Heartbreaker style [PART 2]

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Dat jaw tho


I slipped off my shoes heading for my bunk lazily, I carelessly tossed myself on it closing my eyes immediately even though I knew sleep wouldn't come. Regret was piled up inside me. I sighed heavily failing to succumb to sleep and pulled my phone out.

@Harry_Styles: Great show tonight. Incredible crowd, thank you again for having us. Much love. xx
I pressed tweet and almost immediately my phone blew up with countless Re-tweets, favourites and replies, and considering I had nothing better to do I decided to reply.


I grinned slightly as I tapped out a response.

@Harry_Styles: Thank you. . I think. Please stop yelling, you'll wake somebody. X

@Arabellaaaa: You broke my heart tonight harry. . .but I will always love and support you, I know that wasn't the real HS. X 💛

My heart stopped for a moment. That one fan that I was rude too. That one fan that we were all rude too. . could it be her? My heart pounded at the sweet message. . the guilt. .the guilt was real, it was heavy weighing on me. She looked to be about 18, she was timid and I saw the innocence lining her blue eyes. The reason we were all so horrible was because we just found out that we had a interview in two hours after the show, which meant no sleep. But that's no excuse. I pressed her follow button and went to DM her, what else could I do now?

Words can't tell how ashamed and sorry I am. Thank you, I hope you continue to support and love us. I'm going to need it to put up with this guilt. Sorry again. X

I pressed send and knew it wasn't nearly enough to make up for what I'd said. No way.

Your POV:

I had walked for the last. . God knows how long it'd been. I sighed pulling out my phone and stopping by a building to get wifi. Twitter. .twitter. .

I tapped out my heartfelt and honest tweet to harry, knowing he probably would never see it. .but it felt nice. I lazily trudged forward seeing a coffee shop up ahead. My body craved the warmth as I slipped inside. I sat down at a booth as my phone buzzed, I pulled out my phone nearly having a heart attack. Harry styles had followed me. . and sent a DM. I held my breath as I tapped on it to read it.

Words can't tell how ashamed and sorry I am. Thank you, I hope you continue to support and love us. I'm going to need it to put up with this guilt. Sorry again. X

Tears built in my eyes as my smile overtook my face. I knew that wasn't the real harry. I knew it! I tapped it thinking about what to reply with.

I knew that wasn't the real harry. . .but it's ok, I forgive you. And I will of course continue to support and love you . . And the boys. Don't feel guilty. x

I ordered a coffee after pressing send. I coudnt wrap my head around the fact that he'd apologised and also DMed me. I felt another buzz and my heart skipped another beat.

Thank you. Are you ok? Its getting dark. . . X

I pinched myself to see if this was real. It was, oh my god.

I'm ok. Just going to sit in this coffee shop and see what happened. . X

A few minutes passed when he replied again. I covered my mouth with my hand as I tried to hold in my squeal.

Which café? X

Brewin' a coffee. X

He stopped replying after that and I sighed heavily, sadly. My dreams just came true. .harry styles has just had a conversation with me. . .oh my god. I blinked furiously making sure this wasn't some intense dream. It wasn't.

"Excuse me?" My heart jolted as I looked up, my mouth falling agape as he slid into the booth opposite me. Je smiles softly.

"I am so sorry. Honestly, words can't describe . . .I. .I'm just shocked I spoke to a fan like that." Yep. Harry styles was sat opposite me. My subconscious was bouncing up and down and doing the salsa right now.

"I-it's ok, I get it. I understand your busy." I replied timidly. He shook his head adamantly.

"Come on, I'll drive you home." he stood up offering me his hand, and with that hand my life began.

A/N: YOO! So many asked for a part 2 so here Ya go! Hope you enjoy it!

REQUESTS ARE CLOSED- Just until o finish the ones that I've been sent 💋💋💋💋💋 ily ALLL too much xxxo

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