Chapter 20

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*Anari's POV*

"Man Anari look at me" I looked up from my phone. Keenan decided to take me out to dinner tonight and I don't know why.

"What Keenan?"

"I'm sick of you treating me like shit. This whole pregnancy I have done nothing but try to cater to you to my best abilities and you don't even let me do that. All I want is the best for you and my sons and you keep pushing me away. I miss being your man. Someone you can depend on and lean on for support. I miss being that person you told all your problems to." he grabbed my hands "I miss being your man. That  dude you came home to excitedly. That person you kissed and hugged on all day. Why you can't see that I love you so much and you won't let me love you"

I woke up from my sleep after having such a weird dream. I looked over at Keenan who was just sleeping peacefully. I can admit that I have been giving Keenan the cold shoulder for the past 7 months of my pregnancy and after having that dream, I want to change the way things are with us. The twins are coming whether I am ready or not and I have to really appreciate it to the best of my abilities.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up, surprised I did it on the first try. It usually takes a while since my stomach has grew so much since the gender reveal. I was huge now and I still had two more months of growing left to do. I still attend my classes at the college though. Its just slightly a struggle.

I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I decided I was going to cook a full breakfast for Keenan and the girls.

After doing my business, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and took out bacon, eggs, strawberries and blue berries, and pancake mix. As I was starting to cook the bacon, Heaven walked downstairs rubbing her eyes.

"Goodmorning Ma" she said sitting down at the island.

"Goodmorning Heaven. Wanna help me cook?"

"Sure." she stood up and walked over beside me and started cracking the eggs. I'm glad I taught my girls how to make basic foods.

"When is Alexis coming home?" I made her spend the weekend with our dad. I'm trying to get her to forgive them, but it is very hard for her and I'm trying not to force her. She just agreed to go stay with him and it is kinda good for her to be there with Vanessa. She has basically became our own little sister besides Laila. Speaking of Laila, I haven't even seen the lil baby since she was basically born, but it's all good. 

"She should be back tomorrow. Why? You miss her?" I asked jumping out my thought.

"Yeah. I miss her because she dances with me outside. Nevaeh is all 'lets see who can do the best back handsprings'. Like ew" I shook my head and laughed at her silliness. It's even funnier because that's really how Nevaeh is.

"Whatever Heaven because you know I'm the best at it" Nevaeh said walking into the kitchen. Here we go.

"Duhhh Vaeh. I turn you flip. I do arabesques you do toe touches. Its different" Heaven said taking the finished eggs out of the pan.

"Whatever" Nevaeh said starting to cut the tops of the strawberries off. "When's Lexis coming home again?"

"Sunday" I said laughing. After mixing the pancake mix, let the girls put it in the waffle maker. I actually didn't feel like making pancakes. "Vanessa might come with her if that's okay"

"Good! I miss her" Once we were done, we fixed everyone's plate and walked upstairs. I carried me and Keenan's plate and the girl's carried theirs. They ran back downstairs and grabbed our drinks, apple juice for me and orange juice for them.

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