Chapter11-Not good enough

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Elana's P.O.V.

It's the middle of the night and I'm siting in bed crying. Shane doesn't like me. I went to use the restroom and heard Shane talking to Lori. He said I wasn't good for Carl. That ill get him hurt and ill just break him. That I would be the reason he would die. When I heard that I ran to the room and did something bad. Know I'm just crying on the bed quietly so I don't wake Carl up. "Elana?" I hear Carl groan and I stand up. "I-Im sorry I didn't mean to wake you. J-Just go back to be C-Carl." I sob and Carl opens his eyes. "Why are you crying?" Carl asks and I shake my head. "Nothing go back to bed." I say and try to walk out of the room but Carl runs over to me and stops me from leaving by standing in front of the door. "Carl stop!" I say and try to push him away from the door. "Carl move!" I yell and he backs me up against the wall. "What happened?" he asks sternly and I slide my back down the wall and cry more. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on my knee's. "Im sorry! Im so sorry!" I cry and Carl kneels down in front of me. "Why are you sorry?What happened?" Carl asks and I show him the row of cuts on my arms that had dried blood droplets on them. "Im sorry!" I cry and Carl looks at me then stands up. "Why?!?" He yells and I cry more. "S-Shane said Im gonna h-hurt you and g-get you killed! He said I wasn't g-good for you!" I cried and Carl just stands there. "He's probably right. Im just gonna get someone hurt just like daddy said and I'm not good for any one" I say and then Carl runs out the room. I cry more and then hear yelling and people running. "This is your fault!" I hear Carl yell then see Lori,Rick, Mama, Jenner, Daryl, T-Dog, Dale, Carl and everyone else. "Tell them what happened Elana!" Carl practically yells and I shake my head. "Ill tell them then!" Carl says an looks at Shane. "This is your fault! You said she wasn't right for me! That she would get me killed when she won't!" Carl yells and I bring my knees up to my chest as I cry harder. "You wanna know what you made her do? Huh Shane?" Carl asks and sits down next to me. "Let me show them." Carl says and I nod with a sniffle. Carl pulled my arm to him and started to cry. I felt his warm tears hit my arm "This is your fault Shane!Your fault!" Carl hisses and the runs his hands over my cuts softly. "Im sorry babygirl." Carl says and hugs me "Im so sorry babygirl." he says as his hot tears fall onto my shoulder. "It... its okay Carl." I say and Carl pulls me into his lap. "I need to talk to you!" Rick says sternly. He looked really mad. "I think we all need to have a talk with you!" Daryl says and hits Shane's chest. "Your gonna get it! Your lucky I don't kill right now!" Daryl hisses."Ill get Elana cleaned up." Jenner says and I stand up."Come on sweetie." Jenner says and I sniffle. Carl stands up "Im gonna go with them okay?" Carl says and I nod. "I love you. You know that right?" Carl asks and I nod. "I love you too." I say "And you know your not gonna get me hurt or killed right?" Carl asks and i nod. "Good. I love you." Carl says and kisses my lips. "I love you too." I say and Carl pushes a pice of hair behind my ear. "Dont listen to what Shane says." He says and I nod. "Okay." I say and Carl walks away. Jenner brings me to the and gets some things to clean my cuts.

Carl's P.O.V.(first time We have his P.O.V. for this book)

"The reason I said that is because Carl doesn't need a stupid little girl dragging him down then making him die!" Shane yells "She's not gonna make me die!" I yell as I walk into the room. "She's the one who made me think dad was actually alive and he is! She's the one who made me have faith! How is she gonna kill me by giving me faith? Huh Shane?" I yell and Shane glares at me. "My little girl isn't gonna make anyone die!She's good!" Carol yells "She wont! She.... she makes me happy! I don't know how she's gonna kill me like that! She tells me she loves me every day and I know she loved me!" I say and Shane walks up to me. "Your twelve you have no clue what love is!" Shane says and I shake my head "I know enough to know that I love Elana and she loves me!" I say and then see Elana walk around the corner with bandages wrap around her arms. "Elana-" I say but she cuts me off. "Im just gonna be in our room." Elana says and I shake my head."No come see." I say and she slowly walks over to me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her cheek. "If what me and Elana has isn't love then I don't know what love is." I say and Elana smiles. I wipe the tears that were under her eyes from her crying before and kiss her forehead. "I love you." I say and she hugs me. "I love you too." she says and I feel a few tears fall onto my shirt."Please don't cry. Your gonna make me cry." I say and Elana chuckles. "Sorry." she says and I wipe her tears away "Don't be sorry." I say and smile at her. "How is she gonna make him die Shane? She looks like she makes my boy happier then me or his mother ever could." My dad says I wrap my arms tighter around Elana. "If I find out you say shit bout Elana agin ill kill you." I hear Daryl hiss. "Are you okay?" I ask and Elana nods. "Man she's a good girl don't be talkin bout her like that!" T-Dog says and my mom slaps Shane. "She is like a daughter to me, her and Sophia and I know she won't hurt my son!" My mom hisses and Elana lays her head on my shoulder. "Lets go back and get some sleep. M'kay?" I ask and Elana nods. "Please stop just nodding and talk. I love to hearing your beautiful voice." I say and Elana giggles. "I love you. Was that good enough?" Elana asks with a smirk and I smile. "Perfect." I say and tickle her stomach. "Carl stop!" Elana laughs and I smile while Shane glares at us."I think the worst Elana can do-" I say and pause. Elana frowns thinking I'm gonna say something bad "Is make us all have faith and be happy. I mean she made me have faith that we would find dad! She made me have faith that everything was okay and she always makes everyone happy and laugh." I say and Elana smiles. "Doesn't seem bad to me so Elana Carl go get some rest. Elana I trust you with my son so don't worry." Rick says and Elana smiles "Thank you Rick." Elana says and I grab we hand, intertwining our fingers together. "Let's go." I say and kiss Elana's temple. We walk back to our room and I see Sophia come out of her room then look at Elana's arms. "What did you do?!?" Sophia yells and runs up to Elana. "Shane said some stupid stuff and I didn't know. She's okay now though." I say and Sophia nods. "Go get some sleep Sophia." Elana says and hugs Sophia "I love you sis." Elana says and Sophia hugs back "Love you too sis." Sophia says then walks back to her room. I bring Elana to our room then close our door. I press my forehead against the door and feel my tears leave my eyes. "Im sorry I should've been there so you wouldn't have done this." I say as my tears hit the floor. "Carl you were asleep this isn't your fault." Elana says and wraps her arms around me. "You know everyone loves you. Everyone came out to see what was wrong when they were all hungover and tired. I said Elana she's hurt and they all jumped out of bed." I say and Elana smiles. "Shane is just stupid." I say and Elana kisses my back. "Lets go lay down." Elana says and I nod. We walk over to the bed and lay down. I pass my hand softly over her bandages and kiss them. "Carl!" she giggles and I smile. "No matter what anyone says your not gonna get me hurt." I say and Ella smiles. "Im sorry I should've woken you up instead of doing this." Elana says and I shake my head "Just promise not to do it agin." I say and Elana nods "Ill try."Elana says and I kiss her lips. "Get some sleep." I say and Elana nuzzles her head in to my chest." Night baby girl." I say and kiss her forehead. "Night Carl." Elana says and drifts off to sleep. I laid in bed for hours but was unable to sleep. Im furious at Shane right know.

He made Elana do this to her self. This is his fault!

I sigh and run my hands threw Elana's hair. My eyes started to become heavier and heavier as I thought more and more about the precious girl I had laying in my arms until I slowly fell asleep.

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