Chapter 10

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*Keenan's POV*

"Keenan, Darrell loves Anari. He always has. Ever since the accident he stopped loving me.. Really since I had the kids. It seems like they were really suppose to be together. She should have been the mother of his-"

"Keisha! Don't say that shit. Anari is my girlfriend. She doesn't love Darrell. She loves me. I'm going to marry her and she is gonna be the mother of my kids. So you can shut that shit right now." I said cutting Keisha off. There was no way I was just gonna sit here and let her say these things about Anari.

"But Keen, you know good and well like I know good and well that some love is there. Anari loves him and you just won't accept it." After that I got up and left my mom house. I was pissed. I know Anari would never do that too me.. Or would she.

I was on the way back to her house to apologize for yesterday that argument was unnecessary between me and Darrell. When I got to her house, I shot her a text saying I was here before knocking on the door. It was around 8 o'clock.

"Hey come in" she answered the door in some clothes like she's been somewhere.

"Hey baby" I tried to hug her but she just walked away. Now that's strange she would never not hug me.

"I just want to apologize for getting into an argument with Darrell yesterday. It's just..." we were sitting in her room. "I love you so much knowing that another nigga in love with you.. My mind only sees a red zone. I don't want anyone else in this world to have you but me. You my true love. I see you being Mrs. Anari Register. I see us having two more little ones running around the house. I would love to get back to how we used to be." I don't wanna seem like a punk or nothing but tears was really coming to my eyes. Anari got up and hugged me, kissing away the tears. I started kissing on her neck. "I miss you. Ya know sexually." she started to moan a little. "I wanna be inside you right now. I wanna show you how much I love you really." I took her bottoms off. "I want you to feel the deep love connection that we have always had.

I pushed her on the bed and got in between her legs. I started rubbing her clít while she rubbed her hands through my hair.

"Skip this. I want your díck inside of me now." she moaned.

"You don't gotta tell me twice." I slid my basketball shorts off and slid right into her wetness. It's been 5 years since I've had sex. 5 Long years. But one thing I do know is I've never had a weak moment. Anari was always on my mind.

*Anari's POV*

This is so wrong. I just had sex with Darrell and now I'm having sex with Keenan, but I couldn't say no cause then he would be asking me questions and I didn't want him to suspect that I love Darrell or anything. This also might be a good thing so I will know what to do. Which man do I feel an even deeper connection with sexually.

"I'm finna...-" I felt my orgasm reach the peek.

"Me too baby" here it comes.

"Oh shit Darrell" My juices flowed down his díck as he busted inside of me.

"What the fuck man? Nah fuck that" Keenan said. Wait I was confused.

"What babe?" he was putting on his clothes. "Keenan! What happened?" I said putting on a shirt.

" 'Oh shit Darrell' Are you serious? I love you with all my heart but we done Anari. I can't believe you." he said turning around with tears flowing down his face. "I can't" he got his keys and walked out.

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