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(Btw that's Madie and you'll see who she is in a little bit!)
Two days later
Elana's P.O.V.
Carl was actually able to walk today. He was before but he wasn't suppose to. We're feeding the chickens with Lori. Yesterday Daryl got shot I don't know exactly what happened. I feel Carls arms wrap around my waist and kisses my cheek. I giggle "Hi there." I say and Carl smiles. "Hey." he says as I feed more chickens. "There so hungry!" I say and we laugh "Yeah they are." Lori says and I smile. Shane was teaching Andrea how to shoot a gun and Carl wanted to learn. "Come on we can learn together." Carl says and I laugh. "Shane won't want to teach me. He would more likely shoot me then teach me." I say and Carl kisses my cheek. "After I learn I'll teach you." he says and bites his lip. "I have to show you something." Carl says and pulls me behind the house. He slowly pulls out a gun and I step back. "Carl you give that to your father right now! I don't want you getting hurt!" I say "Elana it's fine you worry to much!" He says and I look at him "Yeah I worry to much about your ass!" I hiss and take the gun out of Carls hands.I turn around and run towards Rick and Lori. "Elana why do you have a gun?!?! I hear my mom yell "I took it from Carl! He had it and I'm not gonna let him keep the gun from y'all when he doesn't even know how to use it." I say and see Carl "Carl Grimes you know better then this!" Lori says and Carl storms off. "Carl!" I yell and grab his arm "Don't blame this on me I'm just trying to keep you safe,because I love you!" I yell at him and Carl pushes my hand off his arm. "Why would you rat me out?" Carl asks and I hug him "Because I love you and I know you don't know how to use it. Carl I don't want you to get hurt,you know what I would do if you did." I say and Carl sighs. "You know I would kill myself. " I say and Carl Looks at me "Sophia we can't find her. Carl your the only thing I have left." I say and he starts to walk away. "Walking away won't do anything!" I yell "Your a scared little prick!" I yell and Carl looks at me "At least I'm not a suicidal freak!" He yells. That hurt bad. I frown and shake my head. Maggie looks at Carl "Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Maggie yells "Rick your son has problems!"Maggie yells and hugs me. As I start to cry "I know he does!" Rick growls and yanks Carl by the arm "Oh you are so gonna fucking get it now! All she did was try and protect you!" Lori snaps as she follows Rick. "She fucking loves you Carl! Hell she probably doesn't any more! I know I wouldn't!" Rick yells and I shake my head "We've been fighting so much." I cry and Maggis kissed my head. "Some times that happens sweetie." Maggie says and I hug her "I hate it!" I say and pull away from Maggie "I wanna be alone." I say and Maggie shakes her head "Don't go hurting yourself. No matter what that boy or anyone says. I love you, my daddy loves you, Beth loves you, your Mama loves you, Daryl loves you, Lori and Rick they love you,Sophia loves you." Maggie says and I nod "I promise." I whisper and she nods. I walk away and hear Rick yelling at Carl "Dad,mom in sorry!" I hear Carl cry "Don't tell us sorry go tell Elana that!" Lori yells and then looks at me. Lori walks towards me and sees my tears. She kneels down and hugs me. "Shh it's okay sweet heart. Were here for you. Your not a suicidal freak." Lori says "Yes I am!" I cry and Lori shakes her "I was like that when I was a teen. I promise it'll only get better there's s light at the end of this tunnel Elana I promise." Lori says and I nod. "I....I" Carl cried then falls to the floor. "I'm sorry." Carl cries "Carl that's what you always say! When will you really mean it?" I yell and Carl sniffles "I've always meant it its just hard." he cries and I stand up. "Im a freak why are you talking to me?" I ask and Carl cries more. "N-No baby! I'm sorry I just got m-mad!" Carl says as I walk away. "Elana Nicole I love you so much and I'm so sorry I've been a jerk please! You can't walk away!" Carl cries/yells. "Prove that you love me." I say and Carl grabs my hands "I would die for you, I would kill for you, I would do anything for you because I love you Elana Nicole! I know I've been a real jerk it's just.....hard. I finally understand what your going through." Carl says and I sit down on the porch. "No one understands." I whisper and Carl sits down in front of me. "Elana I'm trying so hard!" He cries and lays his head on my leg. "I know but what you said hurt." I say and he kisses my leg. "Im so so sorry babygirl." Carl says and I sigh "I'm sorry but I can't do this." I say and Carl looks at me with a concerned look. "No Elana I m sorry this is my fault! I promise I won't fight with you any more. Baby please!" Carl begs and I shake my head "I can't I'm sorry. I'm just gonna get you killed like Shane said." I whisper and kiss Carl's cheek "Find someone else. Someone better." I whisper and wipe his tears with my thumbs. "But there is no one else! The only girl I want is you!" Carl cries and hides his face I my shoulder "Were ether always crying or fighting. Its not healthily." I say as I pull away from Carl. "We can still be just friends." I say "No! I can't do that! I love you Elana please!" Carl cries and I frown. "Then good bye Carl." I say and I look at Maggie "Can we go see the horses? I.. I need to clear my..." I say until Carl cuts me off. "I'll bring you. Please i just want to talk." Carl says and I nod. We go to the stables and I find Oreo . Beth said I could have the horse because it was no ones. i grab the brush and walk over to Oreo. "Hey Oreo." i say and brush my horse. "I found your iPod." Carl says and starts messing with it. "Oh I forgot I had that." I say and Carl puts