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Elana's P.O.V.

It was morning and Rick and all still weren't back. This made Carl a little tense, nervous, snappy and just really stressed. "Carl, it'll be okay pumpkin." I tell Carl as I hug his waist. Carl was freaking out because his father wasn't back. "And if it isn't?" Carl asks nervously. "You cant think about it like that Carl." I tell him as i lay my head on his chest. Carl sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and started to calm down. "Guys the food is done." Beth tells us as i start to hear Judith cry. "I got her." i tell Beth. She nods and i look at Carl "Come with me?" I ask. Carl nods in response. We walked down stairs to Ricks then over to the little basket we had to have Judith sleep in since we don't have a crib or play pin yet. I pick her up carefully. "Hi cutie!" I say to her as i lay her in my arms. Carl fixed her a bottle then handed it to me. "It's gonna be okay because your amazing big brother Carl fixed you a bottle! Yes! Yes it will!" I tell the baby in a baby voice. I put the bottle in her mouth and hold it up. Carl smiles at me . "Your adorable." Carl tells me. I smile "Well so are you." Carl smiles. I feed and burped Judith and she quickly feed asleep after that so me and Carl went eat the soup Beth made for everyone. We were going to eat in the dinning room place and Hershel checked all of the people we found yesterday. Carl locked the door behind him then grabbed my hand "Stay next to me and away from them." Carl says as he watches the new people very carefully. Madie came running towards me "Im hungry Nanny." Madie whines. "Do you want me to fix you some soup?" I ask her. She nods "Yes please." I smile then nod. I fixed Madie and I some soup and handed her her bowl. She sat down and ate her soup as I say down next to her with my bowl and Carl sat down with his bowl next to me. He pulled out his gun and placed it on the table. "Carl." i warn him. "Just showing I still have it and I'm not afraid to use it." Carl says quietly so only i could hear. I nod and ate my soup. "It must be pretty nice to have medical help." The bigger man whose name we found out is Tyresse says. Hershel fixes the other mans leg whose name is Allan. "It always comes in handy." I nod. Carl grabs his gun as he finishes his soup and puts the bowl away. Carl stands behind me and watches everyone. "You a vetnerian?" Tyreese asks Hershel. Hershel nods as Sashsa sits down and Carl pulls his gun up. "Carl! Calm down." I tell him. Carl puts the gun down "Sorry he's just really protective and always ready for anything." I say and rub Carl's arm with my hand "Right babe?" I ask Carl. He nods "Sorry" he says. Sasha nods "Thats fine." She tells us. I hear Judith start to cry and Carl hands me the keys. I unlock the door and quickly go get her. I walk back to everyone else and lock the door. "I thought she feel asleep." Carl says as i hang him the keys back "Well i guess she woke up and i will now have to put her back to sleep." i explain to Carl. "How old is the baby?" Sasha asks. "Barley a week." Hershel replies as Carl kisses Judith's forehead. "Aww" i smile. Carl smiles and blushes a little. "You'll be a great daddy one day baby" I tell Carl. He smiles more "I sure do hope so." He nods. I smile and kiss his temple as he takes Judith into his arms and rocks her back and forth. Carl looked at my holster. "Yes i have my gun Carl. Calm down it's okay." I reassure Carl. He nods "I know, I know im sorry. I just need to stop worrying so much." Carl says and I nod as he frowns "But thats hard because i cant let any of you get hurt. Especially you, Madie or Judith." Carl sighs. I kiss his cheek "Me Madie and this baby will be fine because you are here to protect us." I whisper to Carl in his ear. He nods "We never thought we would see anther baby." Sasha says. Carl pulls Judith closer to him and i place a hand on his shoulder as he takes a seat. "She's a beautiful baby" Sasha compliments. "Thank you." i say with a smile because i know Carl won't. "Your so extremely young to have a baby though." Sasha says. I look up at her shocked. "Oh no no no no shes not mine!" I shake my head. "Wheres the mother?" Sasha asks. "None of your god damn business." Carl snaps obviously getting upset. "Carl, stop. She's just trying to get to know us." i shake my head. "The mother passed during child birth." I inform Sasha. She frowns "Im so sorry." she apologizes. "Man you people have been threw hell." Tyreese says. Carl sits down "Haven't we all?" Hershel asks. Carl pats his lap "Come see." he says. I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. "My two beautiful girls." Carl says as he looks at me and Judith, who had fallen peacefully asleep in her big brothers arms. "Wheres my third beautiful girl?" Carl asks. Madie giggles as she sits down next to him. "There you are." Carl smiles. He kisses Madie's. I kiss his cheek "Dont be cheatin." I joke with him. Carl laughs a little bit "Never would i even dream of it." Carl shakes his head "Good." I say."You know it's only gettin worse out there. Dead people everywhere, and it's only makin the living....less like the living." Tyreese sighs. "Your the only decent folks we've come across." Sasha explains "You've been out there all this time?" Hershel asks. Everyone started talking to each other and I just watched Carl admire his babysister. I move Carl's bangs out of his face "Carl." i say softly. Carl looks up at me as I lay my hand on bis cheek softly "Yeah?" He asks as he looks into my eyes. "I love you." Carl smiles "I love you too Elana." he says and I kiss Carl's lips. "So are you two a thing?" The boy who we found outs name was Ben asks. "Yes. We've been a thing for a while." i nod. "Been through some rough shit with this girl." Carl says. I laugh and nod "Yeah but we always stay with each other in the end." i say. Ben nods "What about her? That other one....Beth." Ben asks. "Beth doesn't have any body anymore." I inform Ben. He nods "Must be nice to have someone to love." Ben says. Carl nods "It really is." Carl says as he smiles at me. "Its hell though for us, i get depressed at times and try killing myself then he gets these voices that bring him down so horribly." I explain. "But together we make each other better." Carl says. Ben nods "Do you guys fight?" Ben asks. "Yeah we do, and when we do we get hurt really bad but we always fix everything that very day usually ." Carl tells Ben. "Hey, lets go." Hershel says. I nod and get off of Carl's lap "Follow Hershel back to our cell block Madie." i tell Madie and she runs off with Hershel. Carl and i locked up the door and Carl put Judy down. "Ben seems lonely and i don't like it." Carl says. "Nothing will happen Carl and you know that." I tell him. He nods "I...I know." Carl says as he takes my hand into his. I nod "Carl can you come help me with guard duty?" My mom asks Carl. "Yeah, of course." Carl nods. "Ill be there in a moment." He tells my mom. Mom smiles with a nod then walks outside. "Well your gonna have to watch in here, The other group of people are going to be burying the woman who passed yesterday. I want you to watch them but make sure you do it from a far, just in case they are just acting to be good." Carl instructs me. I nod "Okay. Be safe out there." "You too. Make sure you have enough bullets." Carl nods "I do. Now i gotta go. I love you." Carl kisses my lips "I love you too." i say. Carl and I walked out of the prison and into the court yard together. "Bye Babe." Carl tells me as he walks to go into the fields with mom. "Bye Pumpkin." i smile. Carl turns around as he's walking and smiles at me when i blow him a kiss. He pretends to catch it and put it in his pocket. I giggle more and stop when i see the group I'm suppose to watch. "Theres not many of them we could take them all down! This could all be ours! A little kid and a woman first! Then young girls, the prisoner, the one legged man and then all we have is the baby." Allan says. I hide behind a barrel that was outside before any of them saw me. "We could get a hold of those weapons." Ben says. "We do it quick they never know what hit them." Allan explains. I shake my head at the thought. "Were out here to bury Donna not attack." Sasha reminds them. "We'll bury her after. This place is secure we cant pass it up." Allan says. "These are good people!" Tyreese argues. I pull out my gun and stand up from behind the barrel "You will not touch any of us!" I growl. Everyone jumps and looks at me. Allan looks at me "Guess we know whose going first" Allan says. I step closer to him with my gun and press it to his shoulder because if I shot him I wouldn't be able to kill him. I just cant kill anyone, not even in a world like this. I just couldn't so instead i should hurt the person then let the adults deal with the killing if they wanted too. "Do it and you'll regret it." I hiss. Tyreese grabs Allan "She's a little girl Allan! We are not hurting her or anyone here!" Tyreese says. Beth and Axel bring out some shovels "Give them to Tyreese and Sasha." I order. Beth does as told "You two are the only ones allowed to touch these. You hear me?" I ask Sasha and Tyreese. They nod "Nothing is going to happen." Sasha says. "Better not." i tell them. Beth and Axel go back into the prison as I watch the other group carefully. When they were done I locked them back up then went over to Carl and all. He had his back facing me with Momma so I came up behind him and hugged him from behind. Carl looks at me over his shoulder with a smile. "Hey Elana." I smile "Hi Carl." I kiss his back. "We sorta have a problem." i whisper to him. Carl turns around towards me. "What?" He asks. "Allan and Ben were saying how they could take us out, but Tyreese and Sasha didn't agree with them." I explain. Carl looks at me "Ill deal with it." he nods. It got quiet as Mom and Carl continued watch duty. "It's so quiet." Carl complains as he walks to the fence in front of us. "It's easy to forget how loud the world is to me." Momma tells Carl as she walks towards to him. I laugh "You use to complain about how loud everything was." I smile. "Yep i would. Traffic, destruction, car alarms" mom list. I smile as Carl wraps an arm around my waist with his gun in one hand as always and the other hand shoved into my front jean pocket. "Your mom was proud of you." Momma tells Carl. Carl scoffs "Proud of what? Me being mean to her?" Carl asks. "Carl you cant think about that." I tell him softly. "Thats all I can think about." Carl frowns. I could hear a car in the distance "Please be them." Carl begs. The car pulls up and Carl sighs in relief. He runs to go unlock the gate and opens it. The car drives in and everyone gets out. Carl runs to his dad and hugs him. I smile at Carl and his father. I walk over to them with Momma and see everyone there but Daryl. "Wh-wheres Daryl?" I ask. "He's okay but we went our separate ways and uh....he went with Merle." Rick says. I frown and cant help but feel hurt. I shake my head "This is why you cant trust anyone Elana." i whisper to myself. "He said he was sorry and that he loved you like a daughter." Rick tells me. "He.... he isn't coming back?" Mom asks. Rick shakes his head in response. Carl frowns and goes to grab my hand but I yank it away. "Elana.." Carl says obviously knowing i was upset. I walk away, yes I was upset. Really upset. Every time i get close to someone they leave. It was the same shit every time. "Elana stop!" Carl yells and chases after me "It's the same bullshit each time! Everyone leaves! Everyone!" I yell. "They say they wont but they do. They always do! Im so sick of it!" I sit in the field and Carl sits down next to me. "Will you leave?" I ask Carl. Carl looks at me shocked "What type of question is that? I love you Elana. Of course I'm not gonna leave. I couldn't. I cant." Carl shakes his head. "I can't believe he left, he told me he wouldn't he said he would be there." Carl frowns "I know babygirl. I know he did." Carl sighs. Carl places a hand on my knee "I swear I'm not going any where." Carl tells me. I nod as Carl leans over and kisses my lips. I kiss him back as Carl pushes my hair out of my face. Carl pulls away and I smile. "You always know how to make me smile." I tell him. Carl smiles "You always know how to make me smile too." I giggle as Carl tickles my sides. He pushes me into the grass and attacks my neck with little kisses. "Carl stop!" I giggle as I try to push him off. Carl pulls away then brings his lips up to my lips. He pecks my lips "Mwah." he says as he pulls away. I giggle with a smile at him. "The other prisoner didn't make it." Rick says as he walks my upset mom to the prison. Carl stands up and pulls me up with him. "Lets go babygirl." Carl tells me. Everyone hugs Rick and everyone who just came back.
After that we go inside and Carl looks at the new group. I guess he remembered what i said because he pulled out his gun and walked up to the bars. "You two fucking say you can take us down agin and I swear to god ill blow your brains out." Carl growls. I grab Carl's arm as Tyreese looks at us "They aren't gonna do anything. Trust me. Me and my sister won't allow that." I nod "Come on Carl Tyreese and Sasha have an eye on them for us." I say. Carl doesn't move till I pull on his arm agin. Carl walks away with me. "I want you to go and I want you to find Madie and go play with her while i watch the group." Carl tells me. "What? No. Carl Im not leaving you. Carl you watch them all the time-" Carl cuts me off "And now two of them are threating to kill us practically!" Carl tells me. I sigh "You go I go." I tell him. Carl nods and unlocks the bars as we go in. I pull out my gun as Carl locks the bars then sits down on one of the tables with his gun gripped in his hand but laying in his lap so they could see. I sit next to him as Carl just watches the group sit there. Carl grabbed my hand and I laced our finger together. Both our free hands were holding our guns as Rick walked in. "Man Carl you're starring so hard at them that if i wouldn't have seen Elana was right there i would've thought she would be over there next to them bending over to pick something up." Glenn says as he walks in. "Wait...why would I be bending over picking something up, over there?" I ask. "Don't Glenn!" Carl whines in a beg. "Caught your boy starring at your ass a few times, and it happens more and more each day that i will catch him." Glenn says. I look at Carl "You look at my butt while I'm doing things?" I ask Carl. He bites his lip "It's not my fault your hot and your butt is nice!" Carl defends himself. Me and Glenn laugh "It's funny because he'll look at your ass and bite his lip with a smirk, then he'll stare until you'll get up but when you get up he pretends like nothing ever happened.It's hilarious!" Glenn laughs. "Sorry baby