Chapter2-new friend

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Elana's P.O.V.

"Sophia get off of me!" I yell. Sophia decided to sit on me to get me up.

"Will you wake up?" Sophia asks

. "Yes! Just get off of me!" I yell and push Sophia off of me.

"Mama wants you to come eat breakfast." Sophia says and I nod. I stand up and walk outside to see everyone there.

I sit down next to Carl and nudge him. "Whats up?" I ask and he smiles

"Nothing much." He says and Mama hands me a plate of eggs. I ate then talked with Carl.

L"Lets play fifty questions." I say and Carl nods.

"Last name?"

"Grimes. Yours?"

"Peletrie, Favorite color?"

"Blue yours?"

"Blue and orange." I say and then Lori comes up.

"Carl I'm going look for mushrooms for a little while you stay here Carol is gonna watch you." Lori says and Carl nods. Sophia comes and sits down next to me.

"Hey guys!" Sophia says and I smile.

"Hi!" I say and lean my head on Carl's shoulder.

"So what ya want to do?" Carl asks and pokes my stomach.

"Lets go to the lake!" I say "Okay." Carl says

"Mama were going to the lake!" I yell and stand up.

"Okay!" mama yells. We walk to the lake and I sit down. Carl sits down next to me and so does Sophia. I take off my shoes and put my feet in the water.

"So friends what you want to do?" Carl asks and I look at him.

"Friend?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah the three of us are like best friend now." Carl says and I smile.

"Like the three musketeers!" Carl says and I smile.

"ON GUARD!" Sophia yes then pokes my rib.

"Ow! Sophia!" I say and Carl laughs.

"You poor baby!" Carl says and puts on a pouty face look.

"Shut up!" I say and playfully hit Carl.

"Oh come on you know you love him!" Sophia says and I hit her

"Sophia!" I yell and she laughs. "Just saying the truth!" Sophia says an stands up. "Im going take a nap." Sophia says and I laugh.

Sophia walks away. Me and Carl hung out until his mom came back which was around night time so right now were in his tent.

"Im tired." I say and yawn. "Lay down." Carl says and I nod. I lay down on his sleeping bag and he sits down besides me.

"Carl lay down." I say and he shakes his head

"I don't want to bother you." Carl says and shake my head "Your not gonna bother me. Your gonna make me warm and feel safe." I say and Carl smiles. He lays down next to me and pulls a blanket over us.

I put my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. "Night Elana." Carl says and kisses my cheek. "Night Carl." I say and slowly drift to sleep. Thinking about how I got the best new friend ever today.

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