Chapter33-Goodnight My Loves

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*Two days later*

Elana's P.O.V.

Today we finally decided Hershel could walk around since he woke up yesterday and is already so ready to be back on his feet. Carl, Beth,Lori, Madie and I brought Hershel outside to try and walk around the basketball court while everyone else did their work. Maggie, T-Dog and Mom came soon. I wave at my mom with a smile and she does the same back to me."Go Hershel!" Glenn yells as Hershel started walking. I smile "Ready to race Hershel?" Carl asks. Hershel smiles "Give me anther day of rest and i promise ill beat your butt." We all laugh but as the laughter dies down i start to hear walker groans from behind us. Carl and I turn around "Walkers!" Carl yells as we pull our guns out. I grabbed Madie and pushed her behind me. We started shooting the walkers but there were way to many. "Lori over here with the kids!" Maggie yells from where she was standing. She was by one of the entrances to get into the prison. We ran over there and into the prison "Grab guns an-" i say and get cut off by even more walkers inside of the prison. "Shit.Madie get in front of me!" I say and push Madie in front if me "Follow Maggie Madie." I tell her as we run trying to find somewhere to hide. A siren started going off and Madie quickly covered her ears "Just keep following Maggie Madie!" I yell over the sirens. Madie nods as Lori stops and groans in pain. She grabs her stomach. No! Not now! She cant be having the baby now! "In here!" I hear Carl yell ahead of us. We ran into a room and Carl slammed the door shut. Madie grabbed my arm "Nanny im scared." She says. I kneel down in front of her "Princess everything will be okay." I reassure her. I look at Lori as she tries to walk down the few stairs they had. She groaned in pain agin. "Lori i think your ready to have this baby" Maggie says. Lori nods as she grabs onto anything. She ended up grabbing the stairs rail and squeezes it hard. "The baby is coming" Lori says. I bite my lip and look at Madie "Madie i want you to come in this corner and draw me something and I dont want you to look this way till i say you can." i tell Madie as i grab a sharpie that was on the ground "Where do I draw it?" Madie asks. "On the floor." I say as she sits down. Madie nods "Is Lori gonna be okay?" Madie asks. I nod "She is gonna have the baby thats why you have to stay here and draw. How bout you draw a picture for the new baby?" I ask. Madie smiles really big and nods her head quickly. I smile and quickly run over to Carl who was staring at his mother now knowing what to do. He looked at me "I.....I...... what do we do?" He asks nervously. "Carl your about to have to help me and Maggie deliver your new sibling." I say. Carl bites his lip and nods quickly. Maggie pulled down Lori's pants and Lori pushed. She yelled in pain "Lori stop something isn't right!" Maggie panics as she looks at her hand that was full of Lori's blood. I gasped as Lori laid down. She started closing her eyes and Carl kneeled down next to her "Mom, mom come on keep your eyes open." Carl says. Lori shakes her head "Im not gonna make it." Lori breaths. "I had to be cut open for Carl and it's gonna be the same for this baby." Lori says. "Maggie you gotta cut me open. Follow the scar thats on my stomach." Lori explains. "Lori i can't do that we dont have to right tools!" Maggie stresses. "Carl has a knife. Cut me open with the knife,because my baby is not dying." Lori shakes her head "The baby cant die" She says. Lori groans in pain agin. "Maggie please please just do it!" Lori begs as she cries. Maggie shakes her head then nods. Carl started crying "Mom you don't have to do this!" Carl explains to Lori. Lori nod "Yes, Yes i do baby, but it's okay because everything will be okay in the end." Lori tells Carl. I didn't know what to do. If we actually went through with this Lori wouldn't make it, but if we didn't then the baby wouldn't make it. "Madie come..... Come say goodbye" i say as tears start to fill my eyes. Lori smiles as Madie walks over to us and sits on my lap. "Who are we telling goodbye to Nanny and why is Carl crying?" Madie asks. "Well sweetie Lori is leaving thats why." I say and Madie frowns "Lori why are you leaving?" Madie asks Lori. "Well Madie I have to, but i want you, and Carl, and Mia to remember i will still always be with you guys after I leave and that I love you guys so much!" Lori explains to Madie. Madie nods and looks at Carl "Carl you don't have to cry she just said she would still be with us. That means she really not leaving right?" Madie says. Carl smiles lightly at Madie "Thats right princess it's just still hard." Carl says. Madie still didn't understand what was fully going on and i knew one day probably soon i would have to explain to her what i meant by Lori had to leave, that or Madie would figure it out herself as she grew older. "Now i want you say what ever you want to Lori because like i said she is leaving, and we wont see her for a very long time." I say as I stared to get choked up. "I really like you Lori. Your so nice and funny! Im glad that you let me and Nanny be apart of your family because you have a pretty awesome family." Madie says. Lori smiles "I love you so much love, i don't know how we couldn't let you and your Nanny come into our family. Don't let this world spoil you. Do whats right listen to your Nanny and Aunt Carol. You are such a strong beautiful little girl and you are gonna make it i know you will." Lori says. Madie nods and hugs Lori "Ill see you when ever you come back home right?" Madie asks as Lori hugs her back. "Of course you will princess." Lori says holding back her tears. "Now go back and draw the rest of that picture for my baby why don't ya?" Lori says with a light smile trying to make it seem as if everything was okay so Madie wouldn't get scared. Madie nod and ran back to her conner. Lori sighs as she smiles at Carl. "My babyboy, my handsome handsome babyboy. I love you so much and i know you will beat this world! You are brave and you are smart and you are so strong." Lori says on the verge of tears as Carl cried. "Don't let this world spoil baby. If it doesn't feel right or it feels to easy don't do it you ether Elana. Don't do it just don't." Lori tells us. I nod as a tear slips from my eye "Elana, oh Elana. You are so strong and brave. You've had such a horrible life and you've come so far. You are so strong Elana. So strong and i want you there for Carl every step of the way so he can be strong too. No matter what mistakes he makes i don't care if its killing someone just promise me you will always stay with Carl, even if it's just as friends." Lori says. I nod "I promise." i say as i place a hand on Carl's knee. "He loves you so much Elana, and i know you love him very much too and I honestly know that you two are going to stay together forever." Lori says and i smile. "Thank you for making my babyboy happy Elana. Thank you for keeping him sane." Lori tells me. I nod as i started crying and i hug her. "I love you so much Elana." Lori says as she hugs me. I pull away with a nod. "Mom you still don't have to do it." Carl says with tears pouring out of his eyes. "Yes,yes i do baby." Lori says and takes a deep breath in then out. Lori hugs Carl and he cries harder "I love you so much mom" Carl cries. Lori nods "I know i love you too Carl.I love you so much." Lori cries. Carl pulled away as he wiped his tears and Lori nods. "Im ready." She says. Carl grabs one of his mothers hands then mine "Madie keep drawing no matter what princess and dont look this way." i say through my tears. Maggie rolls up Lori's shirt as Carl slowly pulls out his knife. He looked at it then at me. "It's gonna be okay baby." I tell Carl. He nods and hands the knife to Maggie with shaky hands. He regrabs his mothers hand and Maggie looked at Lori with tears in her eyes "Goodnight my loves." Lori whispers. "In sorry." maggie says then starts to cut Lori's stomach. Lori screamed and cried in pain "Stop." Carl says quickly "Stop it your killing her!" Carl yells in tears as Lori's cries and screams got really bad. Lori let out a few shaky breaths then stopped breathing. Maggie put the knife down and put her hand inside Lori's stomach. "Elana, Carl i need your help to keep her stomach open." Maggie sniffles. I rolled up my sleeves "Ill do it." i whisper as Carl stared at his now dead mother. I put my hand in Lori's stomach to keep it open for Maggie to see the baby "I don't know if this is the arms or the leg." Maggie says "Okay i got it. I got the baby." Maggie says. She pulls out a silent baby and Carl looks over at it. He looked like he was gonna cry even more because the baby didn't seem alive. "No no no come on!" Maggie says. She pats and rubs the babys back lightly and thats when a cry cane from the new born baby. I smile and look at Carl who smiled too. He quickly took off his jacket and handed it to Maggie. Maggie wrapped the jacket around the baby. "We gotta go now so daddy can see the baby" Maggie says as she stands up. "What about my mom? We cant just let her turn!" Carl says. Maggie nods "Ill do it." she says. "No! Shes my mom i wanna do it." Carl says. I look at him "Carl you don't have too one of us can" i tell him. "I wanna do it." He says as he still silently cried. I nod "Maggie can you take Madie?" i ask. Maggie nods and i run over to Madie quickly. "Look were gonna go now but i want you to hold your hands over your eyes till i say you can take them off okay?" I tell Madie. Madie nods as i cover her eyes with her hands and turn her around. I didn't want her to see Lori this way so of course i was gonna make her cover her eyes. I bring her to Maggie who was by the nearest exit then quickly run back to Carl. He was sitting next to his mom while holing her hand. "Baby..." i whisper. Carl looks at me. He stands up and pulls out his gun "Lets just get it over with." he says. He aims the gun at Lori's head and quickly pulls the trigger then ran out of my sight. I shake my head as i run after him. He stopped before he could catch up with Maggie and Madie. He was there waiting for me "Im sorry i just couldn't be in there anymore" Carl apologies. I nod "Lets go" i say as i still had tears rolling down my cheeks, actually we both did. Carl and I caught up with Madie and Maggie and walked back outside to the basketball court "We have to find them-" Rick gets cut off by us walking where everyone was with the new baby crying. Rick