Chapter 43-Always Love You

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Carl's P.O.V.

"What happened?!" My Dad yelled as Carol tried to push me out of the infirmary.

"No! Im not leaving her!" I yell.

"This is your fault my baby is like this!" Carol screams at me with tears running down both my face and hers.

"Carl what the hell did you do this time?" My Dad growls.

"I said some really mean things to her that I didn't mean and she tried to kill herself again Dad. She stabbed herself in the stomach right in front of me. Dad im so sorry." I cried.

Dad pushed passed me quickly and into the infirmary. He ran next to Elana.

"Im gonna have to check her out Rick. You have to go." Hershel says as my Dad grabbed Elana's hand.

He nodded "Your gonna make this sweetie." My dad told Elana and kissed her forehead.

He walked out of the infirmary and Hershel closed the door. My dad grabbed my wrist.

"Was it the voices?" He growls.

I frown with a nod.

"Im done with this shit Carl." My dad growled then yanked me to a different cell block.

Why do you feel guilty?

You shouldn't!

You just wanted to save her from us,

Or should I say you.

"Your gonna fucking stay in here because..." My dad paused as he shoved me into a cell "Damn it boy I have no clue what to do with you!" My dad yells as he locks the cell. he locking me in here?!?

Damn right he is.What are you going to do about it?

You aren't gonna just sit here like a little pussy right?

You are going to try and get out.

No! No i wont! I need this!

No Carl! You don't!

"Im sorry but you can no longer see Elana, Madie, or Judy." My dad said.

My eyes shot up to him.

You cant let him take away the most important things in the world to!



No stop it!


"No you can't take then away from me!" I yelled as i wrapped my hands around the bars on the cell door.

"Open the god damn door Dad!" i yell.

My Dad shakes his head with tears in his eyes "Where's my boy at? Where did my sweet sweet boy go?"

He died a long time ago, and we all know it.

You know he thinks your a monster,

You are.

Elana is an angel and you...

Your a demon, the worse there is.

You two together, you two aren't heroes when your together like Elana said.

You two together is a disaster waiting to happen.

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