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Elana's P.O.V.

"This is the supplies Maggie and Glenn were suppose to get." i say as i look through the bag of stuff this woman brought. "Yes. Like i said she said she saw this guy named Merle take Maggie and Glenn. The woman said this guy isn't good and cant be trusted so Dad, and Daryl will go with one of the prisoners and the woman to get Maggie and Glenn." Carl explains to me. "Nanny is Maggie and Glenn gonna be okay?" Madie asks from the spot she was playing with her my little pony horses. "Of course sweetie." I lie. I honestly didn't know if they would be okay or not. The woman was lying on the ground as Hershel check her because she had gotten stabbed in the leg. "Ma'am. I need to get your name." i say "Can you give it to me please?" I ask. The woman stares at me "Okay so im gonna take that as a no." i sigh as Beth takes the baby from me. "Ill make things easier on yall." she says. I nod "She got shot." Hershel explains. Carl stands next to me and grabs my hand. I lace our fingers together then Carl brings my hand up to his lips. Carl smiled as he kissed my knuckles and i watched him. I smile "I love you." i whisper to him "But now isn't the time to get lovey dovey babyboy." I whisper. Carl smiles "I love you too and I know I just wanted to do that." Carl says. A smile spreads across my face "Because we got into a fight your trying to make it up to me." I whisper. Carl looks at me "Yeah a little" he whispers. I kiss Carl's lips then move my lips to Carl's ear "We were both in the wrong so we will make it up to each other later, when all of this is settled and were alone." I whisper in Carl's ear. Carl grabs my waist to keep me in my spot in front of him. "I love you." He tells me agin. I of course reply with "I love you too" and yet agin anther smile. The woman was scared you could tell. Rick took all her weapons which was a single katana. The woman tried to reach for it and i quickly grabbed it as Carl let go of my waist. "We cant let you have it till we know who you are. Look i know we probably seem scary because you don't know us but i promise we wont hurt you." I say and then notice Carl had his gun out pointed at her "Carl I just told her how we wont hurt her and you point a gun at her! Put the gun back you dumbass!" i say as i place the woman's weapon on the other side of the room. "She was going for her weapon! Im sorry." he says and puts his gun back into his holster. "Shes right we wont hurt you unless you try something stupid first." Rick explains to the woman. She looked like she was gonna pass out and she was holding her leg "We need to lay her down. Carl." i say and Carl looks at me "Baby go get me a blanket please?" I ask. Carl nods and quickly gets me a blanket. He runs back and lays on the floor. We laid the woman down "Who the hells this?" Daryl asks as he walks in. "We dont know her name but we found her outside the fence." Carl says and explains to Daryl what happened. "Wanna tell us your name?" Rick asks the woman. She stays quiet "Rick you might wanna come see this." Daryl says and brings him into our cellblock. "Everyone come on. We will keep her in here. Carl you have the keys lock it up." Rick says as everyone grabs there things that we had in our new 'kitchen' sorta place or 'dinning room' which ever one you want to call it. We all put our stuff in our cell block and Carl locked up the bar door. I wrap my arms around his waist from behind and kiss Carl's back. Carl grips the bars with his hands as I rub his back and shoulders then up his torso with my hands. "Now what?" I ask him. Carl pressed his forehead against one of the bars. "I don't know. I guess we see what Daryl wanted to show Dad." Carl says. I nod as I continue to rub Carl's back and shoulders and stuff. I looked through the bars and at the woman "She doesn't seem to want to hurt us." I say. Carl nods "We still have to be careful though. I don't want you next to her by yourself. You can only go next to her with me, Dad, or Daryl." Carl tells me. I nod "I promise." I kiss Carl's back agin. "I love when you do this." Carl sighs. I smile "Do what?" I ask teasingly. Carl smiles and turns towards around to face me. He presses his back against the metal door bars. "When you get really lovey and stuff and you just show me love and get all cuddly with me all the time. You do it a lot and i love it." Carl says. I smile as i wrap my arms around Carl's torso and kiss his jawline. "I love doing it." i whisper to Carl. Carl smiles and kisses my lips. "Come on lets go see what dad is up to" Carl says. He goes to guide me to his dad but i stop him. "Wait" i say. Carl looks at me and i grab his face in my hands and kiss his lips. Carl smiles then kisses me over and over agin on the lips. I giggle when he pulls away "All good?" Carl asks me. I nod and we go find Rick and Daryl. We walked into Daryl's cell and I smile at my mom. She hugs me and i hug her back "I thought you were gone." i tell her. "Im fine." Mom says as she pulls away. Carl smiles "Thats good." he says with a nod. I smile and Rick does too. "Lori had the baby." Rick says. "Daryl told me. Whats the baby?" Carol asks. "It's....It's a girl." Rick says with a proud smile. Carol hugs Rick "Shes my babygirl." he says. "Wheres Lori?" Carol asks as she looks at the baby. Rick frowns and so does Mom "Oh.." She says her voice full of sorrow. Carl frowns and I rub his back with my hand. Carl got tears in his eyes and shook his head lightly "Hey it's okay." I tell Carl and kiss his cheek. Mom pats Carl's shoulder "It's gonna be okay." Mom says as Carl lets a few tears slip from his eyes. "Baby boy don't cry." I say as i wipe his tears "Your gonna make me cry. I hate seeing you cry." I tell Carl. Carl nods "Im sorry." he apologizes. "For crying? Carl don't be sorry for being sad. If you have to let it out it's okay. Ill be here for you." I tell him. Carl smiles and hugs me tightly. "Ill be here for you when you need a tight hug too i guess." i giggle as i hug Carl back. He smiles and lightly laughs then kisses my cheek. Carl held me close as mom took the baby from Beth and held her close "She's adorable. Looks like you Carl." Mom says. Carl smiles "She has his adorable nose." i tell mom. Carl blushes and i giggle at him. "Hey im gonna go downstairs and get a bottle of water. Want something?" I ask Carl. He shakes his head "Ill miss you." Carl says. "We are not being one of those couples!" I laugh as i walk out of the cell. Carl follows me as he laughs too "I know, I know." Carl tells me as i smile "We'll be one of those bad ass couples, who do bad ass shit together and you'll look so hot while doing it." Carl says and pinches my butt. I gasp "Carl!" I say with a giggle. Carl smiles and kisses my lips "You know we will be." Carl whispers to me and i nod "I do." I smile and push Carl back into the cell. I grab a water bottle and see the woman smiling at me. "What?" I ask. She shakes her head "You and that boy. What are yall?" She asks. "Dating." i tell her. "Your relationship is adorable. I love how much you care." the woman compliments. I smile as I hold my water bottle "Thank you." i say. Carl appears next to me "What are you doing?" He asks. I look at him "Im sorry i know you don't want me talking to her but i had too." i say "She thinks our relationship is adorable. Isn't that so sweet!I hope everyone thinks that about our relationship." I say. Carl smiles "Of course it is princess, but you know we don't know her so we have to be carful." Carl explains. "I know its just i thought why not talk to her because shes locked up and cant hurt me and she will get lonely." Carl nods "Okay, but if my dad asks we didn't say a word to you." Carl says. The woman nods "My lips are sealed. I just wanted to say how i thought you two were adorable together." the woman says. "Well thank you ma'am." Carl says. I smile "Manners much?" I ask. Carl playfully hits my shoulder "Shut up you!" Carl says. I laugh and so does he. Rick comes in and starts to walk to the door to go see the woman. I take a sip of my water and the woman plays it off as if she never even looked at us. "Lets go see Madie she went upstairs to play with her dolls and stuff." Carl says. "Watch this is easier." i say and run towards the stairs. I stop at the bottom of them "Madie! Aunt Carol is back!" I yell. I hear a little gasp then Madie runs out of her room. She runs down the stairs and past me "Where?" She asks. I grab her hand "Over here." i say and bring Madie to Momma. Mom smiles at her "Hi Madie." mom says as
She rocks back and forth with the baby. "Aunt Carol! Nanny said you were dead." Madie frowns. "Well she had every right to think i was dead but I'm not." Mom explains. Madie sat down next to mom who was sitting on her bed. Madie looked at the baby "Nanny is this Carl's baby?" Madie asks curiously. "No but she is my baby sister." Carl says. "Carl when will you have a baby?" Madie asks. Carl looks at me and places a hand on my stomach "When I'm older, I'm gonna have a baby with the girl I love and that baby is gonna be in here." Carl says. He kneels down to my stomach and lifts up my shirt "In Nannys belly?" Madie asks and Carl nods "Yep. Right there." Carl says and pokes my stomach. I smile at the thought of a family with Carl when were older. "Would that be okay with you?" Carl asks me. I smile with a nod "Perfect." i tell him. Carl smiles and pulls my shirt back down. "So Nanny your baby and Carl's baby would be the same baby?" Madie asks. I nod "Yeah. The baby would be part me and part Carl, like your part Mommy and part Daddy." I explain. "How do you make a baby?" Madie asks. I look at Carl and he looks at me then i look at mom. "Well you have to have two people who love each other very much, and if they both want a baby then the baby will start to grow in the mommys belly." Carl says. I nod "Exactly" I say. Madie nods "Oh okay." she says. Rick walks in "Carl i need you to watch everything while I go get Maggie and Glenn. They've been taken by some man calls himself The Governor. They may be at this place called Woodbury. Were taking the woman and were going look for them." Rick explains. Carl nods "Yeah. I got everything under control over here." Carl reassures his father. "Okay ill tell you when we leave. Right now we have to get some guns and stuff together.I do need you and Elana to go in there with Hershel and watch the woman make sure she doesn't do anything." Rick says. Carl nods "Okay sweetie we gotta go. Your gonna have to stay with Aunt Carol for a little while." Carl tells Madie. She nods as she still looks at the baby. Me and Carl go to the room where the woman was and Carl watches her carefully with his hand next to his gun the entire time as Hershel fixed up the woman's leg. "Carl stop death glaring her. Your scaring her." i whisper to Carl as he glares at the woman. The woman sorta looks at him then looks away then looks back and then away agin every few minutes. "She could be bad Elana." Carl whispers to me. "I know but still." i say. Hershel finished "Thank you." She says. Hershel nods "Your welcome." he says. Carl places his hand on his gun "Lets go." he say. Carl walks me and Hershel out then locks the door as Daryl starts to pack the car for them to leave. Carl decided to help and told me to just sit. He was carrying this really big bag out. "Trying to be a big man?" I tease Carl. He smiles "Zip it you!" he says as he goes to put the bag in the trunk of the car but couldn't. Daryl laughs "Let me help you little man." Daryl says and lifts the bag into the car. I smile and Carl looks at me "It's a really big bag!" Carl defends himself. I nod "I know I'm not judging its just cute how you tried." i say. Carl rolls his eyes and continues to help pack as i say on the stairs watching. The boys finished packing and everyone came outside to say goodbye. "Carl, Elana." Rick says and motions us to walk with him as he walked away from the group a little. "What you did that day Carl-" Rick starts off referring to Lori's death as that day and Carl cuts him off "I had too." Carl says "I know. I know and I'm sorry." Rick says. "And Elana I'm sorry you had to watch." Rick says. "I wasn't leavin Carl. I couldn't. He needed me." I say as Carl takes my hand in his with a small smile. "No one should have to go through what you two did." Rick says. I look at Rick "I think of you two as family already. Ya know like father-N-law and mother-n-law." i tell Rick. He smiles at me "And we think of you as out daughter-n-law, thats why your here for this conversation." Rick tells me. I smile and so does Carl as he kisses my temple. "How long will you be gone?" Carl asks. Rick shrugs "Look if somethings happens while Im gone-" carl cuts Rick off "It'll be alright." Carl says. "If anything happens you two get everyone locked in their cells keep them all safe." Rick says. Carl nods and squeezes my hand "We will." he reassured his dad. "I know, i know you two will." Rick says. Carl nods as he looks down at our hands. "Take care of your sister. All right?" Rick says as he places his hand on Carl's shoulder. Carl nods and Rick pulls his hand away. "Daryl's been calling her Ass Kicker." Carl says. Rick stops as he goes to walk away "Ass Kicker?" He laughs slightly. "Has he now?" Rick asks. Carl takes a deep breath in "Ive been thinking of names for her but i just don't know. I mean i have one." Carl