looked at us "Where.......where is she?" Rick asks. We just stood there silently crying not able to explain what just happened. "Awwee no! No no no!" Rick cries as it finally hits him that Lori was gone. "No! No!" He continued to cry. He looked at Carl and Carl just stood there. Rick fell to the ground in tears. "Wheres momma?" i ask as I look around. Daryl looked at me and slowly shook his head. My mouth fell open and my hand flew to it. "No." i say as i shake my head "No! She's alive! She isn't dead! She cant be!" I say. Daryl sighs "Im sorry kid." he says. Madie looks at me "Nanny wheres Aunt Carol?" Madie asks with tears welling up in her eyes. I shake my head as i start to cry. I had no parents left. My mother was dead and i had no one but Madie left. How were we gonna survive? We had no parents. Madie ran over to me in tears and hugged her as she cried her little heart out. Carl kneeled down next to us as i sat on the floor with a crying Madie in my lap. "Elana." Carl says as i pulled Madie closer to me "Were all alone." i whisper as tears roll down my cheeks "The only parent i had is gone" i whisper. Carl frowns "I know how you feel" Carl says. "You have your father Carl! What do we have? No one! Who is gonna take care of me and Madie now? No one! Cant you see were all alone now!" I yell at Carl through my tears. I shake my head as Carl just stares at me "Im..... I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled." I apologize. Carl nods as he stands up. Carl runs inside of the prison as everyone starts talking about how they need to get stuff for the baby. "Baby im going inside." i tell Madie. She nods as she sniffles "Ill watch her while you go get him." Beth says. I nod "Thank
You." i say. I run inside the prion and hear yelling then things being thrown around from me and Carl's cell. I run up stairs "Fucking hell!" Carl yells as he slides his back down our cell wall. Everything was thrown everywhere but my things.Carls bags were spread out everywhere with his clothes falling out of them. "Fucking mom is gone and i was so mean to her and now your gonna fucking shut me out and your mom is gone and now your probably gonna leave with Madie because you have none of your family over here any more and.....and....." Carl cries as i walk kneel down next to him. "Carl im not going to shut you out, and me and Madie we aren't leaving" i say as i cry myself. Carl shakes his head "Why would you stay? This place isn't as fucking safe as they say it is i know and so do you." Carl says. That was true this place daddies wasnt as safe as everyone betrayed it to be. "Baby im staying because of you. Carl i cant leave you. I love you" I say as I move myself onto Carl's lap. I wrap my arms around his neck "Do you love me?" I ask Carl. He places his hands on my hips as he nods "Of course i do. I love you so much." Carl says. I kiss Carl's lips softly. "You and Madie are the only people I have left." i whisper. Carl sighs "I know baby and im sorry about that." Carl sighs. Carl kisses my lips over and over agin till he just gives me one big fat kiss. "I love you. Please don't ever leave me." Carl says. I kiss his lips "Don't give me a reason too and i wont have too." I whisper. Carl blinks his eyes "My eyes hurt" Carl whines. i nod "Mine do too." i say with a sigh. I started getting tears in my eyes agin "No no no baby come on Carol wouldn't want you to cry. She's with mom now they are both somewhere better."Carl shes gone. Both of them." i cry. "I.....I know Elana." is all Carl can say. I bury my face in his chest as tears come from my eyes. "Nanny." i hear Madie call out. I quickly look up and see her standing in front of the cell "What happened?" She asks. I look at her. Her little eyes were red and she had snot all over her shirt. "Nothing Madie" i say as i walk over to her. "Nanny im tired and sad." Madie pouts. I nod "I am too princess" I say as i pick her up "Lets get you changed and take a nap." I say. She nods "Is Aunt Carol really gone?" Madie asks. I nod slowly "Sadly yes babygirl." i reply. "And Lori...... is she gone like Aunt Carol?" Madie asks. I nod "Yeah, yeah she is." I say. Madie frowns "Oh...." I nod and bring Madie to her cell. I placed her down and grabbed her bag. "Lets change that yucky shirt." i say as i grab a shirt and tickle her belly. She giggles a little then puts on her shirt. Carl walks in and i smile a him lightly. "Nanny can you can Carl sleep with me in my cell tonight?" Madie asks. I look at Carl "Uh..... yeah im fine with that" Carl says. I nod "Okay." i say as i brush her pretty long hair out of her face. Madie pulled Carl and put him sitting on the bed then me. We laid down and she laid down next to us. "Madie it's not even night time yet." I say. "Yeah but i want a nap" She says as Carl pulls a blanket over us. Madie nuzzles her head into my chest and closes her eyes as Carl did the same but to my back. I smile "Night my babies." i say with a smile. Carl kisses my back "Night my princess." Carl says. "Night!" Madie giggles. She soon fell asleep and so did Carl. Today was the worst day ever, but i guess i have to be thankful that i still had my babies and a new part of our family.

Heroes (A Carl Grimes fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz