Chapter38-Screwed Up

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*Continuing that day*

Elana's P.O.V.

The gun shots rang from outside. Madie sat up from the bed "Nanny whats that?" Madie asks as she rubs her eyes. "I don't know but Im going get Judith okay you stay right here and don't move" I tell Madie. I run downstairs "Rick! Carl! Glenn!" I call out. No one answered. Great i have no clue where anyone is or whats going on! Judith started crying and I picked her up from her basket. "Shh it's okay." I say. I quickly walk back to Madie's cell with Judith. Madie was still sitting on the bed. "Look Madie your gonna have to hold Judith for a little while, because Nanny has to make sure no one tries to hurt us. Okay?" I ask. Madie nods "Okay just sit here and hold her. If she cries yell for me. Do not move a muscle. We wouldn't want Judith to get hurt now would we?" I ask. Madie shakes her head as I lay Judith in her arms "Just hold her like this." I explain as the gun shots start to go down a little but then get worse. I pull out my gun and hide behind the staircase that way i could see if someone came in but they couldn't see me. The gun shots stopped completely. I wait a few minutes and everyone comes in. I stand up from behind the staircase "Holly shit Elana!" Carl jumps. Guess I scared him. "What the hell happened? Madie and I woke up to gun shots." Carl was sweaty and had a bloody bullet proof vest on. Fear struck me as i thought about what Carl said before this. Gun shoots, blood, my boy friend, and the conversation i had with my boyfriend before I fell asleep. Put all those things together and you would be scared your boyfriend killed someone too! "Why the hell is there blood all over you! Carl what did you do?" I shriek. "Elana calm down! When I was with Glenn to show him where Tyreese cane from we ran into a few walkers. Thats it. The place is over ran. We have to clear it agin." Carl explains "And the gun shots....that was the sound of The Governor's first attack on us. Him and his people knocked down our gates now the field is covered in walkers." Carl shakes his head at me "Now wheres the girls?"
Carl asks. I stare at Carl "They uh....I made Madie watch Judith while i watched down here." I say. Carl walks towards the stairs "You fucking left Madie with Judith!" Carl yells. He looked mad "I told her to stay put and hold her! I had too Carl! If someone came in I was the only one here to do something and I wasn't bringing them with me!" I yell as Carl storms into Madie's cell. I run up there and see Madie didn't move an inch with Judith. Carl takes Judith "She's fucking four Elana she cant watch a baby!" Carl yells. "What else was I suppose to do there is no where to hide in here if we needed protection i was the only thing that could protect them! Madie follows my rules i knew nothing was going to happen!I told her not to move and she didn't!" I explain. "And don't curse in front of my god child." I growl at Carl. He shakes his head. Madie frowns and her bottom lip starts to tremble as her eyes water. "Carl are you mad at me?" Madie asks. Carl kneels down next to Madie as he sighs "No, no of course not princess. I just.....I just got a little worried Im sorry. I shouldn't have yelled or cursed." Carl says as he strokes Madie's hair to comfort her. Madie nods "You yelled at Nanny and she was just trying to protect us. Are you gonna say sorry?" Madie asks. Carl nods "Absolutely." Carl says. Carl stands up and takes my hands into his. He laces our fingers together and looks me in the eyes "Baby girl I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just worried ya know with her being so little. I'm sorry Elana, I love you so much baby. Thank you for keeping Judith safe from anything that could've came in." Carl says. I smile "It's okay and I understand. Your an overprotective brother its cute, and I would do anything for that baby." I reply to all of what Carl said. "I love you so much." Carl stresses. I smile "I love you too." I say. Carl kisses my lips then quickly pulls away. "He's back." Carl tells me. "He's back and back with regret." Carl shakes his head. "Who? Who's back?" I ask. Carl bites his bottom lip "Daryl. He's back with Merle and-" i cut Carl off "He came back and Merle isn't dead?" I ask. Carl shakes his head "He is back and Merle is alive." Carl says. I cant help but get mad "He left me and Momma." I say. Carl can tell i was starting to get upset. "I know. He feels terrible Elana. He almost lost the best thing in the world, how stupid is Dixon?" Carl asks trying to cheer me up. I smile lightly as I pull Carl out of Madie's cell and into his "Im not some wonderful prize like you think I am Carl." I tell Carl. "But you are" Carl says. I smile as i look down the hall and see the row of cells then hear that annoying voice i so hated. "I just went for a walk in the woods then got lost for a few days." I hear Bailey say. "Fuck, i never even noticed she was missing." Carl says. I laugh "Same here!" Carl laughs with me as we walk downstairs. "Thats uh.....thats really bad that we didn't notice." Carl laughs. I nod "Yeah. It is." Everyone sorta looked guilty towards Bailey but me and Carl because everyone forgot about her. Carl and I didn't feel one inch of guilt though because she hates me for no reason and just is so mean to me and clingy to Carl. We had to much shit going on to be worried about her. No one should feel that guilty in my opinion i mean she came back safe and sound not even a scratch or bruise on her. Being alone doesn't hurt you it makes you stronger in this world. Ive learned that. Bailey looks at Carl and I. "It was awful! Im so glad i made it back." she smiles at Carl"Are you glad Im back Carl?" Bailey asks Carl. Carl smiles at her then shakes his head "No. No Im not." Carl says. I smile and kiss his cheek. Bailey scoffs "What ever. I just need rest." She complains. "Okay thats fine you go lay down and rest. Im sure you've had a very hard few days." Rick says."Not as hard as us." I say. Bailey goes to her cell and I watch her carefully making sure to look at all of her.Not a scratch or bruise on her. "She's lying." I shake my head. "Not a scratch or bruise on her and she was out in the woods for a good few days, she doesn't know how to protect herself! She would have marks of some sort." Everyone looks at me "She has a point." Glenn says. "So what you think shes working with The Governor?" Beth asks. "Possibility." Carl nods. "Well everyone keep an eye out." Rick says. We all nod as Daryl comes up to me "We need to talk." he says. I start to walk away "Theres nothing to talk about." i snap. "I had to leave Elana he's my brother! I came right back after though because i felt bad and realized i needed to be here for you and your mom." Daryl tells me. I broke down "You promised you wouldn't leave like everyone else and you did." I cry. "That's the part that hurts! I trusted you and you left!" I shake my head. Carl frowned as I cried. Daryl hugged me "I know and I am so stupid. I promise i am never leaving agin Elana." Daryl says. I shake my head "No. Im so fucking sick of promises." Daryl nods "Fine ill use a fancier word" Daryl thinks for a moment "I .....guarantee that i will never leave you agin." Daryl fixes his sentence. I laugh a little "Guarantee isn't a fancy word but whatever." Daryl smiles as he lets me go. "It is in my vocabulary." I smile at Daryl. "Rick we need to talk about what happened earlier." Hershel says. Rick shakes his head "We cant leave." Glenn says. Rick starts to walk away while shaking his head. "Get back here!" Hershel yells at Rick. "Your still upset Rick,we get it but now is not the time." Hershel says sternly. "You once said this isn't a democracy now you have to own up to that. I put my family's lives in your hands Ricks, so clear your head and figure something out." Hershel says. Rick walks away and Carl sighs. "Ill go talk to him." Carl nods. "Ill be with Madie." I nod. "Im gonna walk you up because Bailey's here, Daryl can you check in on the girls every ten minutes till I come back? I frankly don't trust Bailey anywhere near them."Daryl nods "Yeah I can do that." Carl nods and tanks Daryl. We go upstairs and Bailey stops us "You don't trust me?" Bailey fake gasp. "Why would you ever not trust me baby?" Bailey asks as she grabs Carl's hands into hers. She pushes her chest up against Carl's. Carl pushes her aways "Don't call me baby ever agin" Carl hisses. Bailey smiles "Would you rather me call you daddy? Would that get you to leave this thing and to come to me?" Bailey asks. Anger ran through me as she talked "No. I don't like you Bailey! Get over it! Im happily with Elana! Watch!" Carl says and grabs my hand. Carl spins me in a circle as i giggle a little. He stops and catches me as I almost ram in to him. Carl kisses my lips and pulls away then kisses my lips harder and pulls away agin. "My beautiful princess what would I do without you?" Carl asks me with a big smile. I kiss Carl's lips "I love you." I tell Carl. "I love you more" Carl smiles. "Theres no way!" I point out. "Yes there is!" Carl playfully argues with me. "No there isn't Carl Grimes!" I say. We had completely forgot that Bailey was next to us by now. Carl grabs me by the waist "We'll see about that." he says as he throws me over his shoulder. "No!Carl put me down!" I squeal. I hear someone start to fake gag "You make me sick." Bailey shakes her head. I flip her off "I dont care." I say and Carl laughs as he brings me to our cell. Carl throws me on our bed and starts to tickle my sides "Carl stop!" I yell in laughter. "Whats the magic word babygirl?" Carl yells over my extremely loud laughter. I squirm and wiggle around as Carl continues to tickle me. "I d-dont know! Pl-Please Carl!" I laugh. "Say how much you love me then ill stop." Carl tells me. "I...I love you m-more then any....anything in the world." I say in laughter still. Carl stops tickling me and kisses my lips "I love you more then anything in the world too, now i have to go talk to Dad." Carl says. I walk out of Carl's cell first and see Bailey standing out side her cell which was two up from us. She glared at us as Carl came up behind me and slapped my butt. "Carl!" I giggle and playfully slap his chesg.Carl smirks and kisses my shoulder. "That's disgusting." Bailey scoffs. "If it was your ass you wouldn't call it disgusting." I remind her. I grab both of Carl's hands and place them on my butt. "If he came up to you and did this." I pause and then squeeze Carl's hands over my butt. Carl pushed my hands away and just started squeezeing my butt himself "You would die in a matter of seconds." I continued. She shakes her head and stomps off into her room. Carl slaps my butt agin "Bye babe." Carl says smirking. I smile "Bye hot stuff." I say. Carl turns around and I quickly pinch his butt. He turns back around and grabs my arms "I can play with your ass but you cant play with mine." He says. I smirk "Thats unfair. You don't let me pinch your butt everyone once and a while you wont be able to touch my butt." I tell Carl. "Fine ill make an exception for you." Carl nods. I smile "Thats what I thought." Carl smiles. "Okay now no more messing around you needed to go speak to your dad." I remind Carl. He nods and leaves as I walk into Madie's room. She was playing with her dolls. "Hey, what ya doing?" I ask as I sit on the floor in front of Madie. She looks up at me with a smile "Nothing. Just playing with my dolls." Madie tells me simply. "Bailey is back." Madie tells me as she brushes one of her barbie dolls bleach blonde hair with those stupid little plastic brushes that come with the doll. "Yeah I know, trust me." I say with a slight smile. "Can you help me with the other dos hair? I want them to have brushed hair." Madie says. I nod and she hands me a doll and a brush. I started brushing the dolls hair and soon Carl walked into the cell with the look of disappointment. "Come see and tell me what happened." I sigh. Carl sits down besides me "So I went talk to Dad, and I told him how I think he should give up being leader for a little while, and ya know let Glenn or Daryl do it with my help." Carl says then shakes his head "He just stared at me hurt and disappointed." Carl bites his bottom lip as he shakes his head. "He looked so hurt and disappointed Elana. Like I was kicking him out or something." Carl tells me "So what did you do?" I ask. "I couldn't stand him looking at me like that. It hurt. I mean what person wants their only living breath parent to be disappointed with them?" Carl asks. Carl was so stressed. "Right so you?" I ask agin because I still never got my answer. "Right, I stood up and walked away. I had too, I couldn't stand seeing him look at me like that." Carl says. I kiss Carl's cheek "Baby your so stressed out, I'm getting a little worried. The only time I see you smile is around Judy, Madie, and Me. Maybe you should take a break from everythhdimg too,ya know just for a day. Lay down get some rest ." I whisper to Carl. "I can come later on give you a massage." I smile because I know how Carl loves when I do that. Carl takes off his hat and runs a hand through his hair as he smiles at the thought "That actually sounds...really nice." Carl laughs slightly. "Go get comfortable in our room, ill be there soon." I tell Carl. He nods and leaves the cell. "Carl looks sad." Madie says. I nod "Just a little sweetie, so we gotta make him happy. Theres some paper and crayons with markers in that black box we have in your bag, get it for Nanny please." I point to the bag. Madie grabs the box from inside and kicks her dolls out of the way. She places the box down then opens it up. Madie sits "Now how about we make Carl a present? He would really enjoy a homemade present." I say. Madie gasp from excitement. Her eyes lite up "Can I make him a card with rainbows and hearts and flowers?" Madie asks excitedly. "Of course sweetie. Watch ill make one with you then Ill make my own and you will too and you can make as many as you want." I tell her. Madie nods in excitement as I pull out a piece of paper and fold it into two. "What do you want me to wright on the front of it?" I ask as Madie hands me a purple marker. "Uhh....we love you Carl uh...what ever his last name is.... and then a big heart!" I giggle as Madie junps up when she says big heart. I wrote down what she said "So we love you Carl Grimes, then a big heart." I show Madie she nods with a big smile "Whose Grimes Nanny?" Madie asks. "Well thats Carl's last name silly." I say as I sign the car in the back "Oh... What are you gonna put for your signing thingy?" Madie asks. "I love you with all my heart my little sheriff from Elana." I smile as I write it down. I slide her the card to decorate. "Don't forget to sign it and put from Madie or princess since he calls you that a lot." I say. Madie nods as she starts to draw everything her little heart desired on the card. There were of course hearts, a sun, flowers, stars, rainbows but one thing caught my eye. Madie was drawing poeple onto one of the pages. "Madie who are they?" I ask curious to know who she was drawing. "Its's Carl, then me and you all holding hands." Madie smiles as she finishes. "Can you wright our names at the top so he knows?" Madie asks. I nod "He'll know sweetie but okay." I say as I smile at the picture. I write our names on top of the peoples heads as Madie starts to make her own. "Madie what do you want it to say for your little message like I did?" I ask. Madie thinks for a second "I love you.....more then I love....candy! Yeah wright that Nanny!" Madie giggles. I laugh and shake my head "Okay." I say and wright it down. There was still some space to draw on the card so I decided to just draw a few flowers and hearts with arrows in them. I show Madie the finished card "I love it! I cant wait to show him!" Madie smiles as she continues her own card for him. I grab a piece of paper and start my own one for him too. "What should I put?" I ask myself out loud. "That you love him because you two are like Maggie and Glenn and always tell each other you love each other like them so you must love each other." Madie says. I smile "We do very much Madie." I say. I love you with all my hear my little sheriff... sound good?" I ask Madie. "Yeah but why sheriff?" Madie asks. "His hat." I say as I write it down on the cover. I draw a heart and since i can draw relativity well i draw a sheriff hat like his and it actually looked really good. I didnt know what to draw on the insides of the paper so i drew one big heart with an arrow in it and I love you then wrote something on the other side. It read 'Carl Grimes, I love you with all my heart. I know we fight, and say mean things but I want you to know no matter what we do or say, I will always be here for you baby. I can't be with out you. Your my everything, your what makes me stronger, your the reason I'm here today and I want you to remember that Grimes. Thank you for everything you have done for me.I love you Carl Grimes don't forget that.~Elana♥︎ ' I smile and look at Madie "You done?" I ask. She nods and hands me the card."Okay come on were gonna go these to him then your gonna come back in here while I help Carl feel better" i say. Madie nods as we stand up. Before we walk into me and Carl's cell I stop Madie "Stay here for a sec." I say and pear my head into our cell. Carl was laying there with no shirt on staring up at the bunk bed above him. He had his hands placed under his head and a blanket over his lower body "You have pants on right? Madie and I have something for you so..." I trail off. Carl looks at me then smiles "I have boxers so yeah it's a good thing you asked first." Carl says. "Pants and a shirt for just five minutes please? Then you can go back to your boxers." I tell Carl. He nods as he stands from our bed and finds some clothes. "Okay you can come Madie." I say and bring her into our cell. Madie tuns towards Carl and hands him the three cards we made. "Is this all for me princess?" Carl asks as he looks at the cards "Yeah! Nanny came up with the idea and we made this one together, I made this one, and Nanny did this one!" Madie explains happily. "Aww thank you girls.I love you more then candy too Madie." Carl smiles as he looks at all of them but mine. He put mine to the side. I frown a little "Do you like them?" Madie asks. "I love them all so much, thank you so much." Carl smiles brightly at Madie. "But you pushed Nanny's aside and it made her upset" Madie frowns. Carl looks at me "Madie I'm not upset." I shake my head and put on a smile. "Well I was gonna read it with her privately. Thats why I pushed it to the side." Carl says and looks at me. "Come see." He says and pats the bed beside him. I sit down next to Carl as he pulls Madie onto his lap. Carl hugs us "Thank you girls for trying to make me happy.It definitely worked. I love you two. Don't ever forget that" Carl says and kisses our temples "Now how bout you go see Daryl, maybe he'll give you a piggy back ride." Carl whispers to Madie. Madie jumps off of Carl's lap and runs out the cell "Daryl!" I hear her yell. "Oh god Carl what did you tell her i would do!" I hear Daryl yell. Me and Carl bust out laughing. Carl picked up my card. "I didn't know you knew how to draw." Carl says as he looks at the front. "I sorta do." i say as he opens the card. Carl smiles as he reads and looks at everything. "I thought we have nothing to really give him so make him something. Im sorry it isnt the best-" i say and Carl cuts me off "The best? Elana these are adorable. I love them. I couldn't have asked for anything better. These are truly special to me and now they always will be." Carl tells me. He kisses my lips "I love you so much." Carl whispers to me. I smile "I love you too." I say. Carl stands up and grabs some tape from his bag. He starts to tape the cards up on the wall but to where you could still open and read them. Carl places the tape down then strips into nothing but his boxers agin. I stand up and he plops himself down on the bed on his stomach. I climb on top of him and sit on his butt. Carl in hales deeply as my cold hands lay themselves on his back. "Your worried, scared, stressed...I don't like that." I frown as I massage Carl's back all the way up to his shoulders. He moans lightly and I smile. "We have to talk about something." Carl says as he closes his eyes. "Bout what exactly babe?" I ask Carl softly. "Me...and the going cold thing." Carl says. I stop massaging Carl's back for a moment then continue. "I don't want to." I shake my head. "Elana we have to." Carl says. I nod with a sigh "Fine." "Elana i might be going cold, but I want you to know I would never hurt you, or Madie,or Judith or any of our family" Carl tells me. I nod "I know Carl. You only want to protect us.End of conversation. Okay?" I ask. Carl nods "Okay" He says and I kiss his bare back "I love when you do this so so much." Carl says changing the subject like I wanted. I giggle "I can tell." Carl smiles lightly as his hair falls into his face and I push it out of the way "Your hair is getting so long." I tell him. Carl nods "Is that a good or bad thing?" He asks. I smile "You look hot to me, and apparently to Bailey too." I say. Carl frowns "I love you not Bailey, Elana. I always will don't worry." Carl tells me as I rub my hands up to Carl's shoulders. "I know I just feel sorta....intimidated by her sometimes." I tell Carl honestly. "Why?" Carl asks. I sigh "Because to be honest shes like one billion times prettier than me and Im scared you'll leave me for her because shes prettier with her blonde hair and freaking perfect face and she hasn't tried to kill her self." I tell Carl with a frown. "Baby girl.... she doesn't even come to close how beautiful you are. You are the most beautiful girl i have and will ever meet, and you know I love you not matter how much you hurt yourself. I don't agree with it, and I don't like it at all but I wont stop loving you because of it, ill only help you through it. Bailey is not the kind of girl I want." Carl tells me. "What kind of girl do you want?" I ask as I lay my head down on Carl's bare back. "I want a girl with long beautiful brown hair, those perfect eyes you have, a girl with your attitude, your smartness, your braveness, your beauty, your brains, your love, your understanding, your ability to want to help and keep people safe. I want you Elana, and only you." Carl tells me. I kiss his back "Thank you