says and starts to play with my hands.

"Carl don't say that." I say softly "Carl your mom loves your dad and I'm sure she wants to look she just doesn't know where to start." I say and Carl sighs.

"I just want to find him." Carl says and I nod

"You will. Ill help you." I say and Carl smiles

"Thank you." he says and I smile at him. I stare into his eyes for a while. God I love his eyes! There perfect! There this crystal blue color thats just so pretty!

I swear I could stare at them forever! "You have pretty eyes." I say and Carl blushed "Thank you. You have pretty eyes to. They're so green. I like them." Carl says and I blush myself.

"Thank you." I say and smile. It soon started raining and the thunder only go worse, so I was a little scared but Carl stayed by me for the entire storm.

He made me feel a whole lot better. He's so sweet! I wish he liked me but he probably doesn't and probably will never like me which really disappoints me because I really like him.

Heroes (A Carl Grimes fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें