Chapter 34

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*Keisha's POV*

Four Months Later

Moving to Mississippi was one of the best decisions Darrell and I could have ever made. We are literally in such a good place in our lives and the kids love their new school. We have adjusted (and still are adjusting) to this new life, but I love it. I do miss my family, but I am ready to expand my family.

I just found out that I am pregnant again. I feel like Darrell was doing this on purpose. He literally did not pull out not one time when we were having sex. I was relying on faith and hope that I wouldn't get pregnant, but the inevitable finally happened. I was surprising him when he got off work to tell him.

I thought about waiting till I got out of my first trimester, but I know how he barely was around when I was pregnant with the triplets. I want things to be different since we were in a better place in our relationship.

"Mama, I can't find my pants" Darnell yelled from his room. The kids can finally fully get themselves ready in the morning with only a outfit check from me.

"Look in your closet. I ironed them for the week" at their school, they wear uniforms which I love since I don't have to worry about constantly buying them clothes.

"Y'all stay yelling in the mornings" Darrell said coming into our room. He always goes running before work. It helps him "relieve stress".

"Shut up" I said smirking, sliding on my tennis shoes. I threw my hair in a ponytail while he walked in the bathroom to get a quick shower.

I peaked in Olivia's room to see her on her iPad in her khaki skirt overalls and light blue collar shirt.

"Come get your bookbag and lunch box Livvie" I said causing her to look up at me. She hopped off her bed and walked over to be holding my hand. I pray she always stays this close to me because as soon as she sees me, she wants to hug me or hold my hand.

We walked down the stairs and she skipped to the mudroom to get her bookbag. I walked to the kitchen to get the kids lunchboxes together.

"Darnell and Kendra come on!" I yelled. I looked at the clock on the microwave realizing that I don't have enough time to make breakfast.

"Mama, my belt" Kendra yelled running into the kitchen. Her belt was literally broken.

"Ken. What the heck? Go get Olivia's and hurry up so we can get breakfast" I said stuffing their lunch boxes.

"Bye children" Darrell said kissing Olivia and Darnell's head. "Bye baby, see you when I get off. I love you" he said kissing my lips.

"I love you too"

*Anari's POV*

"Heaven, you wanna come to the shop this weekend" Keenan and I agreed that Heaven and Nevaeh should alternate between us two. It had literally been good and has cut down on Nevaeh and Heaven's arguing. They still see each other on weekends and at school.

"I would, but daddy said he was signing me back up for dance Saturday. A whole month early" she mumbled putting her lunch in her lunch box.

"Alright baby, how's your friend Raymond?" Heaven has made her first middle school friend and it's a boy. I was skeptical of course at first, but I realized that he was just a little boy. His parents are barely around, so for the past four months, he is over our house the whole week that Heaven is with me. He makes Heaven happy, so all I gotta do is keep him away from Keenan and everything is okay.

"He's good. He's gonna miss me once again for the week while I'm at dad's"

"I know, but tell him that I will bring him dinner for the week" she nodded and we walked to the car. I was dropping her off with Keenan, so that I could get Kareem and Kyndall and take them with me to the salon.

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