Chapter 29

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*Anari's POV*

Pulling up to the house seemed... odd. It seemed like no one was home. I opened the garage and Keenan's truck was gone, but his car was still here. I pulled in beside it. I got out and walked inside. I'll get my bags later.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I called out walking upstairs to my room. I looked around and dresser drawers were opened. I looked in the closet and Keenan's side of the closet was clear which caused my breathing to get caught in my throat.

I ran to the girls' rooms and their dressers and closet was clear. Same with the boys. I ran back downstairs to the car to grab my phone. I called Keenan and he didn't answer. It went straight to voicemail.

I called Darrell.


"Keenan is gone. The girls are gone. The babies are gone. What do I do?" I said breaking down into tears.

"I mean you left them. You left them for a month and I guess Keenan took matters into his own hands. You have to see things from his point of view. You left him because of you reasons, but then again... he left because of his reasons and you can't fault him on that. You gotta understand"

"I guess, but how am I going to get in touch with him"

"I guess he will call you whenever he calls"

"How the hell am I suppose to manage now? I just got back right mentally. What do I do Darrell?"

"First, breathe. You will be okay. Take it slow. Call Mrs. Kim and Kristen. Keisha at work and I'm finna clean the house and prepare for my damage"

"Alright bye" I said hanging up. I dialed Keenan's mom, Kimberly's number.

"You have some nerve calling me" she said as soon as she answered.

"I'm sorry. I had to leave, but do you happen to know where Keenan and the kids are?"

"I do and I will not tell you. Just like you didn't tell them where you were. You will not know where my son is. You have done nothing but break his heart ever since you came out of that coma. He has been by your side when you cheated. He has been by your side when you had the twins. I mean you left him and he decided enough was enough. You have to understand where he is coming from... He is tired of being disrespected. He might call whenever he calls. Hell. I wouldn't" she said hanging up leaving me sitting there. She really just went in on me for no reason.

I was coming back. I would not have just left and never came back. I wanted a small break. One small break. Why do I keep fucking everything up?

*Darrell's POV*

"Daddy!" Kendra and Darnell yelled running to me. I was sitting on the couch watching Law and Order when Keisha came home with the kids. I had cleaned this whole house top to bottom. I cleaned the kids rooms too and washed all the laundry.

"I missed you daddy" Kendra said hugging my neck.

"I missed you too baby" I said kissing her forehead. Keisha and Olivia didn't come in the living room, but I heard them walking up the stairs.

"Where you been daddy?" she asked.

"Well... I have been traveling with your godmommy because she has been very sad and she wanted to get away and she asked me if I can come so she can be happy again" they both nodded.

"That was very nice dad. Mommy tells us all the time that we make her happy because we are nice, so you make me very happy" Darnell said. I shook my head at his logic, but I love it.

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