Chapter 11

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3 Weeks Later

October 8

*Anari's POV*

"Aye! Anari are you ready?" My dad yelled from downstairs. I was in my bathroom sitting on the floor. I had been throwing up ever since I woke up. I woke up, threw up, tried to eat breakfast and threw up. I don't underst... Well I do understand.

"Yeah dad I'm coming" I stood up slowly, brushing my teeth. We were going to Cedar Point, an amusement park in Ohio just two hours from Detroit, to enjoy Vanessa's fifth birthday.

I walked downstairs and seen everybody standing by the door waiting on me. Papa D, Darrell, Danielle, Daylen, my mom and dad, Vanessa, and Alexis. I sighed and just kept walking out the door shaking my head.

"Anari! What the hell is wrong with you?" my dad asked holding my hair as I threw up again. We were standing in line for a ride and I had the urge to throw up, so I got out of line and ran to the nearest trashcan. I guess my dad followed.

"I don't know dad" I said with my eyes tearing up. "I've been sick for a couple days now"

"Are you sure it aint nothing else?" I nodded. He sighed and pulled my into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him letting my tears fall. "You might just have a serious stomach bug and your crazy behind just didn't wanna stay home"

"I wanted to be here for Vanessa"

"She would have understood" I nodded.

"I'll just sit down on this bench. Go back in line and enjoy yourself"

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded and went to sit down as he walked back to the ride. I'm probably most likely pregnant. My period is late and I can't really keep anything I eat down. I shook my head at the thought as I waited. Once they came back, my nauseousness was gone. I think I can start back riding rides.

"Alright lil girl. I aint stopping no more. We have stopped.. what... three times since we been here for you to throw up" Papa D said.

"Yeah. We tryna have fun now" Alexis said folding her arms across her chest.

"Yeah. Maybe you should just sit out for the rest of the day." my mom said rubbing my back. I nodded my head and sat at the table, under the umbrella.

"We go with TiTi Diamond to some more rides" Danielle said. Her, Vanessa, Lexis, and my mom walked away to go get on more rides. My dad and my Papa D went to go get some ginger ale or sprite or something for me so I can settle my stomach. I was doing good for a lil minute then I thought it was okay to eat a corn dog, but it was not sitting right on my stomach.

"Darrell go ahead. I am okay" I looked up at him. He was standing up beside me just staring. He didn't have the kids because Keisha didn't want them around me right now.

"No you not Anari. I know you like the back of my hand" he sat down beside me, pulling me on his lap.

"This is your off day from the kids. Enjoy yourself." Tears began to build up in my eyes once again. I started calculating days in my head. I had sex three weeks ago, twice at that. I'm almost three or four days late. I'm pregnant, most likely.

"What's wrong babygirl?" he asked. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm pretty sure I am pregnant" I looked at the ground letting the tears escape out of my eyes.

"That is fantastic. Why are you crying? I'm-- no WE are gonna have a beautiful baby. Be happy." I slid off his leg shaking my head.

"It could be Keenan's baby too. We had sex the day after i had sex with you. Technically less than 24 hours." I said laying my head on the table. It got completely silent. It was like we were the only two people at this park and all I felt was his eyes on me again.

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