Chapter 26

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*Keisha's POV*

"Mommy and daddy are going to be back next week okay?" I said sitting in front of the triplets.

"But why?" Olivia said.

"We have to go look for daddy a new job and mommy has to look for somewhere to work as well and look at new houses" I said. Darrell and I have never went anywhere out of town without the kids. They were staying with my mom for the week.

"Will you call us?" she asked yet another question. Kendra and Darnell were just sitting and watching. They pretty much are chill about the us leaving plus they like being at GiGi's house.

"Yes baby. Y'all will be so busy with GiGi that you will forget about we are gone" I said causing her to hop in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck. This little girl is still my mini me after all these years. Olivia and I are attached at the hip. She is really my broke bestfriend.

"Alright. Come on Keisha. We gotta be at the airport" Darrell said walking into the living room where I was.

"I'm ready" I said. "Alright Livvie. We gotta go"

"Can I come with you?"

"Olivia let ya mama go. Y'all go lay out your uniform so I can iron it. Give your mom and dad hugs" my mom said coming into the living room. Kendra, Darnell, and Olivia jumped up and hugged Darrell and I.

"Keisha they are five. They are definitely okay"

"Mama school by.."

"8:00. You act like I havent took care of them before. I got this down packed. I had the twins last week and now I got the triplets. Go!" she said basically pushing me out the door. Darrell walked behind her.

"Keisha why are you acting like our kids aren't lil g's"

"Because I know how Olivia is. You know how crazy she is about me"

"Yeah well... Your mom has everything under control, so stop stressing. I have this job interview that I am sure will go well. We will go look at houses and we have the interview at that one private school. You are also looking at a job. Everything will be fine" Darrell said causing me to sit back in my seat in his car.

I do need to stop stressing because what am I going to do whenever I move to another state. Well... I will be okay since all I will have down there is my little family.

"What are you thinking about over there?" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Just thinking about this next step in our lives. We are finally moving on and it is amazing, but I will miss the things that has happened up here"

"Yeah. The kids were conceived up here, but they can really grow up down south. I think it is great that we are moving while they are young like this" he said causing me to jump to another doubt that I have.

"Yeah. What if I don't like the job or the environment or what if you don't get the job.? Where does that leave us with moving?"

"Well, you can continue to search for spaces until you get one that you like. I'm already looking for me a job. Once I finish these classes, I got a couple for sure jobs lined up"

"We are doing this..." I said more to myself than to him.

*Anari's POV*

"Kyndall and Kareem. You know I'm fixing y'all bottles. Why are y'all crying?" I said shaking both of their bottles. Keenan was out getting dinner and the girls were getting their school things together for the week. Breastfeeding is fun and games until my boobs were sore each and everyday. I had to cut back on letting them latch on and just straight pump bottles upon bottles of milk.

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