Chapter 13

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*Keisha's POV*

Okay, since Kendra and Darnell think I don't do anything with them. I'm gonna prove them wrong. I'm gonna take them to the park and then we will go shopping then go out for ice cream. I'm only allowing them to miss this day of school so I can spend time with them because usually they go to school, come home, Kendra and Darnell play while Olivia stays with me, then they go to bed. No time for me.

"Hey mommy" Olivia said skipping into my room smiling. This girl has been nothing but smiles since I left Darrell.

"Hey babygirl. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I want bacon and pancakes" she said hopping on my bed.

"Okay baby. Ill cook the bacon and you can help with the pancakes. Deal?" i held out my hand.

"Deal!" she hi fived me.

"Okay go get the stuff out the fridge and sit it on the counter. I'll be down in 5 minutes" she nodded and ran to the kitchen. I had to get my own place when I left because I was getting tired of staying at my moms. I started renting a small three bedroom house. It was nice and cozy for me and the kids.

I walked to Kendra and Darnell's room and picked out their outfits for today

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I walked to Kendra and Darnell's room and picked out their outfits for today. I picked Kendra out a Pink peplum shirt with a cute fur vest and leopard print tights and black flats. I picked Darnell out a red jordan's shirt with some basketball shorts and black jordan true flights.

"Perfect!" I went downstairs and started to cook the bacon while Olivia watched at the island.

"Go wake your brother and sister up"

"Do i have to?" she asked pouting.

"Yes ma'am. Breakfast isn't gonna take a long time." she pouted and stomped to their room. Sassy little one.

A couple of minutes later, all three kids came and Kendra and Darnell sat at the Island.

"Goodmorning Nell and Ken" I said helping Olivia mix the pancake batter.

"Morning" they said in unison.

"When are we going home?" Kendra asked.

"You are home babygirl." I said putting the batter into the pan.

"No mom. With my dad"

"On Sunday like every other week. You know this" I said fixing their plates and pouring syrup over the pancakes.

"Well, I wanna go to school. Dad always lets us go to school. I love school" Kendra said. I know she knows she would be late for school if she was going today. It's about 9:45.

"Kendra you are not going to school. We are gonna have a mommy day."

"Well, can i call my dad?" Kendra said.

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