Chapter 42-Talk To Me

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Elana's P.O.V.

"Nanny Carl said we have to leave." Madie tells me as I walk into her cell.

"Yeah we do baby so pack all your things and then give them to Carl when your done." I tell Madie.

Today was the day we would make a move on The Governor. Carl, Madie, Hershel, Beth, Judith, and I would go into the woods and wait there while everyone else would give us their stuff to make it loom like we left the prison then they would all hide.

Once The Governor and his people come then the rest of the group will attack while Carl and I protect the people who are with us. After that we would go back to the prison.

"Im going see Carl." I tell Madie as she packs her things.

"Okay." she nods.

I walk into Carl and I's cell "I don't want to fucking stand around when I can be helping!" Carl shouts at his Dad.

" Your are helping! Your helping protect your family! It's whats happening now pack your shit!" Rick yells then stomps out of the cell.

Carl balls his fist up as he sits on the bottom bunk. I walk over to him as he starts to pack. Just shoving everything in his bag aggressively."Baby calm down." I say as I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Carl barks at me.

I jump back, slightly frightened by Carl's tone in his voice.

Carl looks at me as I just stare at him.

"Im....I'm sorry Elana. Today just isn't my day." Carl sighs.

I walk towards him and sit down next to him. I go to wrap my arms around him but stop. Carl frowns at me "Please. Please do it. Hold me like you do when I need you." Carl begs.

I smile and wrap my arms around Carl's neck then pull him down into my lap so his head was laying in my lap.

I started playing with his hair with one hand and had one of my arms still wrapped around Carl.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. I noticed Carl was gripping something in his hand. I had no clue what it was, all i knew was that it was gold.

"Carl, what is that?" I ask.

Carl lifts the hand that was holding the thing up and showed it to me.

"My Dad's badge that was on his hat." Carl sighs then shoves it in his pocket.

Carl sots up and kisses my lips "I love you." He says as he pulls away.

I smile "I love you too."

Carl smiles as I stand up and get all my things in my bag. Carl was all packed except for one thing, the family photo that he had to have.

Carl smiled as he ran his fingers over the framed picture. "Your family is so beautiful." I tell Carl.

He looks up at me with a smile. "But it isn't complete." Carl tells me.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"That means i don't have you as my wife and we don't have our future children together, which means my family isn't complete. My family will only be complete when you are Mrs. Elana Grimes and we have children together." Carl informs me.

I giggle "I would love to be apart of your wonderful family one day."

Carl smiles as he puts his picture in his bag. Rick passed and Carl frowned as he stood up and through his bag over his shoulder.

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