says. Rick nods "What is it?" Rick asks. "Well remember my third grade teacher? Her first name was Judith and i thought that one was g-good." Carl says. I smile "I like it." i say. Carl smiles and so does Rick "I do too." "So?" Carl asks. "Judith Grimes." I say and kiss Carl's cheek "Told you you would find a name for her." I say. "Well dad what do you think?" Carl asks. "It's perfect Carl." Rick smiles. "Judith it is." Rick says. Rick walks with Carl and I to the car then leaves with everyone who was going which only left me, Carl, Judith, Carol, Beth, Axel who was one of the prisoners and Hershel. "Okay everyone inside." Carl says. I smile "Your gonna be just like your Daddy one day Carl Grimes.Your gonna be a leader." I smile. Carl nods "Am i that good at this leadering thing?" He asks as everyone goes inside. He locks the door "You are good." i say. Carl chuckles as he grabs me by my waist. "Im the leader which means you have to do what I say." Carl says as he kisses my lips. "Well what do you want me to do?" I ask. Carl smiles "Come.." Carl pauses and I raise an eye brow "to our cell with me and just talk to me." Carl says. I smile "Why?" I ask. "Because I like when you just talk to me." Carl says. I nod "Since you are the leader i guess ill do it." i say. Carl smiles and quickly brings me upstairs. He sits on our bed and I sit down in front of him. "So?" I ask. Carl nods "Your mom is back." Carl says. I nod "Yeah. It's crazy. I thought..... I thought she was gone." i shake my head. "I thought i was gonna be alone, last of my family." I whisper. "I wish my mom would come back." I hear Carl whisper. I look up at him to see him with a frown on his face and once agin tears in his eyes. "Carl, I'm so sorry that she cant come back." I tell him. Carl's tears start to fall onto our bed spread. I move from my spot and towards Carl. I sit on my knees and wrap my arms around Carl's neck. "Come on my strong little leader don't you cry, you know it's not what she would want." I tell Carl. He hugs my waist and shoves his face into my neck. I kiss the top of Carl's head "What do you want me to do to make you happy?" I ask Carl. Carl shakes his head and hugs me tighter "Just....just stay with me." Carl breaths. "Please just stay with me. I need you." Carl tells me. I nod "Ill stay with you baby." Carl laid his head in the crook of my neck and i moved onto his lap. Wrapping my legs around Carl's waist. Carl pushed me against him making sure there was no space in between us. Carl had his head laying in the crook of my neck as he fell asleep and I couldn't help but smile. Beth walked in "What happened?" She asks quietly. "He got upset about his mom and said he wanted me to stay with him so I did." I say. I move Carl's head and loosen his grip on my waist. Carl whimpers "Please don't leave." Carl begs with his eyes still closed and half asleep. "Shh, it's okay pumpkin I'm just moving you so you can be more comfortable. Im not going anywhere i promise." I tell Carl. I move him to lay down on the bed as i take his hat off his head and place it on his bag. Carl's head lightly hits the pillow and he reaches out to me with anther whimper. "Im coming baby just hold up." i giggle. "Do you want your shirt off?" I ask Carl. He nods "Are you gonna make me take it off because your tired?" I ask. Carl nods and I roll my eyes. I take Carl's shirt off for him as he yawns and lay him back down.Next I pulled the blanket over Carl then slip into bed with him. "Is he gonna be okay?" Beth asks with a slight laugh. "He will he's just a big baby when it comes to me not being with him when he wants. It's really cute though so I'm not complaining." I say as Carl wraps his arms around my waist once agin pulling me towards him making sure there was no space in between us. Carl hid his face in my chest and quickly went back to sleep. Beth and I talked for a good while till Carl woke up. "Mornin sunshine" I smile. Carl sheepishly smiles. "Did you sleep good pumpkin?" I ask. Carl nods "I....I gotta go check on everything." Carl says. He stretches and Beth turns away "Please put on a shirt boy my gosh only Elana wants to see that!" Beth says just to mess with Carl.Carl smiles and i kiss his cheek "Thats right, and i better be the only one who gets to see you like this. Your mine no one else's." I tell Carl. Carl nods as he stands up "Beth can you uh.... go? I have to change." Carl says. Beth nods "Yeah im going now goodbye." Beth says and quickly leaves. I laugh at her as Carl changed. "Talk to me baby your so quite." I whine. Carl laughs as he zips his pants up and throws a shirt on with his hat. "I have to go check everything. Please come with." Carl tells me. I smile with a nod. We checked everything out and everything was good so we went with Beth in her cell. She was holding Judith and Axel was watching her. Carl pulled me next to him and glared at Axel. Carl still wasn't liking the prisoners. "Be nice." i warn. Carl looks at me then looks at the ground. "Your good with her. Have any younger siblings?" Axel asks. "No." Beth says. Carl crosses his arms over his chest as he looks at Axel and steps sorta in front of me. Carl stared long and hard at Axel and sorta stayed standing in front of me as Axel talked to Beth. "How old are you anyway?" Axel asks Beth. "Seventeen." Beth says. Axel looks at me "And you little miss?" He asks. "Thirteen." i say. Mom walks in to the cell and looks at Axel. Guess she was listening. "Seventeen interesting." Axel says with a smile. My mouth drops. This perv was trying to get with someone and the only one he thinks he can get with is Beth! That's disgusting! I grab Carl's arm and hide more behind him. Carl grabs my hands from behind "May I speak with you?" Mom asks Axel. "Me?" He asks and Momma nods. Axel leaves with Carl "Sick perv." I say in disgust. "For real." Beth says and crinkles up her nose. "I don't like him, thats why i pushed you behind me" Carl says. I nod "Elana Judith wont go to sleep for me will you try?" Beth asks. I nod and take Judith into my arms. I tried getting her to go to sleep but she just wouldn't so I got Carl to try but that didn't work ether so Hershel took her. Me Carl and Beth went sit on the staircase and reload some clips with bullets. I was sitting one step up higher then Carl and sitting behind him. Carl looks up at me and smiles "Hi pumpkin" I say with a smile. Carl kisses my lips "Hi baby." Carl says. I giggle as Hershel walks in "Finally got Judith down." Hershel tells us. I smile with a sigh of relief "Thank god. That could've gotten bad." I say. Carl nods "Thats true." he agrees. "Do we have enough formula?" Carl asks. "We have enough to last us anther month." Hershel explains. Carl nods "Ill take Carol for some more at the end of the week. Elana you'll stay here and make sure everything is okay." Carl says. "Carl, your dad and all will be back by then." Beth says. Carl looks at her "We don't know that." Carl says. I put my hands on his shoulders "Right now Judith is the only family I got." Carl says as he leans back onto my legs. I lean down "You still have your dad" I tell Carl as i rest my chin on his shoulder. "No I don't. Have you seen how he has been these few days?" Carl asks. I frown and kiss Carl's cheek "You know you will always have me right?" I ask. Carl nods "I know." he says as i wrap my arms around his neck from behind "Good" i say. We started hearing screaming "What was that?" I ask as I stand up. "That was screaming from the inside." Hershel says. Carl stands up and runs over to the door with his gun "Carl you cant just leave!" I say as i run towards him to stop him. "Dad put me in charge here. If he were here he would check it out, he would want me to check it out Elana. You have to let me in order to keep you Madie and Judith safe." Carl explains. "You know how i have to do this Elana and I know how you don't want me to because your scared your gonna lose me,but i promise you wont. Plus you want me to be a leader like my dad one day right? Im gonna have to be the leader when dad dies or goes even more crazy then he already is so i have to do this," Carl says. I bite my bottom lip as the screaming continues "Come with me." Carl says. I nod and grab his hand as he unlocks the door "Heres the keys open the door when we come back. Lock it when we leave." Carl says as he hands Hershel the keys. "Be carful" He says and we nod. Carl and I excited our cell block and followed the screaming. "Stay close." Carl says then he grabs my hands and places them on his gun holster. "And don't let go of me." Carl tells me as he holds his gun up. The halls were dark so Carl had to use his flash light. I held onto Carl's holster tighter as the screams got louder. "Carl." i whimper. "Shh, it'll be okay Elana." Carl reassures me as we got closer. The hall we turned down looked sadly familiar and i knew where we were as we approached that horrible room i knew. It was the one Lori died in "Carl we shouldn't be here." I tell him. Carl goes to reach for the door when i hear a groan then something pushes me up against the wall. A walker was growling at me and trying to bite me. "Carl!" I yell as the walker tries to rip my skin out. I push the walkers jaws away from my shoulder which it was obviously trying to bite. A bullet flies through the walkers head and it falls to the ground. I take a deep breath in and out. Carl runs towards me. "Are you okay?" Carl asks. "Im fine but we have to go." I say. Carl nods and we run towards the screams. We run into this room with a bunch of people in it and then those people killing walkers. I looked at Carl "Carl we have to help." I tell him. He nods "I know" he says as he starts to shoot some of the walkers. I pull out my gun and shoot the rest of them. The people look at us. There was a bigger dark skinned man and woman,then a man holding a woman who groaning in pain with a boy not much older then me and Carl next to him. More walkers started coming "Come on!" Carl yells at them. The people look at each other then decided to follow me and Carl. "When we get there we don't let them in the cellblock." Carl tells me. I nod as the people continue to follow us and we reach the 'dinning room' that we keep everyone in apparently now, but we still eat in. I really don't know what to call this place anymore. We eat in it, but keep people in it, and also use it to exit the prison sometimes. You know what ill just stick with 'dinning room.' Carl shut the dinning room door and locked it to make sure no walkers could get in. He grabbed my arms "Are you sure your okay?" Carl asks as he checks me. "Im fine Carl." I say and place a hand on his cheek "Im okay." I tell him. Carl nods and i give him a quick peek on the lips. Carl quickly looks at the people and grips his gun in his hand. As they lay the groaning woman on the ground. I think she's bit. "Oh god! Dana! Is she dead?" A man asks. I guess thats her husband. Carl walks over to her and i follow him. She had a bite mark on her arm. I frown "Carl she's gonna die and turn." i whisper. "I hate to say it but we have to do something." I whisper to Carl. He nods "I know." Carl says. The woman stopped breathing and Carl pointed his gun at her head "Ill take care of it" Carl tells them. "Woah,woah kid." The dark skinned man stops Carl. "Look she doesn't have long we have to." I explain. "Im sorry." i say. "Who the hell are you? How'd you get in here? Who are you with?" The dark skinned woman asks. "Look Im sorry but we cant tell you that." I say. Carl nods "Shes right we can't, but i can tell you we can help you." Carl pauses and looks at the woman "First things first." he finishes. "No we take care of our own" The dark skinned man says. I nod "We can accept that." i say. Carl nods as he grabs my hand in his. The boy started crying and the woman ran over to comfort him. I guess the woman lying on the floor is his mom. The woman's husband kisses her forehead and I frown. Carl does too "That will never be us right?" Carl asks in a whisper. I shake my head "I hope to god it never is." I breath. The man places a rag over the woman's head. I hide my face in Carl's arm. "We gotta go while they ate distracted." Carl whispers. I nod as me and Carl slowly walk towards the doors for our cell block. Hershel sees us through the bars and quickly unlocks it. We slip in then lock the door shut. The people hear and look at us "Hey. What are you doing?" The woman asks. She walks towards the door "Kids did you just lock us in here?" The bigger man asks. "Open the door." The woman says out of breath still from running just like everyone else. "This room is secure. You'll be safe.You have food and water" Carl explains. The woman steps up to the door and grabs the bars "Open this door right now." The woman says. "I cant do that. Im sorry." Carl apologizes. "We aren't animals. Don't do this." The woman says. I couldn't help but feel bad. I grabbed Carl's arm and he wrapped it around my waist. "Hey you cant just leave us in here open this door!" The woman yells and hits the door which makes a loud bang ring through out the cellblock. I jump and Carl just stares at the woman. "Open it now!" The woman yells. "Sasha!Back away from the door and let the man go." The bigger man says and grabs the woman who i am assuming in Sasha. "Nanny." i hear Madie call out softly. I look at Madie "Madie go back to your cell Nanny and I will be there in a second." Carl says. "Look around you. its the best we've had in....weeks. His house." The bigger man tells Sasha. "We promise you'll be safe." i tell them. The man nods "We don't want any trouble" He says. Carl nods "Come on Elana." Carl tells me and brings me upstairs to Madie's cell. Madie was sitting with her dolls. "Is everything okay?" Madie asks. I nod "Yes. Carl just has to act like Rick for a little while and he's gonna need my help so your gonna have to be a little patient with us okay sweetie?" I say. Madie nods "So Carl is like the leader for now?" Madie asks. "Exactly." i say. Carl smiles "Thats so cool!" Madie says. Carl nods "Yeah it is. Now you need to get your butt in bed." Carl says and I nod "You do." i agree with Carl. Madie nods as she picks up her toys "Yes sir." she picks up her toys then lays down in bed. "I want Carl to tuck me in." Madie says. Carl smiles and tucks Madie in. He kisses her forehead and so do I "Night Madie." Me and Carl say. "Good night." Madie says as we walk out of her cell. "Lets get some sleep ourselves." Carl says. I nod "Yes Mr.Leader." i joke with Carl. We smiles "Shut up" He laughs as I bring him into our cell "Why? I think it's cute." i smile. I grab my clothes and Carl's. "Get changed." i say as i take his hat and place the old sheriffs hat that has gone through everything with us on Carl's bag. Carl watches me take off my shirt and put on my new one "Enjoy watching perv?" I ask with a smile. Carl smiles "I enjoy watching very much." he says. I smack his chest playfully and he starts to get changed. After we changed. "Okay so you told me to shut up for calling you a leader. Why?" I ask agin. I lay down on our bed and Carl lays down next to me. "Because I could never be a leader" Carl shakes his head. "Carl Grimes why would you ever say that?" I ask. Carl looks at me "Elana who wants a person who hears god damn voices in their head to be someones leader?" Carl asks harshly. "You can stop them Carl you can you just don't! The voices are only your fears and insecurities, you are the only one who can really stop them, im just a distraction too you." I tell him. "I cant just stop them Elana!" Carl
stands up from the bed and starts pacing around. "Yes you can Carl." I stress to Carl. Carl rakes his hand through his hair "Elana what if something happens to dad on this thing? I cant be leader! I....I couldn't do that." Carl says. "But Carl, you might have too." I tell him. Carl frowns and I open my arms up signaling for him to come see. Carl lays down and lays half his body on mine. He places his head on my chest. "Look one day your dad wont be here anymore and they will expect you to step up because your his son, but I promise i will help you with it." Carl nods "I just don't feel like i could ever be a leader. I feel like i would let everyone in the group down somehow." Carl explains. I shake my head "Of course you wouldn't baby." I argue "You wouldn't let any one down. If you because a leader one day you would be the best leader there ever was. End of conversation." I tell Carl. Carl nods "Okay. Okay." he says. I grab his chin with his fingers lightly then make him look up at me. I kiss Carl's lips and smile as I pull away "Still using my chapstick?" I ask Carl. He smiles with a shrug "I had too!" He says. I giggle and kiss his lips agin. "I love you" I repeat to Carl over and over agin in between little kisses i started giving him all over his face. I gave Carl one big kiss on the lips and then climbed on top of Carl "I love you." i whisper to Carl as i straddled his lap. Carl smiles "Your so beautiful." Carl complements me as he places his hands on my waist. I smile "And your so handsome." I complement Carl. I lay down on top of Carl and he wraps his arms around me. He places his hands on my butt and just leaves them there. "Your hands enjoying where they are?" I ask Carl as he shoves his hands into my back jean pockets. "Very much.You have a nice butt." Carl smiles. I laugh and shake my head "Lets go to bed you goof ball." I smile. I throw a blanket over us then snuggle up to Carl. He kisses the top of my head "Night Princess." Carl whispers to me. "Night my lovable leader." I say. Carl smiles "You could do it one day i know you can and you will." I tell him before i close my eyes. "Yeah I know i can." Carl sighs. "I love you." Carl whispers to me as he kisses my temple. "I love you too" i say. Then slowly fall asleep with my new 'leader'.

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