but you cant have it yet, your just gonna have to wait." I joke with Carl. Glenn and I started laughing as Carl's mouth dropped to the ground "Elana!" Carl laughs. I smile and lean over to Carl "Don't worry you have a cute butt too." I whisper to Carl. He smirks and shakes his head. Carl blushes as he looks down at his lap. I kiss Carl's cheek with a giggle. Rick walks in the prison with Hershel. "We gotta go." I tell Carl. He looks up and quickly lets go of my hand to get the keys his dad gave him to unlock all the prison doors, or at least most of them. I follow Carl as he unlocks the door and lets Rick and Hershel in our cellblock. "Come on babe." Carl tells me. I walk into our cell block and Carl does too. He locks the cell behind him then shoves the keys into his pocket. I go to Judith's little basket and pick her up. "Hi." I smile at the baby. I lay her in my arms and bring her over to Rick. Rick takes her from my arms. I smile then frown as Judith starts to cry. Rick frowns too and i feel Carl lightly grab my arm. He looked worried a little as Rick tried to calm down his daughter but couldn't. "Rick Ill.... ill take her if you want." I say. Rick just nods sadly. I take Judith into my arms and bounce her up and down a little in my arms. "Shh it's okay Judith." I tell her. Judith wouldn't stop crying. She was sleepy but wouldn't go to sleep. Carl sat down next to me on our bed as I did so with the whining Judith. I lay Judith's head on my shoulder and pat her back lightly. "Is she okay?" Carl asks. I nod "Just really sleepy." i say as the whining starts to go down. Soon Judith was asleep and I smiled "Thank god." i say and Carl chuckles. I carefully put Judith in her basket then go back to Carl. "This guy who took Maggie and Glenn. Who is he?" I ask Carl. "Dad said they call him The Governor." Carl in forms me. "He hurt them so badly with Merle Carl." I shake my head. Glenn was all beaten up, he looked horrible, Maggie had to take her shirt off fir The Governor, then they almost killed both Glenn and Maggie. It wad just horrible. "Are we going to start to have to fight people?" I ask. Carl sighs "I-I really don't know Elana." I frown as Carl stands up and grabs my hands. "What ever happens though it'll be okay." Carl tells me as he kisses the tip of my nose. I kiss Carl's lips "Can we go downstairs?" I ask. Carl nods and brings me downstairs with him. We sat at a table "So what are we gonna do about The Governor?" Beth asks. "Do you think he'll retaliate?" she asks. "Yes." Maggie nods. "Id like to see him try." Glenn growls. "The Governor has a lot of people and guns it sounds like, i mean Rick told us they have like a town. We are nothing compared to a town. They would kill us in seconds." I shake my head. "Yes so we could use some reinforcements." Momma nods. Madie runs towards me from her cell "Nanny! Carl!" Madie yells excitedly as she jumps onto Carl kneeing him in the not so....pleasant spot. "Oh god Madie. Be careful. Please." Carl groans as Madie giggles. "Carl give me the keys we have to see this new group." Rick says. Carl pulls out the keys "Wanna go give this to my Dad for me?" Carl asks Madie. She smiles as she snatches the keys away then hops off of Carl's lap. Madie runs over to Rick and hands him the keys. Rick smiles at her. He unlocked the room we kept Tyreese and his group in. We all went in. "Madie here or next to Aunt Carol." I tell Madie. She nods "Yes ma'am." Madie says. She stands in front of me as Rick starts to ask Tyreese how he got in and stuff. "I cant be responsible for you." Rick shakes his head. "You make us go out there you'll be responsible for us." Tyreese says. Rick shakes his head "No you can't stay I'm sorry." Rick apologizes. Hershel walks over to Rick and starts to whisper something to him. Rick stops Hershel and stares at the top of the staircase. Rick looked shocked. "What....what are you doing here? What do you.....what do you want?" Rick asks ad he steps closer to the staircase. I go up behind Carl"Carl there is no one there. Who is he talking too?" I whisper in Carl's ear. Carl watches his father carefully "I don't know." Carl whispers back to me. "Madie come see" Carl says and grabs her arm gently. Carl puts Madie behind her "Carl who is your Daddy talking to?" Madie asks. Carl shrugs "I don't know princess." Carl tells Madie. Madie gasped and hid behind Carl's legs as Rick started yelling "I cant help you! Get out!" Rick yells. Everyone was taken back by surprise and shock at Rick's sudden outburst. "Get out now!" Rick yells as he walks around. He honestly looked like a mad man right now. "Rick just calm down-" Maggie says and Rick cuts her off "I said get out!" Rick yells as he pulls his gun out. Carl pushes me behind him and Madie hugs me. I kneel down and hug her too "Nanny why is Rick being scary?" Madie asks. "I dont know babygirl but it'll be okay." I tell her as Carl puts his hand on gun ready to pull it out if worse comes to worse. "Okay okay nobody has to get shot here" Tyreese says as Madie hides her face in my neck. "Why are you still here" Rick yells loudly and I cover Madie's ears as she hugs my neck tighter. Madie whimpered from being scared "Just go!" Glenn says as he guides Tyreese's group out. They left and I picked Madie up on my hip "Carl unlock the door to the cell block." I say. Carl nods and unlocks our cellblock door. "Nanny I want Carl to come with us." Madie says as she lifts her head out of my neck. "Im coming princess just go with Nanny for now." Carl tells Madie. Madie nods and I walk to her cell with her on my hip. "Is Rick okay? He seemed scared and mad" Madie says as i place her on her bed. "Um....well I don't know Madie." I tell her honestly. Carl walks into the cell "Hey." he says. I smile at Carl lightly. "I have to go show Glenn where we found Tyreese." Carl tells me. I nod "Yeah thats fine just be safe." Carl nods as Madie pulls me onto her bed with her big book of fairy tales. "Can you read me a book Nanny?" Madie asks as she lays on her bed. "Yes I can." i lay down next to her. "Carl can you stay for one story? Please?" Madie asks. Carl smiles then nods "Just one wont hurt." He sits down on the side of the bed next to me on the floor. "What story?" I ask. "Snow White!" Madie cheers. I smile as i open the book to find the short version of the story that they crammed into the book. I started reading as Madie cuddled up to me with a blanket placed over her. She slowly fell asleep as I read. "She's asleep." Carl whispers to me. I stop reading then look over at her. "Good. She cant skip a nap or she will be grumpy." I place the book on the floor as Carl grabs my hands into his. "You have to leave now huh?" I ask with a frown. Carl nods as he kisses my knuckles. "Yeah, yeah i do." Carl nods as he pushes a strand of hair out of my face. "Ill be back in less then an hour." Carl kisses my forehead. "Carl.....what happened to your Dad today?" I ask Carl. He clenches his jaw and takes a deep breath in. "I uh.....I don't know Elana." Carl sighs. Carl places his hand on my thigh and rubs it lightly. "And The Governor? What do we do about him?" I ask. Carl shakes his head as he sits on the bed next to me. "We'll do what we have to do to survive. If we have to fight, then we fight. If we don't, then we don't." Carl answers. "Carl.... I don't like the idea of fighting. Fighting like how y'all want to leads to killing people and I don't want to kill anyone Carl." I tell him. Carl shakes his head "You wouldn't be fighting people. I told them I don't want to you fighting so Glenn said it would be best if you watch Judith Madie and Hershel. Make sure they're okay." Carl explains. I nod "I don't want you out there ether though." I say. Carl sighs "Well I'm gonna have too. Elana everything may change. I might not be around as much because of this. I have to help with watch duty, and then im gonna have to help them
with this and runs and one day.....i will have to kill someone like Dad did. Like if The Governors group touch you Judith or Madie ill kill them without hesitation." Carl says. I couldn't believe the words that came out of Carl's mouth. Yes I understand he wants us to be safe and I love that he wants thats but saying you'll kill someone, it just bothers me a little. Carl kisses the tip of my nose "I promise it'll all be okay in the end thiugh. Ill protect you and Madie. Nobody will ever touch you two." Carl says.I didn't like the way he was talking about this. To me it sounded like he was planning on killing someone from The Governors group. Like he knew he would have too. I don't know maybe I'm just worried about everything and this isn't actually a bad thing. Like I said I don't know anymore. "And if they do...." Carl growls "Lets just say it wont be good." Carl says and left it at that. Carl kisses my lips "I have to go now babe." Carl says. I nod as Carl stared to walk out i stopped him "Carl." I call out. He turns around to face me "Yeah?" He asks. "Don't.....don't turn cold like your Dad please." I beg in a whisper. Carl stares at me then shakes his head "Sorta too late for that Elana" he whispers. I frown as Carl still stares at me then walks away. I wrap my arms around Madie and she curls her self up into a ball as she lays her head in my neck. Madie looks at me for a second then places her head back into my neck. "Nanny are you okay?" Madie asks as I think about what Carl just said. I pull her close to me and nod "Yeah why wouldn't I be sweetie?" I ask. Madie shrugs as she yawns "You looked at little scared or worried when I looked at you. Are you scared or worried?" Madie asks as I continue to think about what Carl said. I shrug "I really.....I really don't know Madie." I say and look at her. She nods and closes her eyes agin to finish her nap. I soon feel asleep with Madie thinking about Carl, then woke up to gun shots from outside.

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