Chapter 16

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*Anari's POV*

"Hey babe" Keenan said walking into our house.

"Hey baby. Guess what!" I said excitedly.


"I got the date of my salon's opening. I have a city inspector coming next week"

"Thats good babe. I seen the video of Kendyll walking that you sent me. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday he was just in your stomach." Keenan said sitting down beside me.

"I knowwwww!" I said back to him. I looked down at Kendyll and he was watching me braid his brother, Kareem, hair.

"Where the girls?"he asked picking up Kendyll.

"Heaven sick in her room. I didn't want the boys getting sick soo. I bleached everything in the house. Nevaeh in our room sleeping so its good." I said finishing the last braid.

"I'm so tired Kendyll. Ya daddy real tired so yall finna go to bed and imma smash ya mama okay. I know y'all wanna be big brothers" I threw the brush at Keenan, laughing. "I am finna go head and take a shower tho." Keenan said putting our son back on the couch and walking upstairs. I can't believe I had two boys. They are the absolute cutest kids ever.

I finished the braids and carried my two one year old boys upstairs to their room. I decided to give them a bath now. Kareem doesn't like baths. Kendyll just splashed Kareem everytime they get in the tub. All it does is make Kareem cry and scream.

I put them on their beds because somebody was knocking on the door.

"I'll be back Ka and Ky." they just smiled and went about their own little way. I went downstairs to the front door and looked in the peephole. I saw somebody who I never thought I would ever see in my life.

"I bet you thought i was dead" he said once i opened the door.

I woke up out my sleep out of breath. I got my phone and looked at the time. 6:45 a.m. My dream started off so good, how could something like that happen. I kinda hope that I will have a life like that without seeing the person.

I just went ahead and got up . Why Not? I started doing my GED work. I only have a couple more modules till I'm done.

*Diamond's POV*

"Laila Mae. Why you eat so much? You mommy's big baby. Yes you are" i said softly to Laila. I was feeding her for the third time today and she drinks her entire bottle everytime. I honestly forgot what it is like having an actual baby like a newborn baby. It's been nine years since I had one, so I am slightly rusty at it.

"Ma!" Alexis yelled walking into Laila's room. Vanessa followed her right on her heels. I'm so happy that Antonio is trying to care for her. She is the sweetest little girl and tries to follow Alexis every where she goes. I guess she isn't used to having a big sister like her.

"Yes Lexis? Don't yell anymore either" I scolded looking up from Laila.

"Can we go back to dad's house? I seen Lai" Her dad dropped them off this morning.

"Yeah. Call him. My phone in the kitchen." I hope she doesn't feel like I don't love her anymore. I'm trying to spread my love, but Lai is only a couple of days old.

"I just called Anari instead." Alexis said walking back into the room.

"Alright hun"

"Ma, why don't you talk to Mr. Marcus is honestly a nice man. We talked today before he left. He told me he's not happy with you talking to dad and being around dad the way you do and I may be 10 but I know how he feels. Ever since Lai was born the other day, it seems like you forget about me." she said breaking down. I never wanted my 10 year old to- WAIT 10. She was just 9.

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