on a song."Can I have a dance? I never got to have one with you." Carl says as I put down Oreos brush. "Fine." I say and figure out what the song was Stay With me by Sam Smith. I smile as Carl wraps his arms around my waist as the song starts. I wrap my arms around his neck and Carl smiles. He kisses my cheek as we slowly sway back and forth. "This ain't love it's clear to see but darling stay with me." Carl sings as the song sings it. "But I have to leave." I whisper and look at him "I can't stay." I say and Carl kisses my lips then pulls away. "You have to. I'm nothing with out you." Carl says and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Were not together I just like this." I say and Carl nods."We can stay like this for as long as you want." Carl says and I smile. We stayed like that for quite a few songs. "Lori she's disgusting! Why would you ever let them date?You know he doesn't really like her! He just wants to hurt her. He thinks it's funny." I hear Shane's voice says and I pull away from Carl. I look at him with a terrified expression. "No! That's not true!" Carl says as Lori and Shane walk into the stable. "He....i... This is why I said no!I NEW IT!" I yell "Yall say you love me then decide to break my heart!" I yell "Well guess what you can't break me anymore." I say and look at them. "You can't try killin me anymore because my hearts already broken and I'm already dead." I say and start to walk towards the woods."WHY DO YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! I NEVER SAID THAT! I LOVE HER TO DEATH WHY CANT YOU GET THAT!" Carl yells and sees me leaving "Where do you think your going?" Carl asks "Getting away from you and yes I know you never said any of that but I want to be alone!" I snap and walk into the woods. I sighed as I walked. I knew this was stupid because I had nothing to protect me but what's the worse that could happen? Me end up dying? That's not even a bad thing to me! I heard a branch break and turn around to of course see Carl. "Get away from me!" I yell in frustration. "I don't want to see you! Why don't you understand that?" I yell and Carl frowns. "Nanny?" I hear a little girl voice say. I turn around to see my little four Year old God child Madie . My cousin Allie decided to make me the nanny because she new how much I loved Madie. "Madie!" I say and Caroline runs into my arms. "Honey where's mommy and baby Jackson?" I ask.Allie was her mom and Jackson was her baby brother we also call him Jack-Jack to. Madie looks at me "Mommy left yesterday with Jack-Jack and said she would be back but never came back." Caroline says and I nod. "Are you okay? No one touched you?" I ask and Madie shook her head. I picked her up and placed her on my hip. "Elana we still need to-" Carl says as I make Madie cover her ears.I cut him off "You better shut the hell up! We are not doing this I front of my god child or at all! Don't you dare come next to me or Madie!" I hiss and take Madie's hands of her ears. "I'm gonna bring you somewhere safe okay sweetie?" I say and Madie nods. "what if my dad doesn't let her in?" Carl asks "He isn't a heartless soul like you he will let her in the group!" I say and Carl sighs "You know I never said any of those things Shane said!" Carl yells and I start to walk away from him "We are not talking about this In front of Madie!" I say and walk to the farm with Madie on my hip. "Elana! Who's that?" Rick asks "My god child Madie she's staying with me and if she goes I go." I say and Rick nods "She's four i would never let her leave!" Rick says and I nod. "Madie this is my friend Rick. He is very nice and if you can't find me go to Rick or his wife Lori the pretty one standing next to him." I say and Lori smiles "Hi sweetie what's your name?" Lori asks and Madie hides her face in my shoulder. "She gets shy. Madie it's okay. These people are Nannies friends." I say and Madie nods "I'm Madie." she says and moves her long light brown hair out of her face.I put her down and Lori starts to talk to her. Carl walks over to me. "Please baby talk to me." Carl whispers and I see he had tear stained cheeks. "Carl no! You don't love me and you never did that's fine! I don't need you anymore! I need to focus on Madie now not relationship drama." I whisper as Lori looks at me "Is it okay if I bring her see the horse?" Lori asks and I nod "yeah that's fine! Madie you stay with her!" I say and Madie runs up to me then hugs me. "I will nanny love you!" She says and I kiss her cheek "Love you too princess." I say and Madie runs over to Lori. "She's beautiful. She looks just like you." Carl says and I nod. "She is beautiful" I say and smile. "She's all I have left other then my mom." I say and Carl grabs my hand "You have Sophia" Carl says and I look at him "Carl we can't find her!" I cry and Carl hugs me "I don't want to tell Madie" I say and Carl nods then let's not tell Madie." he says and I pull away from him. "No because you can't talk to me or her." I say and walk towards Madie. "Come on princess we going see aunt Carol." I say and grab Madie's hand "Okay! Thank you for letting me pet the horse Lori and Maggie!" Madie says and I see Maggie smileing "Your welcome!" Maggie says and and Carl walks up to his mom. "I can't do this any more I want to go." Carl whisper "Go where and why?" Lori asks and Carl looks at me "Because the girl I love doesn't want me and I just want to be away from her because every time I see her my heart breaks." Carl says and I frown. "Madie we gotta go" I say and walk over to my mama with Madie. I was so happy to have her with me. I was scared she would get hurt but why would Allie leave Madie alone and take Jackson with her? Madie needs just as much protection as Jack-Jack.

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