Carl." I whisper. Carl opens his eyes "For what? Telling a beautiful girl the truth?" Carl asks. I smile and shake my head. "How have you been with the voices?" I ask. Carl smiles "After you talked to me I got them agin like twice but I was able to make them go away." Carl says proudly. I smile as I sit up "Baby thats great!" I say excitedly. Carl smiles "Oh I'm so proud of you!" I gush. I was really proud of Carl. He usually needed help with this from me so this was a big step in the right direction for Carl. "What about you? You should be proud of yourself too you haven't cut, or tried hurting yourself at all since you came back. Angel I'm so proud of you for that!" I smile at Carl. "Y-Yeah I guess i am honestly pretty happy with myself." I say trying not to sound full of my self. "You really should be Elana! Don't be ashamed to be proud of yourself!" Carl says. I smile "Can I just cuddle you right now?" I ask. Carl smiles really big "Yes get off now!" I giggle as I get off of Carl. He pushes over and yanks me onto the bed. Carl wraps his arms around my body and tangles our legs together automatically as i cover us with our comforter. I giggle at Carl as he kisses me all over my face "I love you" Carl says. I kiss Carl's lips "I love you too Grimes." Carl smiles "One day you'll be a Grimes." Carl informs. I raise an eyebrow "Will I now?" I ask teasingly. Carl nods "For sure..... well I mean if you say yes." I laugh "Well duh thats how it works. You cant just kidnap me and one day claim me to be your wife." "Says who?" Carl asks. "I would kidnap you and claim you as my wife in seconds." Carl growls in my ear as he nibbles on it. I giggle and push Carl away a little "No you weirdo!" I giggle. Carl was about to kiss me when Momma came running in. "Elana, Allie." Mom tells me. I hear Madie gasp "Mommy your home!" My mouth drops as I quickly scurry out of bed "Allie is here?" I ask. Momma nods "And Andrea." She says. Carl stays on the bed under the blankets and I grab his a shirt and some jeans "Throw it on under the covers." I tell him. I face mom "He isn't naked is he?" Mom asks. "No mom! He's just in boxers though, thats how he sleeps and stuff." I tell my mom. I bring her out of the cell and run downstairs to see Allie, but no Jack Jack. "Elana!" Allie hugs me and I hug her back "Wheres Jack Jack?" I ask. Allie shakes her head and my heart shatters. "Oh god." I say and my eyes start to water. My baby Jack Jack is gone. Carl runs downstairs "What happened?" He asks as he runs towards me "Baby Jack Jack." I break down. Carl frowns and he scoops me up in his arms. "Shh it's okay angel" Carl whispers in my ear. "Mommy wheres Jack Jack? Im confused." Madie says. My heart shatters more "Well im gonna talk to Nanny first and then ill tell you where Jack Jack is." Allie says. "I need to talk to everyone about The Governor" Andrea says.Carl wipes my tears as I pull away slowly. "Me and Allie are gonna go talk in the dinner while yall talk to Andrea about The Governor." I say. Carl nods as he kisses my lips "Im so sorry." He whispers. I nod and kiss his lips one last time before bringing Allie to the dinner with me. "Im bringing Madie back to Woodbury with me." Allie says. I look at her "Woodbury. You've been there?" I ask. Allie nods "You cant take Madie" I shake my head. "She's my daughter." Allie says. I ball my fist up as I remember the day i found Madie all alone because Allie had left. "You fucking left her scared and alone Allie! You cant have her back! You cant take her from me!" I yell at Allie as I step closer to her. "Excuse me? She my daughter ill do what ever the hell I want with the brat!" Allie yells at me. I push her up against a wall. "What happened to Jack Jack tell me and tell me now!" I growl. Allie was with The Governor in Woodbury, she left Madie a by herself, she just called Madie a brat, Allie never really loved her kids, I had to have my suspicions on to what happened to Jack Jack. Do I think Allie would hurt Jack jack? Honestly yes. "All he did was cry, I had to do it Elana!" Allie tells me. My mouth drops and I pull my gun out. I point it at her and start yelling at her "You fucking killed Jack Jack because he wouldn't stay quiet! He's a fucking baby Allie!How the hell could you!" I yell. "Elana calm down! Jack Jack knows I love him." Allie says trying to make everything seem okay. "You know that baby wont do y'all any good." Allie explains and I cut her off by pressing my gun up to her head "Dont you fucking dare finish!" I growl as tears streamed down my face. "Elana what the hell!" I hear Carl yell as he knocks the gun out of my head "She killed Jack Jack!" I yell. "She murdered him! He was just a baby Allie and fucking baby!" I scream. "I have no clue what she is talking about! She's going crazy and im taking Madie home with me!" Allie lies. "You aren't gonna fucking touch Madie! You left her alone and killed Jack Jack!" I yell as I pull my knife that was in my holster out. Carl grabs me as the rest of the group walks in. "Elana what are you doing?" Andrea asks me. Rick walks over towards me
