Chapter16-The key to my heart

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Elana's P.O.V.

"I thought she was mad at him." I hear someone whisper. "Maybe they made up. I saw them talking last night for a while so." I hear another voice say. I wrapped my arms around Carl's neck and nuzzled my head into his chest. I fall asleep for a few more
Minutes until Carl wakes me up agin,"Elana?" Carl yawns. "Mhm?" I say and feel Carl plant his lips on to my forehead. I think we gotta get up baby girl." Carl says and I groan. "But I want to stay here with you." I say and Carl chuckles "Were gonna go look for Sophia." Carl says and I sit straight up. "Right now?" I ask and Carl nods. I see Rick and Lori, that's who was talking. "Were going now." Rick says and I nod.It was gonna be me, Carl,Rick, and Shane. We started walking and I saw a dear. "Carl look a dear." I say and Carl smiles. "That's so cool!" he says and we slowly walk up to it. "It's so pretty!" I say quietly and pet the dear. Carl does to and I smile we back up and just stare at the dear that was until we hear a gun shoot. The dear went down but the problem was so did Carl. I kneeled down besides him to see blood coming from his chest. "Oh my god!" I say and press my hands onto the wound. "Rick! Shane!" I yell and put my ear next to Carl's mouth to hear he's still breathing but his eyes are closed shut. "You'll be okay baby. You'll be okay." I say and put him in my lap. "Where the hell did yall go!" I Rick yell. "Rick over here please help!" I yell and start to cry. Rick runs over to usAnd drops his gun."What happened?" Rick yelled. "We were looking at the dear. A gun shoot went off then the dear and Carl feel!" I say as a man we don't know comes into sight "Oh my god! I didn't know he was behind the dear!" the man says. "We have a house." The man explains as I make sure Carl is still okay for all this explaining.all I heard from the guy was his name it Otis."Let's just go!"i say and Rick takes Carl from me. i stand up and we run towards where ever the man said to go. A house comes into to sight with a barn. I run introns of Rick and see a lady with short brown hair. "Daddy!" she yell and a old man comes out. "Was he bit?" The man asks. "No he was shot by Otis by accident! Please help him please!" I cry as Rick stands next to me. "Your Hershel?" Rick asks an the man who I guess is Hershel nods. "Bring him in." Hershel says and Rick brings in Carl. "Lay him on the bed in that room." Hershel says and he does. I had tears streaming down my face. I can't lose him! I cant! "Lil miss are you okay?" a women asks and I nod. "Okay sweetie it's just your covered in that boys blood and your trembling." the women says. I look down and she's right my shirt pants arms and hands were covered in Carl's blood. I was also trembling. I started crying more. "Patricia I need you!" Hershel says. Patricia pats my back then goes see Hershel. "what's his blood type?" Hershel asks as I walk out side. "A positive. Same as me.Look I have to go get her. That's his girlfriend or well was they got into a little disagreement yesterday." I hear Rick say and run outside. I was staring down at my trembling hands that had my maybe boyfriends blood on them. Shane was outside also. "It should've been you! He didn't deserve this!" Shane yells at me and I cry harder."Shane stop!" Rick says as I sit on the porch. "It should've been me. It should've been me! Oh god Carl I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I cry as I still look at my trembling hands. I grab the locket he gave me last night an look at Rick. "This is what he gave me for our one week anniversary. We've been dating for two and half weeks though" I say and smile. "He gave it a little late but I didn't care.Two ands half weeks. Two and a half! and he may already be gone!" I yell/cry "Rick we need blood!" I hear Hershel yell. Rick walks inside and Shane steps in front of me. "This is your fault! I hope you riot in hell!" Shane hisses and walks inside. A blonde girl comes out and sits down in front of me. "He's your boyfriend?" the girl asks and I shrug. "I got in a fight with him a bad one and broke up with him then last night he apologized and now I have no clue were we stand. I just hopes he's okay." I say and the girl nods. "He will and by the way I'm Beth." Beth says "Now who's the one that told you to riot in hell?" Beth asks "I'm Elana and That is Shane Ricks best friend he's hated me ever since I started dating Carl." I say and stand up. "Id love to talk more but I wanna go see Carl." I say and Beth nods. I walk inside and to the room Carl's in. Rick is giving blood since him and Carl have the same blood type. Hershel was getting a bullet out and Carl started screaming like crazy. "Stop it! Stop it! Your killing him!" I yell and Beth runs inside. "He'a fine." Beth says and hugs me I start to cry as I hear Carl yell in agony. "someone try to calm him down!" Hershel says and I walk over to Carl. "Baby look I now it hurts but you have to stop yelling!" I say and press our foreheads together.I love you so much and I want you to know I'll be your girlfriend agin if you want me to. I love you so much and I'm sorry about yesterday. But that's a thing in the past and right now we need to worry about you so baby please stop screaming." I say and Carl passes out. I sigh in relief. I kiss Carl's lips "I love you so much." I whisper then walk over to Rick. "I'm so sorry. That should be me lying on that bed with a bullet wound." I say softly to Rick. "It would be the same thing because Carl wouldn't talk to any of us he would just stay by your side until you woke up." Rick says and I shake my head "Shane told me to riot in hell." I say and Rick frowns "I'm sorry he's just really protective of Carl just like me." Rick says and I nod. I walk outside and start to play with my heart locket. "You have the key to my heart for sure Carl Grimes." I say and smile "For sure." I say and then see Shane. "He doesn't deserve you! I swear when I had that pocket knife up to your stomach I would've done it if Carl wasn't there!" Shane says and I step close to him. "Then do it! Come on do it right know!" I yell. "I'll help kill myself!" I say and pull out my blade that i had in my pocket because I've been really depressed lately. Shane looked shocked. I slid the blade across both my wrist and made sure it went in deep. "Now you just gotta wait for me to bleed out!" I yell at Shane and then see Beth walk outside. "Oh my god Elana!" Beth yells and pushes Shane away from me. "Get away from her!" I heard Beth yell. "Rick! Maggie!" I hear Beth yell and the last thing I saw was Rick running outside with the girl who had short brown hair."Shane what did you do!" I hear Rick yell and that was the last thing till I blacked out.

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