And Carl. "The bitch killed Jack Jack and is trying to take Madie away from me after SHE left Madie all alone!" I yell. Merle pulls Carl off of me "She isn't lying. Allie told me and The Governor when she first came. When we took Maggie and Glenn I found out Elana was alive with Carol and everyone else and Allie knew it was this Elana and Carol. Guess she made Andrea bring her see her." Merle says."Allie is this true?" Momma asks. Allie shrugs "He wouldn't stop crying! We would've both died!" She yells. I wanted Allie gone but I couldn't kill her. "Get her out." I say. "Not with out my-" Allie starts "Fucking get out and if you ever come back I swear to god i will get someone to kill you!" I yell. Madie walked in and Allie smiled at her "Baby do you wanna come home with Mommy?" Allie asks Madie. I look at Madie who was probably so confused. Madie runs over to me and Carl. She hugs our legs "I dont wanna leave Carl or Nanny, Mommy." Madie shakes her head. Allie got mad and grabbed Madie's arm "Hey get the hell off of her Elana and Madie said no!" Carl yells and pushes Allie away. "Allie it's time to go." Andrea says and pulls her away. I grab Madie and hug her "Nanny wheres baby Jack Jack? I miss bubby." Madie says. Tears well up in my eyes agin "Baby girl Mommy hurt Jack Jack and we wont be seeing him for a long time." I tell her. Carl places a hand on my shoulder. "He's with my mom now, I promise she'll keep care of him." Carl says. I smile at what he says "So Jack Jack is with Lori in heaven?" Madie asks with a frown. "Im afraid so princess." I sigh. "Oh..." Madie starts to get tears in her eyes. "I guess if he's okay thats all that matters right?" Madie asks softly. I nod "He is safe and loved know thats all that matters." Carl helps me out. "You know im gonna get my daughter whether you like it or not Elana! Your just a little weak girl." Allie hisses at me. I don't answer her. I don't look at her. She was a horrible cousin and mother so she would always tell me things like this. Her words didn't affect me, but her actions surly did. Andrea and Rick made Allie leave. Andrea brought her back to Woodbury and I brought Madie to bed since it was getting late. Madie was upset that her little brother was gone but said it would be okay because he was safe with Lori. "Nanny." Madie calls to me before I leave her room. "Yes sweetie." I say. "You and Carl wont let mommy take right?" Madie asks. "I don't wanna go with Mommy." Madie whimpers as Carl walks into her cell. "Mommy isn't taking you away from us Princess, don't worry." Carl reassures Madie. Madie nods as she turns on her side "I love yall." Madie says. I smile and kiss her forehead "We love you too Madie." I whisper to her. She closes her eyes and we wait for her to fall asleep for us the go back to our cell. Carl throws his hat on top if his bag as we walk into our cell. "My family is so screwed up. Beating and killing their children and spouses, depression, suicide, baby killers, crazy bitches, dumbass fathers." I list. "Thats my screwed up family." I sigh. "Thats okay. Everyone has a screwed up family member along the lines." Carl says as I take off my shirt a grab a new one to sleep in. I throw it on "But ninety-five percent of my family seems to be screwed up" I say as i unbutton my pants. I shimmy out of my pants. "It's a big t-shirt, and i have underwear on do you mind if i just sleep in a big t-shirt and underwear tonight?" I ask Carl as he takes his shirt and pants off. "Of course not." Carl tells me. Carl pulls me onto the bed as he climbs on. He cuddles up to me "Do you still love me even though I have a screwed up family?" I ask Carl. He laughs "Of course I do babe." I smile "Just making sure." I say. "Your screwed up family is pretty screwed up but your nothing like them so its okay." I shake my head "I am nothing like those screwed up people."

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